/hydrus/ - Hydrus Network

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Release Tomorrow! hydrus_dev 05/29/2019 (Wed) 01:32:36 Id: 8080a4 No. 12749
I had a great week. The new 'false positive' and 'alternates' duplicates db storage design and migration worked out well, although it did take most of my time. Other than that, I did a variety of little new options and bug fixes. The annoying bug where a handful of thumbnails sometimes stop fading in seems to be finally fixed! The release should be as normal tomorrow.
I like how op starts off with how well he's been doing
>>12751 I love hydrus man and hope he is doing well in all aspects of his life.
>>12752 >>12751 I am overall healthy and in a stable money situation. I hope you are as well. I get blackpilled sometimes, but then I remember my true troubles are all internal and that I have a lot to be grateful for compared to my ancestors. I still want to keep pushing on Hydrus every week for the foreseeable future. I love imageboards and all other Anons, including you–the cheeky fun we get up to keeps my soul going.
>>12754 Based and Bloomerpilled

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