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Version 401 Anonymous 06/17/2020 (Wed) 22:16:05 Id: 4e6b88 No. 14463
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHn9WnHe2eQ windows zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v401/Hydrus.Network.401.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v401/Hydrus.Network.401.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe macOS app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v401/Hydrus.Network.401.-.macOS.-.App.dmg linux tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v401/Hydrus.Network.401.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz source tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v401.tar.gz I had an ok week, although I was a little short on work time. This is mostly a bugfix release that tweaks how the new subscriptions work and fixes some downloader update issues. There is also an important new way to make feature suggestions for hydrus. mostly misc work this week Now that subscriptions can run in small efficient pieces, I removed several old limiters that stopped the old system running too often. Subscriptions should boot with less delay when needed (e.g. after the client loads or when you ok the dialog after changes), and an old system that batched queries together is gone, so if a query is due, it should run generally as soon as it can. I also re-added the import/export/duplicate buttons to the manage subscriptions dialog. It also supports importing (and converting to the new format) the old subscription format, so if you have an old .png sub, or you want to reimport the text that was backed up to your database folder last week, this is now possible. Exporting or duplicating a very large subscription may now need a few seconds to do some database work, but the dialog will warn you beforehand. As users have made and shared more custom downloaders, I have had reports here and there about new default downloaders sometimes messing up the custom links, unintentionally resetting back to those defaults or other unusual link remapping. I have tightened up all this code. Please let me know if you have any more trouble. And speaking of new defaults, I am rolling out new objects for nitter, derpibooru, and e621 again this week to improve object linking and URL matching. If you had a subscription complain last week about an e621 gallery URL not matching, this should now be fixed. github issue tracker As you doubtless know, I have difficulty keeping up with messages. It is great that people like hydrus and think of all sorts of ways to make it better, but as the program has become more popular, feature suggestions in particular has grown into a tsunami that I cannot give the time they deserve. My todo list has about 3,000 items in it. My list is private, so dealing with duplicate requests and keeping track of discussions in threads and chat conversations has been inefficient. So, with the aid of a team of volunteer users, I am turning the Hydrus Github Issue Tracker back on. I turned it off about three years ago, as it never fit my workflow and I could not keep up with discussions, but I have been talking with some users, and I agree that for the people it does work for, it is excellent. We are still figuring out the workflow, but the idea is the team of users will label and sort things, participate in discussions about features, and forward to me the most urgent and popular items. I will not be actively managing it, but I'll read the issues I am forwarded and likely close things out once I have them done. If you are comfortable with Github, please feel free to participate yourself. If you have already requested a feature to me, you can still repeat it on the tracker, which will help deduplication for other users and provide a clean space to discuss it with others if you would like. The program and the html help has all been updated with info about and links to the tracker. It is on the main repo, here: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/issues I am grateful for the volunteers who are taking on a job my mind just doesn't gel with. You are still welcome to contact me on any subject however else we used to talk. This is simply a new way to report, particularly for feature suggestions. If you are uncomfortable with Github, no worries. Also, if you would like me to forward an item to the Tracker anonymously, please send me it and I will pass it along. full list - subscriptions: - as subs can now load more flexibly, previously hardcoded waits are now eliminated: - - the subscriptions manager now only waits three seconds after initial session load to boot (previously 15) - - the subscriptions manager now wakes as soon as the subscriptions dialog is ok'd or cancelled - - a timing calculation that would delay the work of a sub up to five or fifteen minutes if more queries would come due for sync in that time window (in order previously to batch to reduce read/write) is now eliminated–subs will now start as soon as any query is due. if you were ever confused why a query that seemed due did not boot after dialog ok or other wake-up event, this _should_ no longer happen - re-added the import/export/duplicate buttons to manage subs. export and dupe may need to do db work for a couple of seconds and will have a yes/no confirmation on larger jobs - the import button on manage subs accepts and converts the old 'legacy' subscription object format, including a copy/paste of the objects backed up to disk in the v400 update - fixed an issue where creating a subscription query and then deleting it in the same manage subs dialog session would result in surplus data being written to the db (which the next dialog launch would note and clear out) - an unusual error with pre-run domain checking, exposed by the new subscription code and e621 subs, where the gallery url has also recently changed, is now fixed
[Expand Post]- . - issue tracker: - the Github issue tracker (https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/issues) is turned on again! it is now run by a team of volunteer users. the idea is going to be to try to merge duplicate feature suggestions with the proper platform and put some discussion and cognition and prioritisation into idea development before it gets to my desk, so I can be more focused and productive and so 95% of feature suggestions do not simply get banished to the shadow realm of the back of my todo - this is mostly intended for wishlist and other suggestions, as the tsunami was just getting too much for me to handle, but we'll see how it goes for things like bug reports as well. I'll still take any sort of report through my normal channels, if you are uncomfortable with github, or if you wish for me to forward an item to the issue tracker anonymously - the website, help documents, and hydrus help menu links have been updated regarding the issue tracker - . - the rest: - improved how the database 'update default downloader objects' job works, ensuring that new defaults are better at simply take the place of existing objects and do not break/reset existing url class to parser links - tightened up how automatic url class to parser linking works, eliminating some surplus and potentially bad data related to api links. furthermore, whenever the links between url classes and parsers update, existing surplus data, which may creep in when api links change, is now cleaned from the data structure - rolling out updated e621 url class and parser to deal with their alternate gallery url format - rolling out an updated derpibooru parser that will link to the new api class correctly - thanks to a user's submission, rolling out updated versions of the new default nitter parsers that pull creator:username tags - before every subprocess launch, and when waiting for all subprocess communication (e.g. to ffmpeg), now tests regularly for program shutdown. if an unusual situation develops where a subscription is doing a file import job while the OS is shutting down, and that system shut down would hang or is hanging on a 'ffmpeg can't be launched now' dialog, the hydrus client should now notice this and bomb out, rather than going for that never-running ffmpeg. this may not fix all instances of this issue, and further feedback on the client not closing down cleanly with the OS is welcome. - when adding a new path to the 'migrate database' panel, any symbolic links will be converted to canonical equivalents - added some location checks and appropriate errors when the database is doing file storage rebalancing - fixed an issue uploading swfs, video, or audio to the server when it is launched from a frozen executable build - misc code cleanup next week Next week is cleanup. I want to untangle some of the convoluted shutdown code, push more on wx->Qt cleanup, and revisit the new text parsing so I can get closer to multiline note parsing for the downloader.
>>14438 here Just wanted to confirm the problem is indeed resolved. Thanks for all your hard work.
>>14475 Great, thanks for letting me know.
I had a great week doing small work. I cleaned a heap of old code, fixed some bugs, and added some quality of life. The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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