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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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Toshiaki 01/27/2022 (Thu) 22:56:47 No. 4218
>Waaah I hate this fandom member so much! I want them gone! I'll make everyone hate them! >Baaaw! They left the fandom! They took all their art with them! Don't they respect their fans? What a prick! This is why you deserve chlorine gas attacks at cons. You people are insane. That and the rampant pedophilia. You are not entitled to free entertainment especially from the people you give shit to.
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>>4218 Who are you talking about?
If you have enough time to shitpost, outside of the LOL thread natch, then you have enough time to upload bunny cunny and bear ass.
>>4219 the person that's real in their mind, whom they tricked themselves into thinking they exist and then getting mad over them
>>4218 Correct, the furry fandom is a chronic hoarder's house waiting for the first spark to burn down. Just make sure to bring popcorn.
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>>4224 >bring cop porn Sure thing.
>>4225 based dyslexic
>>4224 I've been waiting for that for a long time, but instead being a furry is more mainstream than ever thanks to twitter.
>>4228 I've actually known a few edgelords who've bragged about having dirt on woke popufurs and the like, but they've all ended up going full troll's remorse and the like for vr sex and the continued secrecy of their feral fetishes. Nah, the only thing that'll make it collapse is twitter declaring yiff is killing the environment.

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