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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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Snootgame Toshiaki 06/22/2021 (Tue) 23:47:46 No. 3115
[Reposting from /v/. We can also talk about GVH too if you want.] Remember "Goodbye Volcano High", the adventure game about "non-binary" dinosaurs that was announced last year? Some people from halfchan made an entire parody romance VN called Snootgame and released it before the original game even came out. Supposedly its pretty good. The Goodbye Volcano High developers don't seem happy about it. https://snootgame.xyz/ https://cavemanon.itch.io/snoot-game
>>3115 Have the devs made any further comments about it?
>>3116 Nothing besides banning anyone who mentions the game on their Discord server.
>>3116 You mean further
>>3117 Lame but does show they're butthurt. >>3118 Oh you!
have the buttlords confirmed Fang as female or are they still playing coy like it's the nuclear codes?
>>3115 I want permission 2 cum inside, pls. Pls mommy pls.
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>>3152 *AHEM*
rummaged through the image folder in snootgame, for a 4chon/anon game, there's a disappointing lack of in-game lewds

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>>3115 I suppose /fur/ here isn't frequented much, but I'm surprised there aren't more people here who talked about this. Because holy fucking hell is it a quality VN. It was just made by some anons inspired by a terrible, unreleased, indieshit game, but they put their hearts and souls into making a shitpost that still hits you right in the feels. The circumstances surrounding it are absolutely surreal. /v/ hates the game, some anons grow to like it and make their own OC until a whole VN is made, and then 4chan jannies ban discussion because it's too popular (with the exception of one thread in /trash/ on Fridays). Snoot game is one of the best creations to come out of an imageboard to date. Would highly recommend anyone and everyone play this quality piece of work. So get out there, you'll be well rewarded with cute CGs of Fang.
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>> >/fur/ here isn't frequented much Nah, we usually get a few posts per day. We could use a bit more discussion though. >I'm surprised there aren't more people here who talked about this We have a thread on /v/ where it was discussed quite a bit. Most people here lurk there, so that's where the bulk of discussion took place. >>>/v/342302 >holy fucking hell is it a quality VN. Yeah, it's pretty good. I didn't know the principal was a actually a character from Primal and thought it was a kind of author insert when reading it (the devs called themselves Cavemanon, after all) but I still found the character enjoyable. I didn't really like that the ending was determined by a points system where a bunch of completely interchangeable choices set in stone the ending, though that seems to be a staple of VNs to some degree. I'd much rather see the results of choices spiral in a logical and tangible way towards a different set of circumstances resulting in an ending. It also doesn't help that the wire choice has an impact on the story despite both options giving the exact same result. And it's a shame that ending 3 is the only one where the trigger gets even close to what she deserves. Why wasn't there an ending to pull the trigger on a trigga? >with the exception of one thread in /trash/ on Fridays Huh, I thought they had a cyclical sticky there. I'm not usually one for hispanics, but Rosa is objectively best girl.
>>3638 There aren't more people talking about it because the altchan culture boils down to "ewww, 4chan has cooties!". Paying attention to Snoot Game means facing the fact that 4chan is producing good OC to this day, and at this point you have to wonder why all the alternatives have produced little more than pointless drama and low effort edgy shit.
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>>3642 >site 20,000 times as big makes good OC on occasion So? Are you mad we're posting here instead of on 4chan or something?
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>>3639 /trash/ used to have a sticky, I didn't really explain but the last image I posted was anons as the thread was unstickied and fell through the pages of the index. Here's another pic related. >points system That is unfortunate with VNs. One or two characters really encourage you to try and support Fang, not just solve her problems for her, and a perfect example of that is when Fang is preening on the roof. I could have sworn that keeping quiet was necessary for ending 4, and if it isn't, it really should have been. Just flows well with the development of Anon and Fang, plus makes sense that Anon would freak out to Naser about being in a relationship, causing him to come over to Anon's apartment setting the game on the path of ending 4. And thanks for the /v/ thread, could have sworn I searched the catalog there but I must not have. >>3642 Eh, there's still cool anons at /v/. I'm happy for the most part, just wish there was some more PPH. It's a fact of life that halfchan is bigger so it'll have more OC.
>>3639 >Huh, I thought they had a cyclical sticky there. https://desuarchive.org/trash/chunk/39297776/ 67129 posts... yeah.
