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Version 406 Anonymous 07/29/2020 (Wed) 21:22:29 Id: 8da398 No. 14597
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZr6b4mBoxI windows zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v406/Hydrus.Network.406.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v406/Hydrus.Network.406.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe macOS app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v406/Hydrus.Network.406.-.macOS.-.App.dmg linux tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v406/Hydrus.Network.406.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz source tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v406.tar.gz I had a good week. It is now easy to deduplicate queries in subscriptions. subscriptions Managing multiple subscriptions can get complicated. Figuring out which queries are in which sub, whether and where you have duplicates, is tedious. A recent bug with query pasting also could have introduced some duplicates within the same sub. This week should make it simple to manage. The main manage subscriptions dialog now has a 'deduplicate' button. It lights up any time your subs of a particular downloader have the same query, whether that includes dupes within the same sub or across different subs. Click it, and it launches a thorough process to determine what you want to do: - First, it asks if you want to deduplicate by case or not–e.g. whether "Samus_Aran" and "samus_aran" should be considered dupes, or only exact matches. - Then it summarises which downloaders appear to have dupes, letting you choose which to work on. - Then you have the option of selecting which of the queries you wish to deduplicate–e.g. if you want to do two runs to dedupe, say, artists to one sub and characters to another. - Then you select which subscription(s) will retain the deduplicated queries. Every step explains itself. Mostly it is simple, but there are some odd situations. When a sub dedupes queries within itself, it keeps the one(s) with the most files. I hope I have accounted for everything reasonable. Adding to caseless matching, also added is a 'lowercase' button, which will coerce all the queries in the selected subscriptions to lowercase, just to help keep things neat. And lastly, when you paste queries into a sub, the 'already in the sub' test is now caseless. full list - subscription management: - the manage subscriptions dialog now has a 'deduplicate' button. it is enabled whenever your subs of a particular downloader contain duplicate queries. it launches a semi-bananas but thorough 4-step process to ask if you want to do upper/lower-case deduplication, then which downloader, then which queries, then which master sub(s) to retain the queries - subscription dedupe within the same sub keeps the query with the most files - the manage subscriptions dialog also now has a 'lowercase' button that coerces all queries of the selected subs to lowercase - when pasting a list of queries into a subscription, the 'already in sub' test is now caseless. pasting "Samus_Aran" into a sub already with "samus_aran" will not add anything - . - misc: - url classes now have a checkbox to keep fragment data (e.g. "#kwGFb3xhA3k8B") during URL normalisation. this data is not sent to the server and is not useful for almost all sites, but for sites like Mega, it contains useful clientside javascript navigation or access info if you open the URL in your browser - fixed video resolution parsing for some unusual SAR files. this stretches a video slightly, usually when the vid was created or converted with older analog tech (e.g. NTSC) - fixed rating system predicate label for 'rated/not rated' - the issue where miscounts in pending upload data would persist, sometimes leading to an annoying 'pending (13)' style menu that would not clear without debug action, is now fixed in a cheap way. on any upload action, this cached count is reset. a fix for the actual unusual miscount situation will have to come later - the different in-memory manager objects now save changes at different time intervals–lightweight things like favourite searches still save not long after any change, but column widths, network sessions, and bandwidth use now save only every ten minutes - I _may_ have fixed an issue with favourite tags not sticking correctly or resetting when added en masse via the tag right-click menu - I believe I fixed a rare but permanent ui hang on highlighting a gallery or watcher when that same downloader was spamming through a largely 'already in db/previously deleted' list - copying tags 'with counts' now works correctly for simple tag views (previously, it only worked for 'predicate' views) - copying tags now preserves the tag order as in the list (previously, it did a human sort) - to stop status-sorted gallery and watcher list entries bouncing around so much, they now just say 'working' in their status column when they are working. the highlight panel still reports granular file/gallery info. galleries also now say a more solid DONE when complete, to spot them more easily - the gallery and watcher search/checking column now includes stop status in sort
[Expand Post]- fixed the dowloader link in the help to https://github.com/CuddleBear92/Hydrus-Presets-and-Scripts/tree/master/Downloaders - added that same link to the Lain dowloader import panel's help button - updated cloudscraper to 1.2.46 - updated cloudscraper interfacing code to adapt for new reCaptcha->Captcha object names - . - boring code cleanup: - refactored downloader gui code to its own file - refactored network gui code to its own file - refactored service gui code to its own file - finished import reordering. now all files import in a cleaner order - further reworked all hydrus imports to be more breadth-first, loading core modules earlier and catching potential errors in nicer places - checkbox selection is now wrapped in the 'quick' dialog system, and all checkbox selections now use this single method - simplified and unified a variety of layout code, and fixing some odd layout expanding bugs - misc code cleanup - deleted some old unused ui code next week Just doing small jobs. I'd like to catch up on the github issue tracker, and I'll maybe do some sibling prep work for a bigger job in v408.
>>14597 Got a small issue. For a few versions now, when the schedule maintenance on client exit is for vacuuming, it gives the "is now a good time for maintenance y/n?" dialog, but when I click "yes" the vacuum never actually runs. Client just exits as normal. All other maintenance seems to work, just the vacuums don't (external mappings, master, etc.)
>>14600 Hmm, thank you for this report. I'll double-check how those tests work. Generally the issue here is that vacuums take a while, so it tries to go 'hey, the user doesn't want shutdown work to be longer than x minutes, can you do a vacuum in <=x?'. If the dialog's test is passing, but the test on the actual vacuum is failing, it'll quit out immediately, thinking there isn't enough time.
>>14604 I've still got it set to the default 30 minutes. My DB is fairly small, so usually the vacuums don't take longer than 10-15 minutes for the whole thing (maintenance -> vacuum)
I had an ok week. Some of the work I did (siblings improvements) is not ready to be turned on yet, so tomorrow's release mostly just has bug fixes, including several related to the media viewer's hover windows positioning and behaviour. The release should be as normal tomorrow. >>14613 Hmm, thanks.

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