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Osmosis - a multiplatform image tagger Toshiaki 01/11/2023 (Wed) 20:09:03 No. 7311
hello, i have been developing an image tagging program for a bit now. i figure this board is probably a good enough place to put it, and probably the demographic that will get the most use out of it. the program is built around being able to filter things extremely well. it does this by not having static categories (eg, and, or, not, unless), but rather user created logic Osmosis is distributed in a portable format, and requires no instillation to run. currently, it has both windows and linux support. tags are stored as Lua tables in their own folder, which makes them easy to export for external use. Osmosis is open-source software, see the github for code and releases. (mind the spaghetti code) https://github.com/CrazyAmphibian/Osmosis attached are some screenshots of the program running on various screens. it currently features: gallery view that shows all filtered images image view where you add tags an image-only view mode that shows a full screen image that can be scrolled a tag implication system robust tag filtering system customizable tag colors based on custom criteria
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That's a cool project. We have another anon who's been making something similar called Hydrus for several years. See >>>/t/11075 . It works kind of like an offline Booru, and can even pull tags from various booru sites. If I'm reading the description right Osmosis only works on a hardcoded image directory, but it also doesn't keep the files themselves as copies in an internal database like Hydrus does, which makes it more manageable with a file explorer. >CrazyAmphibian I get it
>>7326 >pull tags from various booru sites. i'm deathly afraid of dealing with network code. i know it's probably a simple affair (GET then parse the returned webpage), but i know from experience that for whatever reason, shit don't work. plus i don't want to add more bloat to it, especially since other things could do it faster and more efficiently than a single unified program >Osmosis only works on a hardcoded image directory this is true, reduces complexity drastically of code, and makes locating files an easier affair. it does make it a bit inconvenient if you want to use multiple folders, but writing code that stores location that won't freak out with duplicate file/directory names is a bit daunting, not to mention the frontend for a user to set such values would be a "bit of a bitch". again, i'd like to keep it simple, my code is already a mess as-is (i'm relying on what is essentially controlled arbitrary code execution to make the tag filtering system work) > but it also doesn't keep the files themselves as copies in an internal database i don't see why one would want to do that, seems like a waste of file space and further convolution to the end user. <CrazyAmphibian ding ding i have heard of hydrus, but haven't used it myself. i do have a friend who has previously used it, and i have taken some notes and gripes with what little i've seen. so i more or less thought "yeah, i could make something like that. a sidegrade". so that's partially why the program is the way it is. images are in a clear defined place, which makes adding and removing them easy. same with tags, which makes reading and modifying them in a script really easy. filtering fit for an autist, where tags can contain any character such as spaces or commas also hydrus uses python, which i do not like for various reasons. >inb4 Lua user shit talking python that and it's a huge file size (>200MB uncompressed). Osmosis win64 is 34.8MB (really 7.9MB, the pdb file is completely optional and as far as i can tell, useless).
>i'm deathly afraid of dealing with network code Don't sweat it, I was just comparing the two. >i don't see why one would want to do that, seems like a waste of file space and further convolution to the end user. The basic concept is to delete the other copy when you're done with importing, and using hydrus to manage those files. Basically, you get a huge toolkit to organize and manage your files, but in turn can't manage them another way, The idea is that if you saved some new images, you add them to your archive rather than keeping them in loosely organized folders. Newly imported files are marked and can be shown in the style of an inbox, to let you add the tags you want, or reconsider if the files are worth archiving.
>>7342 >Newly imported files are marked and can be shown in the style of an inbox, to let you add the tags you want, or reconsider if the files are worth archiving. ok, that makes a bit more sense now. sounds like it could be useful for some and being able to view only untagged images is a useful feature that my program doesn't have (mainly due to how images are filtered) though i wonder how you'd export the images (and tags) that it imports. i assume it has a feature that does that?
thats cool anon but i think hydrus is a few miles ahead of you.
>>7345 care to elaborate a bit?
whats the gui library/?
>>7361 whatever one the engine comes with, not really sure what it is, only that it works well enough.
>>7346 https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ hydrusdev has been developing this for nearly 10 years, regularly releasing a new update almost every week on the clock. i've been using it for 4 years and its only gotten better with time. its capable of scraping boorus and multiple sites, collecting the associated metadata (tags) and create "subscriptions" to periodically search sites for artists or specific tag querys. so yeah, like i said, you had a good idea there but you've been beaten to the punch a long long time ago.
>>7311 can i use this to make a sort of private booru for me and my friends tho
>>7592 you would have to set up hosting using something else, but yes, you feasibly could do that provided you can transfer the image and tag folders.

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