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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

New Laws Coming Out Targeting Porn Creators LonelyLupine 06/28/2022 (Tue) 01:27:18 No. 5933
https://twitter.com/mikestabile/status/1540769215824535552 Y'all need to stop voting for these kinds of people, before you lose this site and any other like it. This is small now, but they're becoming bolder, and have infiltrated the court system enough that they could conceivably get away with it. E621 forum thread: https://e621.net/forum_topics/34198
>>5933 Kill yourself, furnigger.
Maybe more artists will post their shit on actual gallery sites instead of twitter. Probably could've avoided this whole thing if they'd done so to begin with.
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Thank god this doesn't affect my communist macro fart vore foot fetish.
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>>5936 >Maybe more artists will post their shit on actual gallery sites instead of twitter. Artists congregate on twitter for the massive exposure, they can interact with people directly through it, and it's free. Which websites are objectively superior, but also just as popular with degenerates and normies alike? I can't think of any.
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>baptist porn addiction therapist imagine being so mad that you get no bitches that you dedicate your entire life to make sure no one uses their penises ever
>Republicans behind it Don't expect the right to object just like the said nothing about >outlawing books that they disagree with in those states >killing Roe V Wade to end women's rights They want a fascist state of mind control & enforced religious ways. Don't be surprised then they legally mandate church attendance, make it legal for men to abuse their wives, lower or abolish age of consent, eliminate free speech & more all in the name of their fake sky man. Republicans will go along with it to trigger the left because they would sooner destroy this country than work with the left. At this point anyone who believes in god should be killed. Just assume they'll destroy society with their derangement at some point.
>>5953 >Don't be surprised then they legally mandate church attendance, make it legal for men to abuse their wives, lower or abolish age of consent oh god, I wish but we both know that's never going to happen
>>5953 >They want a fascist state of mind control & enforced religious ways if this is the only solution against trannies, pedos and negroes pillaging the country, yes, it is necessary, you just need a new party, americans.the republic is meaningless.
>Republicans openly talk about how they want porn outlawed because it's not Christian >MAGA dickheads think Republicans want porn to exist You also think this man is Aryan so you're proven to be total retards who only think what Fox News tells you to.
This is theater. If cuckservatives think they're going to be safely in their seats, they will allow or vote in favor of trannies and shit. They only appeal to normal people when they actually try to win. The difference between the two parties is how fast they want to shove the dildo in, not whether the dildo shouldn't go in. Your macro Falco art isn't going anywhere in this one-party hydra system.
>>5953 <outlawing books that they disagree with in those states Oh man, I remember when this was the hot topic of the month, when all the bots were going <they're banning muh books, this is literally 453 Farenheit! and the reason was parents didn't want books on how to give handjobs and suck dick featured in school libraries.
Conservatives- >drink low-alcohol faggot water then complain when a faggot is a sponsor, as if they could handle a man's drink >scream "fuck your feelings" then get easily offended when you say mean things to them, often running & crying to some site admin to get you banned for offending them >shitty taste in music, usually country >only defend porn if a feminist hates it but would outlaw it because GAWD >often raping kids while accusing the left of it >carries out 99% of mass shootings but screams DA LEYFT on that one occasion the shooter is sick of right-wing fascism >obsessed over the biggest fictional character of all time >thinks an orange-skinned fat fuck who dodged the military is a muscle-bound war hero >hates Jews yet loves Israel Rammstein is woke & successful. Jason Aldean will be blowing Glenn Danzig & Scott Baio in a Walmart restroom in 5 years for $2 each to make ends meet.
>>7797 >stays seething for decades have sex with something that's not your cat for once, Diosothcel
>>5943 Deviantart the Fediverse, Itaku.
