/islam/ - 8chan Masjid

"There is no god (worthy of worship) but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

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وَعَلَى اللَّهِ قَصْدُ السَّبِيلِ وَمِنْهَا جَائِرٌ ۚ وَلَوْ شَاءَ لَهَدَاكُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ - 16:9

Welcome to /islam/ Anonymous 08/31/2020 (Mon) 01:05:24 No. 1
بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ As-salamu'alaikum dear brothers and sisters, Welcome to the 8chan.moe Masjid. This board welcomes everyone to browse and post. This is the board where you can discuss about Islamic matters, seek knowlegde, learn about Islam and find support. Before posting, please familiarise yourself with the rules over at: https://8chan.moe/islam/rules.html We do not have an IRC channel at the moment. Contact B.O. at c64@firemail.cc Other /islam/ boards: 8kun: https://8kun.top/islam/ 9chan: https://9chan.tw/islam/ anon.cafe: https://anon.cafe/islam/
Edited last time by c64 on 04/30/2022 (Sat) 13:55:01.
>>1 Here's my (B.O.'s) PGP key -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Comment: User-ID: c_64 <c64@firemail.cc> Comment: Created: 31/08/2020 Comment: Expires: 31/08/2022 Comment: Type: 512-bit ECDSA (secret key available) Comment: Usage: Signing, Encryption, Certifying User-IDs, SSH Authentication Comment: Fingerprint: D9CB9EB1971A7053E37E3E75EEC3B78E831F8C95 mJMEX0zSaRMJKyQDAwIIAQENBAMEd2s8yFdeFi35QQWcW2Ff3TCaceGZ2J+NHcZ3 2h5AS9AW197ODecgm5hNL7LPzc7+31aHF3RhmsqFT5aGuIAkXiAi49YuETVtdxT5 crJNU7gtsuhG2XjwNC2GzUxc0ACTsdfQFmQWXSQVJ1D6OOi5qjTwX4o9T221ojij z/fDxoi0FmNfNjQgPGM2NEBmaXJlbWFpbC5jYz6I1gQTEwoAPhYhBNnLnrGXGnBT 434+de7Dt46DH4yVBQJfTNJpAhsjBQkDwe43BQsJCAcCBhUKCQgLAgQWAgMBAh4B AheAAAoJEO7Dt46DH4yV/BYCAKJmdBaNvrSGhQkwCpLFojWlaQeSTm76EDxV6xP0 9OEBmPEoxXOjP/25q37KJGqpU7iAKG48i2qmEXuQE4e9KZQCAIt6GlkAoO54Yvti OvpXfNIL/+L+DHgL9bgAEWhP1YlR2QSzDzM8231UZhCOCiep1NOCZfEBScxE+vm/ J/z8+RK4lwRfTNJpEgUrgQQAIwQjBADM+xRIxu7gnaraMC+xPBDypBGPMUK36HqD 0yHdd36AY/2ylFNAyTwyN4yQ+bBOgWZTQPA5NA7m9KHkxbffPC7EfQBTKbIu1wQ4 ONnkqadVl1zpc6P+zsjciXGaLPh0QLFwcqeYcmHsPiUR01+bwLTm5bgUAEbyMYDh zBWH/3NDp/YsnQMBCgmIvgQYEwoAJhYhBNnLnrGXGnBT434+de7Dt46DH4yVBQJf TNJpAhsMBQkDwe43AAoJEO7Dt46DH4yVGRMB/jk0D5m9MbNxqfqoWmTKsHJ/AHeo t4wExcJUTCZPwnQvhBuwd2mww7mcSuthuiLN5UluEMbBuIzB63fTkXpEdQAB/3Zt TtFswZHzX7HrSFG04vDfofp/UtM6Z4v9R3r88g4ctDsrvwBRYQTf6ddmsygIxN0x xBDd7csX8K39su54CZc= =1+Gh -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Edited last time by c64 on 10/20/2021 (Wed) 09:46:23.

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