/hydrus/ - Hydrus Network

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Source code documenting / project structure cataloging moemon 11/01/2018 (Thu) 00:41:30 Id: 883bd4 No. 10450
For some time now I have been meaning to start looking into the source code of Hydrus to see what it can do and what might be improved upon without bothering Hydrus Dev too much. Problem is, according to my knowledge, the source code is not documented(or commented) at all and the only one who knows what's really going on within the program is Hydrus dev himself, bless his soul. I was wondering if I missed something and there is something like documentation out there and if there isn't I wondered if there were people willing to help document the whole project, or at least try to figure out what's going on exactly. So far I have come up with the following topics if anyone were to write something like a documentation, feel free to add to them: -How to set up your development environment. -How is the program structured, how are objects/modules linked -What are the functions of the objects/modules -How are the objects/modules structured -How does the program as a whole function -How to interact with said objects/modules -How to add/write your own objects/modules to the hydrus client and server I don't know if I nor anyone else has the resources, time or spirit to do this but I wanted to at least ask. Having documentation would help people to inject personal customization into hydrus to make it fit their needs and maybe even spawn a small modding community. It would allow the program to flourish as a whole without forcing everything on a single point/person.
Maybe a nice place to start is for Hydrus dev to enable the public wiki on the hydrus github page such that people can freely read and contribute without having to visit strange unrelated sites and documents, though it might create unwanted work for hydrus dev as he'll need to check yet another official channel and make sure that there won't be pure bullshit written there.
>>10451 Currently requesting wiki from wikidot, but also having an eye for these three http://www.editthis.info/wiki/ https://miraheze.org/ http://www.referata.com/wiki/Main_Page

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