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>>5954 >Wanting a one-party State-sanctioned police state that would at best be the Christian equivalent of Saudi fucking Arabia, Yemen, Iran or Taliban-dominated Afghanistan. Fuck you, closed-minded fuckead. You are just as retarded and brainwashed by Kosher lies as Diosothcel is, only Diosoth is arguably more blinded in the way of Communism and Marxism. To be quite honest, Neither party actually cares about the mid or long-term well being of the citizenry. Both Christianity and communism as well as the sister program to the former, Islam, have a long blood soaked history of not only killing those who choose not to join them in their respective cult mindset , but also burning, ransacking, and pillaging learning repositories which contained not only astral, esoteric knowledge and mathematics, but also philosophy and astronomy, among other things. Such other things destroyed included artistic works and historical records that would pose a threat to the programs' preferred false narrative. In many such cases, said targeted books, statues, paintings, and intelligentsia seen as "untrustworthy", ""counterrevolutionary"" had as much of their memory wiped out as could figure out how after getting hit with death. Examples of Kosher kosher mind-programmed goons and agents fucking up shit throughout history >Destruction of the Library of Antioch per order of who was then Empreror of Rome. >the ransacking and maybe partial burning of the 2nd Library of Alexandria in 391 CE (Original was burned before Xianity/ChristInsanity hit the scene in the mid 1st century BCE) >Islamic BUTCHERING, DURING BOTH THE Rashidun and later Umayyad Caliphates of Buddhist, Yazidi, and Zoroastrian temples and laying of waste to the Sassinid Empire (which was still financially reeling from its last war with the Byzantines. Blatant remorseless BUTCHERING OF THE Zoroastrian priesthood over centuries. >destruction of many Pagan temples and shrines throughout the British Isles, Germanic dominated areas of Europe and also those of the Balto-Slavic peoples and Uralic folk >mass desecration and slaughtering over time of many Buddhist, Zoroastrian and Hindu Temples throughout Afghanistan, and many areas of what is now Pakistan. Ditto for what happened to the previously Buddhist-Hindu Maldives, but then Islamic hordes came with a smile, and shortly after smashed and bashed the temples of pre-existing religions >Russia was ripe for communization via years of planning, and brainwashing of much of the populace via Orthodox Christianity and some minorities in the Empire being Catholics or Sunni Muslims. The Bolsheviks certainly knew what they were doing in their takeover and butchering of the Czar and many Gentile doctors and Scientists >Ditto for Mao's asshole blunders such as the ""GREAT LEAP FORWARD", which took place after he seized complete control over the Mainland. >ditto also, for (((Fidel Castro's))) planned takeover of Cuba.
Friendly reminder that John Mallamas, known usually online as Jin Saotome but also on Lulz.net as Sergalicious, is a MAGA who raped an soccer mom. A lot of MAGA are pedophiles & were so before Trump came along to normalize & rally their mentally deranged behavior. He's also related to pedo freako supersonic250.
>>7821 >muh boogeymen >everyone who doens't agree with my delusions is a communist or a Jew Kayla-Na is a slut who needs a knife in her throat
>Jin Saotome - pedo >supersonic250 - pedo >Acorn - pedo >SF3P0X1- pedo >Kayla-Na- pandered to them enough times to be evident of pedo despite public denial >Lulz regulars - pedos It's like Diosoth's haters have a predictable pattern to them, hmm. Pedo shit is prevalent in this fandom, as is rape apologist, no wonder someone with a moral code is hated by sick people who are beyond hope. Did Jin Saotome trade any of you nudes of the soccer mom he paid to have sex with him at a Hasbro toy convention? >Hasbro fan Also a sign of mental illness
>durr an atheist who calls out Israel & hates Russia is a commie Jew Get arrested for pedo shit, supersonic250. You will never be a woman, or sane. You have no life if you spend all your free time following someone around online because they offended you a decade ago(no wonder it was so easy to realize you & John Mallamas are related, same fucking behavior). Expect signs to be posted in your town soon warning everyone of what you are, chomo dirt. Jump me while I'm tacking them up, I dare you. Shooting you in "self defense will be grand, you MAGA prick.
>>7824 >>7828 >>7829 Samefag dear NPD Diosothcel.
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>>7823 >>7824 OK retard Diosoth. Keep on raging in your closed minded hate and bullshit. >Boogeyman Its not a boogeyman, read a damn book, or three that aren't Maxist trash. If you actually thing that being a fan of Hasbro fanis a sign of mental illness, do tell, dr dumbass. >>7829 NOPE. I hate both (((Zelenksy))) and (((Putin))), who are both Jews/Hebes. Plus the founder of Communism was a FUCKING KIKE known originally as Mordecai Levy. Get fucked.
https://www.sofurry.com/view/2051947 Summary >abloobloo they want me to prove who I say I am, Patreon doesn't want porno anymore either, this is sharia law, this is like ISIS, this is fascism! You just know this dumb cocksucker blames DA LEYFT for everything while they go & vote for Republicans who want to ban anything not in the bible, including porn, then will fail to acknowledge when those Republicans fuck them over. Patreon should clean up the porn AND the fanart AND the fuckwastes who think reviewing products on Youtube is a job. Stop that shit. Fanart is technically illegal & companies should grow backbones to go after it. "No I need to post rule 34, it makes me money!" Get a job, prick. If you're well-off to the point you're just begging Patreon bux so you can buy more action figures & video games under the ruse of "reviewing it is content creation" then you don't need Patreon, either. It's become another welfare system for lazy people, being horribly abused, while a lot of people who work their asses off to make real content barely get supported. As far as furries go you don't deserve respect as long as you coddle the pedos & claim Zaush dindu nuffin. Cry moar.
Another "these politicians I backed have stabbed me in the back" episode.

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