/hydrus/ - Hydrus Network

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Anonymous 03/25/2020 (Wed) 13:41:27 Id: 570926 No. 13841
Is there a way to move a selection of files from one database to another while retaining the tags? I could do it one tag at a time, but it'd be great to have an easier way of doing it.
>>13841 Hey, sure–the main tool you want here is a 'Hydrus Tag Archive', which is a portable tag database you can import from or export to. You can generate one of these using services->tag migration. In your old client, move all your tags from 'my tags' for 'my files' to a new HTA, and then import that HTA to the new client using the same dialog, but this time set it for 'all known files'. When you export/import your files over to the new client, your tags should be waiting for them when they arrive. This is an advanced operation, so make sure you have a backup of everything before you do it, and let me know if you run into any trouble.
Thanks! Worked like a charm! I was afraid of trying it before, because the greyed out option said "delete". :)

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