/fur/ - Furry

Furry Board

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RIP David Lynch

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8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

Good evening. NIGHTGAUNT##3QYM4L 05/05/2020 (Tue) 14:28:37 No. 1
Sup. This is the 8chan.se furry board. We will do our best to make your browsing experience enjoyable.
(141.01 KB 923x778 crazy.png)

i tried making this board a couple of days ago and the system told me the "/fur/" URI was not allowed. what the fuck? well, as long as we don't have a communist cuck like bell at the helm, im good with it.
whats a toshiaki tho?
>>3 "Toshiaki is one of the boys who reanimate deceased animals and make it counterproductive in Frankenweenie." "Toshiaki Tokunaga is chief executive officer and chairman of the board at both Hitachi Vantara and Hitachi Global Digital Holdings." "Toshiaki (written: 俊昭, 俊明, 俊彰, 利明, 利晃, 利秋, 利彰, 寿明, 敏昭, 敏明, 敏晃 or 登志晃) is a masculine Japanese given name." "The name Toshiaki is of Japanese origin. The meaning of Toshiaki is "alert and bright, ripe brightness"."
>>2 Hey! I got that same shit. You have to input the URI as "foo", not "/foo/". >>3 It's an in-joke. I might change it if it's too obnoxious.
Cool, just don't be an edgy leftist faggot like Bell was; you can have an ideology just don't force it onto everyone else like your shit doesn't stink too.
>>6 right now i dont remember if i did it with or without the slashes
>>1 If this ever goes down the /furry/ board on 9chan is pretty decent. There's also a /vfur/ board there too but it's pretty dead.
>>18 I don't trust 9chan Josh, he seems finkish
>>18 >>21 yeah i dont trust jersh either. though its always good to have more potential platforms i guess. like everything, it needs a balance. too much centralization and you can be knocked down easily, too much decentralization and you have a bunch of dead imageboards with no pph.
+1 banner
(32.87 KB 312x97 furry banner.png)

I made a new banner.
>>301 added
>>301 What if someone in the lunchroom sees this?
>>303 think it oughta be sfw?
(26.05 KB 312x97 carrot.png)

>>307 Behold.
(24.11 KB 312x97 carrot 1.png)

>>308 Carrots are a type of lunch, right? (Here's another one if that isn't good enough)
>>303 if you're browsing this in a public place, you deserve to get caught i think.
>>310 >>307 >brave coworker asks why that carrot is ejaculating, while anon gives out promotions
>>311 I wanted to make it look like ranch dressing but I can't find a reference if it is a problem I am willing to change it
(47.41 KB 312x97 carrot 2.png)

(46.93 KB 312x97 carrot 3.png)

(29.91 KB 312x97 carrot 4.png)

(31.22 KB 312x97 carrot 5.png)

the Carrot Dick Variations
>>313 #3, we have a winner
what y'all think of them custom themes? yotsuba B good enough? what do you want to see in the CSS, if anything?
>>522 i like yotsuba B. wouldn't hurt to have different optional themes if the BOs up for it
>>522 >>534 What kind of special theme should /fur/ have?
>>535 thinking maybe an Amiga theme, just for cultural reasons
should extreme stuff (gore, poop etc) be spoilered
>>547 or is that something people don't want to think about atm
(53.80 KB 720x540 bugs just wants to forget.jpg)

>>547 >>549 i'd rather not think about scat and gore ever
(258.28 KB 444x440 how horrifying.png)

>>547 My opinion is, obvious attempts to fuck with the board are to be removed, only remove NSFW that's globally not allowed (illegal), and only spoiler by the poster's decision to do so. >>553 If shitty niche 2D fetishes give you a mental breakdown, you should fix that so others can't take advantage of this weakness.
>>667 >mental breakdown not really, but they still disgust me.
gonna set up a custom spoiler soon + new theme etc
>>672 bretty gud BO
>>667 Nah, it's called still having the ability to feel disgust.
>>760 what's called that and isn't seven words too many for a name? they should call it something like "zuberon" or "vextryke" that would be cooler
>>761 A conscience? Moral compass? Gag reflex?
>>762 too many syllables ( -_-;)
>9chan is down Don't make me go to this gay hyperfag infested lynxchan shithole. Why can't furries ever have a decent imageboard?
(448.35 KB 846x900 laughingserval.png)

