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how boned are you, anon? Anonymous 10/31/2018 (Wed) 22:25:16 Id: 51fa6a No. 10443
Make my day showing me your boners, lads. I hope i'm not a degenerate by this board's standards.
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I finally broke a million things waiting for me. I was once 100% archived, probably four-five years ago, and then wrote subscriptions and a thread watcher and decided to put several hundred thousand back in the inbox for reprocessing.
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>try to use md5 to tag 75k untagged pics >80% done and only 200-300 pics in >about a third are from xbooru which mostly only has "female" and "tagme" tags I regret everything. >>10449 >and then wrote subscriptions Subscriptions are the devil. I remember when I imported my own thousand files, then thought it was a good idea to search a few artists on boorus and scrap a few threads.
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haha fuck u guys
>>10503 How many are properly tagged though? It never ends
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I was doing well before I started a new hobby that eats up all my free time. Now I can barely download new images, let alone tag them. I think I'll do a big purge when I get the time.
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OP here, posting updated stats. Ripping Tumblr is taking a toll.
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>>10504 Define properly. I just get the tags from gelbooru as I download them. That's proper enough for me.
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>>10467 Breaking the inbox into different groups of tags is really useful, it lets me sort through them quicker and even fix the tags. Sorting them between animated or not, 2d, 3dcg and so on, and what kind of lewd, to be more specific. >>11018 >Define properly Good enough to let you search properly for whatever you want. If you import pics manually, it's bound to have a few untagged ones around.
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>>10443 il be honest, i dont archive almost ever because i dont see much purpose in it. maybe im missing something but it all seems to work fine without it.
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>>10443 +1.55TB / 210 488 files from yiff.party (including dropbox/mega downloads) since I implemented my own yiff.party downloader before it was added to hydrus and couldn't be bothered to redownload everything. At least 25%-30% of the inbox is tumblr lower-res dupes and shitty reblogs. Fuck tumblr, glad it's dead.
80% is from pixiv and nijie. most was paged from 0,1,2,3… have to change 12821 series to the 1,2,3 numbering. tag to submit: …. 2335941 tags, I was unsure about the page numbering since I started collecting. That and a few other siblings I should triple check, it's been 2 years and I sure my quality control is quite sharper.
>>11224 Does Hydrus have a way to download from Nijie? I haven't looked too deep, but didn't see one.
>>11230 Yes, cuddlebear host a few downloader on his github. Here's a freebie. Still not perfect though, it doesn't collect either the filenames or the nijie work number. Or perhaps I missed something on my side.
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Just got to the point where the USB I was using as a backup isn't large enough to hold all my files. I need to go through and delete the stupid shit that's accumulated.
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Wassup lads, updating thread. You haven't forgotten your backup, have you, anon?
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>>12764 >backup I don't have enough space in all of my HDs for a backup. If shit fucks up I'm fucked. I really need to sort all the porn, games, and porn games on my PC, I have a bunch of duplicated or bloated shit. Either that or buy yet another HD, but I'm not sure a fourth would fit on my case. Personal computers were a mistake.
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>>12780 I just use BackBlaze. 60$ a year for unlimited storage.
>>12872 How do you maintain privacy?
>>12874 You dont. You just hope that the techno-jew doesnt care about whatever it is you're hoarding.
>>12872 >60 bucks per year It's not expensive, but it's still 60 dollars more than my current backup expenses.
>>12874 I don't give a fuck that some NSA employee can look at my patreon content. >>12872 I like knowing that all my kino tiddies are saved somewhere in Buttfuc, Tennessee. It's 3h of my job for a year of peace of mind.
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Finally reached 7% in regards to filesize by sorting the bigger files first. There's still shit to import, but freeing 20GB up is pretty nice.
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