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Alphabet people Toshiaki 11/28/2022 (Mon) 07:17:44 No. 7038
Can we kick all the trannies and dykes out of the community? (I don't like them)
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Your god will never be real.
>>7039 You will never be a woman.
I'm going to start using the word Pronouns as an insult for trannies that insist on telling you what their pronouns are. >Whatever you say, Pronouns >Oh boy, here comes a Pronoun >Ugly ass Pronoun >Nice argument, Pronouns
>>7038 I'm rather lost who is this dog i don't watch the show. Is this a trans or a gay dog?
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>>7038 >Kick out people with ways of life I don't like, if not outright hate. Your are are just as bad as the people who currently run FA and Buzzly. Also, what the fuck do you mean by "kicking them out of the community"? Also, I agree that the current ""Trans rights"" sham movement. Many so-called "Trannies" you see on Tumblr and Twitter are either massive liars who constantly, or compulsively, lie about themselves for attention, or are groom or sexual abuse victims (especially from back before puberty) with confused fucked up mental states. Non-binary and agender, and """genderfluid"" are either mental delusions like Schizophrenia and Dementia are, OR at the very least are brain anomalies at the psychological level. (((Gender Studies))), and modern ""Gender Identity"" is Kosher trash created by followers of the vile (((Frankfurt))) School of psychology. Gender and sex are NOT completely separate things. Yes there are cultural roles of the sexes that differ from culture to culture around the world. still. On the other hand, while Chromosome sets can't be thoroughly changed The sexual characteristics, such as genitals and bone structure, such as that of the hips and genitals are determined within the Womb, There are actual folks known as transsexuals. Truly, there needs to be quite a bit more research and study needed that doesn't involve ""Gender Theory"" nonsense. Pic related in a way, it shines some truth about the reality-denying bullshit notion that "GeNdEr Is FlUiD"
>>7065 Look, everyone here knows that trannyism is bullshit, but do you have to insert [[[le jewz xD]]] bullshit into everything you don't like? This has absolutely nothing to do with them at all. >gender studies is frankfurt propganda!!!11! No it's not. Literally one google search shows that John Money was never associated with the Frankfurt school in any way. Just because someone happens to be jewish, doesn't make them a frankfurt member, it doesn't make them a zionist, and it doesn't mean they're an undercover agent of Israel out to destroy the 56% white race. Trannyism is bullshit, but not for the ridiculous reasons you specify. Back to >>>/pol/ you go.
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>>7067 Nice how you ignore most, if not all of what is said in that image, hmmph. >JuSt Do A GoOgLe SeArCh Not so fast, Goooogler! I never said anything about the White race being mostly just 56%. Doing a google search or two, or for that matter, a Bing search, does not lead to the absolute truth all the time. Google, especially its Search Engine Division, is doing very shady things regarding what shows up on its 1st, 2nd and 3rd pages, or if it even appears at all. Google, like Microsoft, Meta, and Apple, are among the largest tech companies on Earth. They have TOO MUCH POWER! Rather recently, Google has been doing more manipulation of its searches under the guise of ""stopping misinformation"". Oh, and much of Hollywood as well as big tech supported (((BLM))) at least in word, never fucking mind how its HAS NOTHING to do with actual civil rights.
>>7068 Take your meds.
>>7068 Lel. Nothing you posted made any sense, there's no actual argument here. >the search engines are just censoring the information! Burden of proof relies on those who assert a claim not those who deny it; claiming things are a conspiracy is just a cop-out so you don't have to substantiate any proof and keep bullshitting your way thru this. Forget the ancient worldwide jewish conspiracy and frankfurter school of hotdogs conspiracy crap, the REAL reason behind transfaggotry is because it's a cashcow, thanks to lax med laws, signed-off medical consent, and easy lobbying in congress. Jews and BLM (however the fuck you came to that conclusion) have nothing to do with it. Now see here, what I have is a book that actually helps expose the facts behind the causes, written by a an Ex-transgender and counsellor for detransitioned peoples. Which do you think is more likely, some retarded conspiracy stretching back thousands of years scapegoating an entire group of people, most of which aren't even in power (for every jew CEO you whine about there's like 500,000 jewish bystanders living in the employment line) OR does it sound more likely that trannyism is being pushed because it makes a lot of money and people can get away with it? The answer is the latter. Do you think it's a coincidence that the SRS market is projected to hit over $5 Billion by 2030? https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/us-sex-reassignment-surgery-market Stop wasting your time on /pol/ and actually read a book for once. All the answers are inside.
>>7038 supersonic250 claims to be a girl but brags about having a dick, is also a sicko pedo. Start there.
Diosoth we JUST talked about this. LOL thread only for you.

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