>>769 >9chan >decent
>>769 >giving j*sh any part of your porn browsing history
(444.16 KB 490x379 1574210353427.png)

>>769 you can always go to u18 or lulz
>>770 Their furry board is a lot better than this one. >>772 >furries are a fetish Explain all the non-porn related threads and discussion there. Also this place isn't any less trustworthy.
>>776 >Explain all the non-porn related threads and discussion there. I could, but in order to say anything without having to recursively unpack two paragraphs of text per paragraph, I'd have to have recourse to weird, idiom-heavy language like "foidspace" (which is like two references plus allusions) that only makes sense to people who live on the internet and which you have no reason to understand.
>>777 yoooo nice trips
if someone were gonna comm a spoiler who'd you like to see do it this goes for banners and other board assets btw
>>794 probably kekitopu. i mean he browsed 8chan back in the day. hell he probably is browsing /v/ right now.
>>802 will see if he can be contacted etc. etc. how you feel about animated spoilers (think gentle boat rocking/fake 3D waves not dancing characters)
>>832 >animated spoiler thats probably overshooting it.
>>834 It's probably gonna annoying on threads with primarily spoilered content. Unless you make the GIF have a 30 second frame time and smooth transition or something. Just make a static spoiler.
>>313 This is very nice.
(84.83 KB 500x368 q9uvobd5nm531.png)

Just a heads up: Since the site has been going offline for random periods of time, and because not everyone wants (or knows how) to use the onion address on Tor, Acid has deployed a Tor2web proxy that allows anyone to access the onion link through their regular browsers without the need of additional software. The proxy is located at https://redchannit.net/, and from there you can access to and post on /fur/ or any other board without problem. Proof in case you don't believe me: >>>/site/532
>>940 rad
custom CSS early-alpha demo @ >>>/linenoise/
>>960 you think you could make the background of posts a lighter color so we can have text black?
>>960 otherwise pretty good, thats some work you did there
>>1074 mid-alpha "soon"
(141.00 KB 500x333 soon miku horns 2.png)

>>1077 Soon?
Vanwa just fucking nuked us
(54.99 KB 312x97 8moe.png)

a commemorative banner
the war never ends
We're back on 8chan.moe but it looks like we may have to make some changes one way or another. >>/site/1304 We may either need to make a no human loli/shota rule or move the board to tor to stop the site from getting niggered again. For example: >>1326 >>1324 >>1327 >>1188 >>587
(3.94 KB 440x220 DELTARUNE_Thread.png)

What's the board policy about making more specific threads? Do things like Sonic, Undertail, or 5NaF have enough interest for their own threads or should we just use the vfur general?
>>1370 aw shit. you know what you should have is a tor only option in the management settings if that's possible >>1387 do whatever, we barely have a page 3
was this place always more active than 9chan or am i imagining things..?
>>1618 yeah 9chan was and is stillborn
(41.72 KB 300x100 sd.png)

I made a banner using one of the pics on >>329. Enjoy.
>>1712 impressive - very nice
In case you didn't get the news, yiff.party is closing, so save as much as you can before it dies forever. https://yiff.party/bbs/read/133228 https://archive.is/DHfLc
(167.57 KB 600x200 1595530472.png)

Don't know if this could be here or what, but I found this on some other imageboard. >>1718 Is there any sets of Asriel and Ralsei?
(44.52 KB 300x100 lul2.png)

>>1720 >I found this on some other imageboard. Nigga, you stole it from 9chan's /furry/, and now I edited to fit this board :^) >Is there any sets of Asriel and Ralsei? No idea. The site died a couple of hours after I made that post. Also
>>1725 i never understood why anyone would use a porn board on a site run by a guy who made his bones running cancelmobs. it's like choosing to use wechat
>>1728 >>1728 Which? 9chan or moe? Or is it Yiff?
>>1725 Who made that artwork? The only thing I find of it is on 9chan and this site.
>>1732 >Yiffparty Is there an alternative yet?
>>1733 pretty sure thats a crop from a Taranima picture. >>1860 kemono.party although its still barebones in terms of content and functionality. i really wish people would start importing content there already.
>>1 >We have a furry board now oh shit nigga
(34.80 KB 400x298 Slowpoke.jpg)

>>2053 >now
(461.98 KB 580x513 I love you newfriend.png)

