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Sorting Motivation Thread Anonymous 05/21/2019 (Tue) 03:41:22 Id: ad7f64 No. 12651
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-p_0FDlpkw ITT we post about our duplicates, tagging, and so on - our stats, goals, landmarks, and so on. Never give up anons, that tidy catalog of content is waiting for you!
>Archive: 13917 (10 GB) >Inbox: 402010 (409 GB) >73705 potential pairs I don't even know when I put anything in archive yet, those could be a mistake. I finally got my dupes under 75k this week, hoping to drop down under 50k by July. The bright side of Tumblr getting nuked is I have less shitty copies of images I already had coming in. Also I'm missing the duplicate detection distance in the new versions of Hydrus, I was going to look at it for curiosity after I got rid of actual duplicates. Anyone know where it might have gone to, under settings somewhere maybe?
>>12653 Duplicate processing has 2 sub-tabs now: preparation and filtering. Distance is in "preparation" tab
>>12657 Thanks for the heads up Gave me back another 900 duplicates, so I'm back over 74k The struggle continues
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>Archive 12k/35GB >inbox 224k/515GB >10k pairs at distance 4 (I go up to 10) Archive keeps growing, but inbox grows quicker, I still have a bunch of large files I have to cut and a bunch of files I have to edit. I separate files based on tags to archive, but some of the files that were already in archive shouldn't be so I'm only fucking myself further every second. For now I just want to sort everything between archive,files I have to cut, and files I have to archive, as well as sorting duplicate relationships. I'll worry about tagging after that. My plan of uploading files to boorus didn't work nearly as well as I had hoped. Only a few files of the 200+ I uploaded to gelbooru got tagged. Realbooru only helped finding the name/source of a few files out of 200+, xbooru only added some redundant tags or a couple useful tags, though I didn't upload that many files. So I'm fucked on that front. It only helped in a roundabout way of someone downloading the files from gelbooru and then tagging them on the PTR.
>>12672 I have some edits to do myself, but I've only tagged a few hundred as various edit needs so far I think. What I have more of is image series and true alternates, all grouped as alternates, waiting for there to be some sort of "show groups of alternates" thing in Hydrus so I can go through and tag them better. I also have a lot of images where the best duplicate of the lot was still low-quality and grainy, I'll have to Tineye or Google Images a bunch of stuff at some point. I made good progress on the duplicates though, having the box on top cuts the time in half. I'm down to 65k for now.
>>12681 >over a thousand I have to crop >thousands I have to do large edits Help.
>>12682 Oh, yeah, I have a lot I have to add source info and then crop that out of the edges of them, but I haven't even started tagging for that because they're okay in the meantime
>>12693 >but I haven't even started tagging for that because they're okay in the meantime My problem is that it's a porn DB and I'm a vanilla fag that likes artists like Metal Owl and Shindol.
>>12703 I'm vanilla + one very specific thing but I just end up deleting most of the pics I don't like, because I got lucky and my fetish blew up like crazy since 2010 or so. Sometimes I tag for crop, or just keep the best dupe and will go back to tag for crop/edit later
I am an archive lover who would rather let others do the tagging and sorting
>>12717 Ah yes, I also enjoy having a lot of useful files myself and having other people do the work, indeed.
anyone else cherry pick images then tag them individually as you store them in hydrus? seems like if you mass download images you havent seen yet, you might have a bunch of images you dont care about
>>12758 I do both. >you might have a bunch of images you dont care about That's what the archive/delete filter is for.
I have 1TB of inbox to go through while 800GB are now properly archived, as in, I have personally checked them and stuff. I've stopped working on dupes till the current dupe rework is done, since alternate not copying tags nukes my workflow, sitting at 80k dupes.
OP here, down under 60k dupes finally. >>12758 I save those to Downloads with the most important tags in their title for later import.

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