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Russo-Ukrainian War #32 - Early Anniversary Edition - anon.cafe is kill Strelok 01/11/2024 (Thu) 22:16:29 No. 1473
The site's going down but the war is still hot! Recap for the mouth-breathers who can't read threads not on the first page: >Ukraine has been getting their ass pounded in Avdiivka >Russians are getting their ass spanked while doing the pounding and they don't like it >Ukraine tried screamed "FUCK YOU" at Belgorod to make Russia stop fucking their ass >Russia told Ukraine "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" and started lobbing North Korean ballistic missiles (dubbed "Kimskanders") at Ukraine's military bases near civilian centers in retaliation, fucking up the civilian centers in the process >Ukraine screamed they were coming and forced conscription of women and children and started handing out papers to expats >People are expecting Avdiivka to fall >That turns on the Russians and they will either a massive push in Zaporizhia or re-invade Kharkiv while making Ukraine retreat back to their Kievan leather club two cities down >You are here Vid related. Thread theme.
>>1474 Why haven't the Abrams been committed to battle yet? Is it possible the Americans are putting pressure on the Ukrainians to not lose them like with the Leopard 2 and Chally 2? >>1477 I really miss 8chan's /k/ and I especially miss the Hungarian rifle grenade autist. >>1480 The administration on endchan is pretty good if someone wants to make a board there.
>>1483 He's still there. You can catch him either in the meta thread or his seasonal anime CyTube streams.
>>1481 >userbase is insufferable and would be constantly raiding a /k/ board What? There's fewer people there than here and there has never been raid threads there. If anything they get raided because loleron has all but abandoned the site outside of his shitty streams. Otherwise the handful of regular users don't seem bad to me.
>>1473 I am going to have some hearty chuckles if after all the trash talk, 8moe/k/ ends up being the most trafficked one.
>>1484 >Why haven't the Abrams been committed to battle yet? According to HistoryLegends, the Ukrainians were bitching and moaning that the tanks were gutted from the inside-out so they're basically just artillery pieces on tank tracks. One of the tanks allegedly didn't even have its radio set any more and at least 5 from the first batch had to be scrapped for repair parts for the others because they were in such poor condition.
>>1488 Are the US being that jewish when they have a literal parking lot of tanks to send to Ukraine?
>>1489 The Biden admin has proven itself incompetent at every corner when it comes to anything other than bussing in illegals, so it wouldn't surprise me. It also wouldn't surprise me if it was some contractor inbetween or some Ukrainian general who scrapped them for cash. It honestly wouldn't even surprise me if Ukraine was just outright lying at this point. However, I've seen enough incompetence in the government in recent years that I don't doubt it was option 1.
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Russians are apparently droning buildings in Nikopol (the town across the river from the NPP).
>>1484 >I really miss 8chan's /k/ and I especially miss the Hungarian rifle grenade autist. Anon, I have been there since day one, and I post on a nearly daily basis.
>>1476 >>1477 Well, I'm gonna miss you guys, I'll probably stop going to image boards all together, maybe just occasionally browse trough /fit/,/sci/,/tv/ and /ic/ on cuckchan.
>>1493 It's ok bruh, you'll still have me
>>1474 >but there are no news about forcing females to march to the front No need, in post-Soviet Ukraine front march to them. >>1492 post rifle grenades or gtfo I don't make the rules >>1484 >I really miss 8chan's /k/ >>1493 >I'll probably stop going to image boards all together A recurring thought/observation: seems the age of image boards is coming to a close. I'm not writing a eulogy here as I'm sure chans will be around, much like "forums" off their peak in late 90s/00s, just regressing back to their humble obscure beginnings. Maybe it's for the better.
>>1493 >>1495 You can always shitpost with me: >>60490
>>1493 Please don't go Serb fren.
>>1494 :3 >>1495 >recurring thought/observation: seems the age of image boards is coming to a close So what's the next step? I doubt something like Telegram can fill such a niche that image boards can. 8chan might have had its flaws but goddam 8/k/ was comfy. >>1498 I'll probably hang around untill light is switched off at this place. After that...well... it's been honor shitposting with you anons.