>>3654 One thing I didn't like about ending 4 was Naomi being turned into a selfish bitch who only tried to get Fang help so she could get Fang out of her and her boyfriend's life. Other than that ending she comes off as having a self centered interest in "having helped others". It turned a somewhat interesting character into a pretty shallow one.
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So the itch.io page for snootgame got shoah'd because they don't understand the concept of fair use. Between the late-stage rewrite and trying to silence a fan parody it looks like ko-op are getting really desperate now. I wanna know just how shitty and predictable the original script was.
any new news on this game?
>>6050 The official one or the fangame?
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>>6050 There was an update a while ago that added some things and fixed the wiring choice. I didn't really keep up after that. >>6051 The fangame is the official game. Kop-Out's game is fanfiction.
I want to be eaten by fang
How long before the Snootgame: Babies spinoff?
New snoots.
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>>6479 Why is Reed dressed like Sora from Kingdom hearts?
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My Naomi fanart
>>6721 breddy gud I don't lie Naomi all that much though. She's too snooty.
>new cavemanon game already has a demo out >YFW there's a very real possibility of anons making Snootgame twice over before KO-OP gets their fanfiction released https://hugthegator.xyz/download.html
>>7658 >anons Whoa there. I think you mean to say 4chads. This cuck site has nothing to do with it, nor does it have anything to offer. Nor does the webring.
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>>7659 >anons <REEEEE MUH 8CHAN MUH WEBRING CUCK Under what rock would you live to know about Snootgame but not who made it? Sounds like you need to get that stick out your ass and that underage dick out your mouth.
>>3638 Goodbye Volcano High is mediocre at best. Snoot game is truly better.
>>7660 This kills the snoot.
I just found out about snoot game and it is pretty good, I am glad I played it.
>>7716 Don't forget that there's now a spiritual sequel called I Wani Hug the Gator by the same guy. It's got a demo out now.
>>7718 Yep I saw that as well! Thank you for letting me know! I haven't played it yet but intend to when I find the time. I can't imagine that Cavemanon released a parody game, and by the looks of it will also release another game, all before GVH finally releases.
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>>7723 Even funnier that Wani's demo is about half as long as the whole game of GVH is supposed to be.
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>>8014 Can't wait for the ripoff to be immeasurably worse in every way possible.
>>8016 Oh the ironic shitposting is strong in this one. Snoot game is more of a parody of some kind in relation to Goodbye Volcano High
Re-pinned because of SNOOT. Spoilers are not only allowed, they're encouraged!
>Fang Fatima's dad beats she/her pronouns into her with his belt >Naser builds a clock that looks like a bomb and gets arrested >Trish steals her dad's credit card >Rosa has her dad's cock transplanted onto her >Reed mildly poisons himself trying to cook meth in the chemistry lab >when she gets insulted, Naomi tells Rosa to join the 41% >at the end you're back at the campfire scene >Fang and the others look up as the meteor approaches >the entire valley is blown to kingdom come >the game ends with you looking at the smoldering crater for five uninterrupted minutes >then the credits roll MASTERPIECE BRAVO, KO-OP!
Tell me, /fur/, why didn't the progressive lizard muslims divert the asteroid?
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>>8018 Akshually, while Snootgame is a standalone game apart from GVH, GVH is written as a cash-grab government-funding-grab prequel to Snootgame.
>>8035 >government-funding-grab wait this piece of shit was funded by govt?
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>>8036 Indeed it did was. Add that to the list of sins committed by the eternal leaf.
>>8039 >Troongame is government-funded agitprop, brought to you by the People's Republic of Soviet Canuckistan Just when I thought I couldn't be any more disappointed.
>>8359 You will never own slaves
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>>8360 If you don't get in touch with a human trafficking ring. Anon, if you want to say something, just say it
Reminder that the Gator game is out /fur/.
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Hot off the presses
>>9484 I know, I already pirated it.
New snootgame lore is out
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>2009 >flu epidemic, global health emergency >2010 >4chan /v/ intently discusses game about anthro sharks >2019 >start of flu epidemic, global health emergency next year >2020 >4chan /v/ intently discusses game about anthro dolphins I'm sensing a pattern here but I can't put my finger on it.
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>>9747 no u

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