/goa/ - Gentlemen Of Animu

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(468.40 KB 1280x1104 GOA.png)

/nra/ is Dead, Long Live /goa/! Gigachad 09/11/2021 (Sat) 04:32:06 No. 7 >>12
Here's a /goa/ seal for you, took me some time to make it.
(11.66 MB 840x470 TwiAppreciates.gif)

this anon like it.
>>10 >likes
>>7 (OP) >white on white background needs to have some contrast, the original had black outlining to separate the background and man standing
(475.03 KB 1280x1104 goa outline.png)

>>12 This better?
>>13 definitely!
(475.19 KB 1280x1104 goa outline.png)

>>15 Forgot to outline the strap, I think it looks better this way.
(466.45 KB 1280x1104 GOA seal template.png)

Here's a template as well so people can put in their own anime girls.
>Gentlemen Of Animu Any relation to /animu/?
>>29 I do post there sometimes, but there's no relation in a management type of way.

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