It looks like there is some kind of deal going on between UK and Ukraine to put British soldiers in Ukraine.
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>>1499 >So what's the next step? Like I said, too early for a eulogy, chans will be around. I'll probably take up >>1496 on his offer and see how that goes. >8chan might have had its flaws but goddam 8/k/ was comfy. Chans were comfy while irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, then from c. 2016 (US election) and things like >>59438 becoming trendy it got a little too real to ignore for the powers that be also a lot of boomers have retired or died since. Centrally hosted websites will always buckle under that kind of pressure, free speech has to be decentralized/distributed by nature and frankly image boards were never designed for that in the first place.
Switzerland has agreed to host a peace summit at the request of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. https://8chan.moe/news/res/191.html 'I confirmed that Switzerland is ready to organize the conference,' said Swiss President Viola Amherd >The leader of Ukraine arrived in Bern on Jan. 15 to meet with the country’s leaders and to attend the World Economic Forum’s gathering in Davos. His country has been at war with Russia since late February of 2022. >“I confirmed that Switzerland is ready to organize the conference,” said Swiss President Viola Amherd, per The Daily Mail. “We agreed that the details of the further approach will be looked into in depth in order to make this peace process a success.” >Amherd said Switzerland will “fight for long-lasting and just peace in Ukraine.” >“We would want the countries of the global south to be present, for sure, we would want China to be involved,” she said. >At the press conference, Zelensky said he wants “all countries that respect [Ukraine’s] sovereignty and territorial integrity” to be involved in the gathering when asked if Russian officials would be invited to the summit. >“We would like the Global South to be present,” he said, adding that he would like China to be involved, per Barron’s. “It is important for us to show that the whole world is against Russia's aggression, and the whole world is for a just peace.” >In a separate statement on X, Zelensky vowed to “discuss the return of Ukrainian children stolen by Russia, sanctions, ways to use frozen Russian assets, humanitarian mine clearing, financial assistance, and recovery.” >“I believe that Switzerland's participation in the Peace Formula, as well as its relevant experience, can help bring our vision of just peace closer,” he wrote. >As the second anniversary of the Ukraine-Russia conflict approaches, Zelensky is hoping to reignite support for his country. He promised that at least one million drones would be built and predicted the increased use of F-16 fighter jets during his New Year’s address. >“Next year, the enemy will feel the wrath of domestic production,” he said, per the BBC. >According to Foreign Affairs, “both Moscow and Kyiv are in a race to rebuild offensive combat power… While the first half of 2024 may bring few changes in control of Ukrainian territory, the materiel, personnel training, and casualties that each side accrues in the next few months will determine the long-term trajectory of the conflict.” >“The West in fact faces a crucial choice right now: support Ukraine so that its leaders can defend their territory and prepare for a 2025 offensive or cede an irrecoverable advantage to Russia,” the publication noted. >The United States Department of Defense announced on Dec. 27 it would supply Ukraine with a new security assistance package valued at approximately $250 million. >“The package includes air defense capabilities, artillery and antitank weapons and other equipment to help Ukraine in its continued fight to counter Russia's unprovoked invasion,” the D.O.D. stated in a press release. “The latest round of assistance marks the 54th drawdown of military equipment for Ukraine from DOD inventories since August 2021.”
>>1503 >2025 offensive lol
>>1503 >“We would want the countries of the global south to be present, for sure eh? Other than potential access to grain gibs, why would the browns care?
>>1505 An attempted onboarding by the third worldists of everyone, south of the equator, onto a coalition against the western hegemony.
>>1505 They want bantus to repopulate Ukraine and give them easier access to Poland.
>>1503 Is russia invited or is it just like last time? Like, I dont think negotiations are possible without both sides of the conflict. >>1507 Poles are already niggers .