(352.67 KB 447x558 newfriend.png)

>>2053 Yes we do. Please post more newfriend, this board needs more life.
>>2091 What are these adorable ratbird things, and where can I get one to fuck it?
>>2098 They're called Yinglets and they're from a comic called Out of Placers. They're basically cutebolds but slightly more dangerous while simultaneously being both a little more intelligent and much stupider. https://www.valsalia.com/comic/prologue/01/
>>2099 >a little more intelligent >than kobolds U wot m8?
>>2099 >They're kinda dumb like children >They're emotional children >They're the size of children >They're at least situationally bisexual and desperate for affection >Further research shows they're canonically really into humans This is some excellent worldbuilding, but seriously trying to be cub without admitting it's actually cub.
(32.92 KB 357x480 yingletwtf.jpg)

>>2104 There's a few rare ones like Vizlet that are incredibly savy and intelligent. >but seriously trying to be cub without admitting it's actually cub. A more correct assessment would be to consider them to be non grimdark Skaven with a little bit of kobold thrown in for flavoring. >situationally bisexual The males are basically forced into being jailhouse gay because they make up 95% of the population and most will never see a Yinglet female let alone have a chance to mate with one.
>>2104 i have a critique of this but it'd make the system go nonlinear so i'm sitting on it for a minute
>>2123 Where's that critique anon?
Is there any furry imageboard that isn't just a porn dump anymore? Where did all the people from the real /fur/ go to?
>>2245 4chan's /trash/.
>>2246 Well I wish they'd come back here.
>>2250 Could always advertise there. I'm sure most of cuckchan would prefer they left anyway.
>>2250 You'd need a far better site for that. And no, lack of google captcha doesn't offset the rest of the issues this place has. >>2253 Times have changed gramps: furry images are no longer against the rules, only furry porn is, and the sheer amount of furbait on /v/ is impressive.
>>2295 >actively using cuckchan C'mon now.
>>2245 try lulz.net/furi/
>>2298 I can't believe that site is still around or that I forgot completely about it.
(93.27 KB 400x395 1245266.gif)

>>2298 >is there any imageboard that isn't just a porn dump? <here try this porn dump
>>2303 hey, its half porn dump and half drama
>>2307 More like 40% porn, 25% drama, 30% politics, and 5% discussion with/about porn.
>>2303 >>2245 You could always post a discussion thread here ya' know.
Heard you guys were looking for activity.
>>2351 I miss Watermelon.
>>2354 >>2337 nothing to discuss, site is dead, board is dead, fandom is all mentally ill, all there is to do is dump porn
(2.02 MB 750x850 1435217631143.gif)

>>2245 Most of them probably went to artist community sites. Anyone violently opposed to cub to FA, anyone into cub or who doesn't give a fuck either way to IB. Imageboards were always terrible places for furry content because it attracts shittons of trolls, and often doesn't have any moderation. >>2351 >posts the dry orgasm version Absolutely based.
>>2355 >nothing to discuss >with all the drama in the fandom >with all the mentally ill people and the dumb things they do There's plenty to discuss and laugh at really. But the thing I miss the most is new N8 art.
>>2397 Same. I've been practising drawing but my linework is still shit tier.
(54.11 KB 300x100 OwO.jpg)

(53.00 KB 300x100 kyogre.png)

I made two banners based on >>1178
>>2430 Nice.
>>2430 Very nice. Gonna make some myself next week.
(8.49 KB 312x97 fur.png)

>>2469 lol
(8.52 KB 312x97 fur.png)

>>2470 Now with a border.
Is there any way to back up an 8ch board yet I recall there being some jank Python script which I couldn't get to work because >Python
>>2489 see >>>/t/1257 Or just use wget
(37.65 KB 200x200 spoiler1.png)

(37.94 KB 200x200 spoiler2.png)

(27.11 KB 200x200 spoiler3.png)

(29.45 KB 200x200 spoiler4.png)

I noticed that this board lacks an image for spoilers, so here are a some proposals for it.
>>2795 Who cares, nobody uses spoilers in a porn board.
>>2796 This isn't a porn board. This is a furry board that allows nsfw content.
(308.02 KB 800x800 1460415190809.jpg)

>>2798 >furry imageboard >not a porn board
>>2813 Shut the FUCK up or I'll take your knot
(143.50 KB 503x273 disappoint.png)

