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Release Tomorrow! hydrus_dev 10/30/2018 (Tue) 22:01:00 Id: ebc3f1 No. 10420
I had a good week. The login manager is turned on for advanced users, and I did some neat ui stuff, including custom thumbnail border and margin thicknesses and greatly improved layout for the manage tags dialog. The release should be as normal tomorrow.
Pic drawn by Borehole Dev… pretty humble
(1.63 MB 2304x4096 ClipboardImage.png)

>>10421 >Borehole Dev What
>>10422 >>>/tech/983134
>>10420 Which websites the login manager will be covering?
>>10424 Anything with a simple login form. It is completely user-configurable and shareable, like the new download system. It can do multi-page scripts, where it will parse some info from the first page and offer that as a temporary variable to another (like a POST form key or CSRF token). Anything needing a captcha is probably too complicated. It determines login status with cookies atm. Cross-domain woo woo like exhentai is probably too complicated, but hydrus also supports importing cookies.txt from your browser so you can just copy across otherwise. Today's release will be pretty empty, but I'll roll out some scripts for the big sites in coming weeks.

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