>>1505 The global south is "upset" with Russia, but they're so angry at the Western overreaction that fucked up global trade that they've for all intents and purposes sided with Russia. Document leaks are suggesting Germany is preparing for WWIII right now haven't read the articles but that's what the headlines say so this is probably part of NATO consolidation to force countries to say "you're with us or against us." >>1508 Russia is explicitly not invited, so it's all meaningless. Ukraine is begging to suck Chinese dick because they need that motor industry back, but I doubt China will do much more than send an official delegation in order to humiliate Ukraine/Switzerland when they push the issue.
>>1509 >Russia is explicitly not invited lol wut? >The Swiss president underlined that the country will 'fight for long-lasting and just peace in Ukraine.' >Zelensky added: 'We are open to all countries that respect our sovereignty and territorial integrity at the peace summit.' >It is understood that Russia will not be invited to the conference. lmao, another circlejerk for gibs - business as usual. for a second I was worried about the global fuel supply for happening threads
>>1503 >>1508 >>1509 >peace summit to end a war >one of the two belligerents in said war is forbidden to come Why would anyone show up to this?
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>Russians very likely lost an A-50 AWACS over the Black Sea, either to friendly fire or Ukrainan SAM, IL-22 is confirmed to be damaged but limped back home. >Gonzalo Lira finally managed to taunt Ukrainians enough and got suicided by Ukrainan intelligence agents while in his cell. >Russians allegedly used around 2-3 million domestic artillery shells in 2023, another 1 million shells has been allegedly purchased from Norks >Positional battles continue around the front line, small gains on both sides, Russians seem to be fairing slightly better because UAF in still recovering from the failed Summer offensive. Either way,no side is able to wrestle clear advantage. >France is transferring another 40 SCALP long range cruise missiles to Ukraine >There has been increased talk about F16 batch being donated to Ukraine, some Ukrainan pilots already went trough F16 training. >Both sides are proping up their domestic military production in anticipation of a prolonged war.
>>1503 >We would like the Global South to be present "Global South" is an almost derogatory term. It's one step away from "the Poverty Belt". There's no way China would attend a summit except as a spoiler. >prepare for a 2025 offensive or cede an irrecoverable advantage to Russia He once again proves how he's assblasted that Israel is taking all the attention and funds away from his black hole of a nation as the world realigns to make it irrelevant. If the ruling party changes in America, peace talks will open almost immediately. If he bites the hand that feeds him and refuses to play along with whatever deal is made between the US and Russia, he'll be thrown in a shredder like a male chick.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sB943eRENs Neat footage of a T-90 versus 2 Bradleys, long video and pretty intense to watch. T-90 fails to hit the IFVs, 25mm auto cannons fail to penetrate armor but manage to disable the tank, crew allegedly survived
>>1474 > barely 18 boy from an orphanage who lost his life on the frontline, but he was a volunteer. Of course, it is quite likely that he was fed an unhealthy diet of propaganda, but that is quite a normal affair in a war. Or fed an unhealthy diet of orphanage food and figured he may live longer on the frontline, or at least will die with full stomach? >>1489 >>1490 Either or both. Who knows? Goods were send from someone who had a golden opportunity to scrap old stuff at full price, to someone who has a habit of selling missiles on black market in war time. It would be surprising if shit like that did not happen.
>>1513 >Schumer will not act to secure US border until GOP funds Ukraine war Biden is starting to pay lip service to securing the border, but it's just election year bullshit- It would be funny if he fired that Sephardi "Cuban" guy to sell the lie. We've all seen how this shit typically plays out, I'd put money on Ukraine gibs going through and zero meaningful border security. The corporate class and the defense industry are going to get exactly what they want.
>>1517 Actually it gets even better. Mexico's president is demanding American citizenship for 10 million illegals, an end to the Cuban blockade, an end to Venezuelan sanctions, and a $20 billion dollar bribe in exchange for dealing with the illegal immigrant problem on their side of the border. The Biden admin's response was "sounds good!"
The OP is lowkey retarded, I see

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