/hydrus/ - Hydrus Network

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64 bit Chris2020 09/12/2020 (Sat) 07:44:22 Id: bafb40 No. 14719
>"The hydrus releases are 64-bit only." That was really bad news after my half-day reading about and planning a future, and how I will co-develop the hydros engine or a fork of it…. :-( Why???…. The Python is a multiplatform and hi-level language (even a script language). Why you all gaming maniacs make 64bit-only software?.. Of course, I will not change my tuned computer for one of 64bit-only apps. Several months of work to tune up Windows again, to test some app?.. No, thanks.
Sorry Chris, I hope you find some 32-bit software that will do what you want!
>>14719 Gaming? It has been something like 13 years since I switched my non-gaming Linux to 64bit. Very few maintain the 32bit x86 side of things anymore. Not just Windows software, even most Linux distos partly or fully dropped support. It just doesn't make sense to run x86 processors in 32bit with fewer less capable registers and many other downsides. > Several months of work to tune up Windows again Maybe you'll switch over too at some point. Copying configs or running ansible scripts or whatever you do is not quite as hard. Or you pick something else, but I expect almost everything to eventually drop 32bit x86 on Windows, and it mostly already happened, even for things as popular as web browsers. It's definitely not just Hydrus. I believe it won't be fun going forward on that.
>>14719 Hydrus wouldn't be able to shine with the limitations of a 32 bit environment. It's just not meant for the types of use-cases that a 32 bit machine is capable of. Believe it or not, managing hundreds of thousands of files requires a lot of memory.
just install a 64 bits OS lole
It's time to leave 2004, neetboi

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