>>2798 >This isn't a porn board. This is a furry board that allows nsfw content. Back to your dead board on >>>/8kun/ you go Bell.
>>2823 You know what youre right, I think I stupidly used 8kunt for a week about 5 months ago and must have picked up that wordage from their sticky. I just scanned this thread and saw no notice of it My bad
>>2796 imo it's actually fine especially if you're posting scat or something that might put folks off their feed
(416.34 KB 739x937 faggot cat.png)

>>2796 That's not a reason not to have custom spoilers. Other than what >>2841 said they're also for bait and switches, mystery images, or even just plain, regular spoilers.
Why don't we have a custom CSS? Other boards have one >>>/sm/ >>>/vr/ >>>/tikilounge/ and it would be nice if we had one too.
>>2864 Who cares, nobody jacks off to the CSS.
(4.86 KB 386x121 Champion mindset.png)

>>2917 That's what you think
>>2917 Depends on how good it is. A little mascot in the corner would be nice.
>>2935 i'd love to have either k8, n8, or f8 pop up in the corner of the screen at random. i dont know how to css though.
>>2798 shut up bell
>>3036 It's actually pretty simple, you just need to add:[code] body { background: url('/.media/6d564952a5597dea211e2478ee90ef843b040744860c1b3a0dce186172c90eb4.png') bottom 0px right 20px/200px fixed no-repeat; } [/code]to the CSS. /.media/6d564952a5597dea211e2478ee90ef843b040744860c1b3a0dce186172c90eb4.png is the address of the image you want to use (without the https://8chan.moe in front), bottom 0px right 20px means a bottom right position with no margin at the bottom and 20 pixels margin at the right, the 200px are the image width, fixed makes it stay in place when scrolling and no-repeat means there's only one.
(18.99 KB 204x238 ClipboardImage.png)

>>3077 It's not my fault the code tags are disabled for the board. If you want to try it out just for yourself, open the Settings menu, click CSS, paste the following code and press Save. body { background: url('/.media/6d564952a5597dea211e2478ee90ef843b040744860c1b3a0dce186172c90eb4.png') bottom 0px right 20px/200px fixed no-repeat; } The latter half of >>3076 is just explaining how to tweak the CSS rule. In any case I hope the BO adds something like this to the board CSS.
>>2864 they were testing out a layout on >>>/linenoise/
(1.69 KB 591x79 fur numba wan.png)

(30.52 KB 193x217 bear.gif)

Should the announcement bar have [Zoophilia](/zoo) to link the zoo board like it links fur?
>>3291 Only if /zoo/ links us back. Ask em.
>>3292 Well, they do, that's why I thought to ask if we should do the same to them.
>>3293 >they already do Shit, then fuck yeah. They offering us into the webring. It'd be rude to decline.
>>3291 no. pretty sure those guys are into actual animals.
>>3353 Yeah that's kind of a problem. I'm not really thrilled about having that board directly linked to this one.
>>3353 >>3355 Same, I'm not interested in associating with a board that has photos of zoophilia in it
What's with these spam threads recently and why aren't they being cleaned up? >>3491 >>3487 >>3488 >>3464 >>3454
>>3494 The BO doesn't seem to be very active right now. Be sure to report spam when you see it, it might get deleted sooner.
(65.32 KB 164x230 extra_pokerface.png)

Was nervous when I couldn't reach the Furaffinity onion archive, but it turns out they already upgraded to an onion v3 address. Here's the new link for anyone else who missed the memo: http://g6jy5jkx466lrqojcngbnksugrcfxsl562bzuikrka5rv7srgguqbjid.onion/fa/
>>3516 good lookin out nigga
(29.39 KB 300x100 double_battle.jpg)

(29.08 KB 300x100 umbreon.jpg)

New banners!
(154.07 KB 537x358 ClipboardImage.png)

>>3704 >fat ass horny feral eevees
>>3714 less deformed version
>>3714 >>3715 oh, well you didnt have to make it a banner, it was just commentary. this one's gonna look stretched no matter what since the panels in the comic are too tall.
this ones from modca's "dark thirst" comic, by the way
(36.43 KB 300x100 ahh__banner.png)

>>3715 >>3716 It does look better when you put in the effort though.
(454.43 KB 564x564 54873.png)

Hi =3
(399.72 KB 1074x1066 happycat.jpg)

(34.82 KB 300x100 legs banner.png)

(34.06 KB 300x100 new friend banner.png)

Is the BO still active? I made a couple of banners.
Is anyone else having troubles connecting to The Permanent Booru? Also, what happened to the BO?
>>4042 >what happened to the BO? I was wondering that myself. Did he abandon the board?
>>4042 You don't need moderators so you can dump porn.
(9.57 KB 289x129 ded.png)

(48.63 KB 293x209 annoyed tard.png)

>/kemono/ board added >3 days later >/kemono/ gets deleted
(221.10 KB 2048x1152 DeenTears.jpg)

>>4081 Are we ever going to get an explanation as to why it's gone? Or is that only privy to some sooper seekrit IRC?
>>4084 I'm gonna assume the BO made it because he thought it was the only one and nuked it when I mentioned cafe's version of the board.
>>4087 I didn't know they had one either. Is it unlisted?
>>2935 >>3036 I vote on Coco personally but lets set it up as a vote on who gets to be the mascot/water mark on all our threads.
>>4162 Yes set up a vote. Caprino or Cream wouldn't be a bad choice. Or a loli bear. Could we have multiple ones that pop up at random?
(782.40 KB 931x1200 bare bear.png)

(772.46 KB 931x1200 bear panchu.png)

(328.21 KB 1280x1280 4e8c7c7b66a4cd0e.png)

(12.81 KB 339x300 1495799097897.png)

(358.93 KB 1280x1280 b1a62b7c45e5397e.png)

Here's some Cocos.
>>4167 Fuck. Pixels.
(567.27 KB 645x1211 capri 1.png)

(447.32 KB 645x1211 capri 2.png)

(749.06 KB 645x1211 capri 3.png)

(609.18 KB 645x1211 capri 4.png)

(636.60 KB 645x1211 capri 5.png)

>>4168 fucking damnit Well while I'm at it here are some variants.
Well I noticed a few more errors I made but I'll wait to fix them after someone makes a poll and the BO shows up.
Is the BO even alive?
(41.92 KB 1746x210 rip.jpg)

>>4175 Nope. The board can be claimed now, so anyone willing to take care of it can become its new BO.
(99.63 KB 382x422 cheese grater.png)

>>4232 Oh fuck. Here we go I guess.
I'll try to work with the CSS once I figure out how not to fuck everything up.
If anyone doesn't like a specific banner from this thread that I just added then let your voice be heard. Also if anyone wants to make new banners that would be nice too.
>>4235 I've figured out how to add a mascot image but I haven't figured out how to make a rotating set of mascot images. Anyone have a clue how zzz does it? This is how they do it apparently: body { background:url(/file/4bd4192966809392b976305b8632e9c1d7f0df9d1d5f7afa7b23036037cc555c.png) bottom right fixed no-repeat, linear-gradient(var(--background-top) 3em,var(--background-rest) 230px); background-size: 25vmin; } I'm completely new to CSS.
>>4235 Wait. I think they're using an animated .png. I wonder if there is a way to have multiple background images that swap out when the page is refreshed like how banners are?
>>4246 I remember searching if there was a way to randomize something in CSS and not finding anything useful, so probably not. Dunno if it's just me, but I'd rather have N8 in the corner.
(21.14 KB 128x128 warning.png)

(59.08 KB 256x256 warning 2x.png)

>>4236 >Also if anyone wants to make new banners that would be nice too. Somebody made a couple at >>3967. Don't forget to add them. Also here's a spoiler image based on >>4234 since the board lacks one.
(472.43 KB 914x812 nate.png)

(413.71 KB 500x375 bborgur_banan.gif)

>>4252 test
>>4248 >Dunno if it's just me, but I'd rather have N8 in the corner. I was thinking the same thing. I'd still like to play around with adding some of the others in some fashion but for right now it's time for N8. Also what about the board theme? Should I keep it as is, change it to one of the other default CSSs, or try to make something from scratch?
>>4245 >>4246 >>4248 CSS doesn't have any means to do general computing, so you cannot do this with just CSS. Although, you can hack it to produce something of the effect if you can find something in the HTML that changes on each page load (such as a page generation timestamp). I couldn't find one, so I'm using the id of the last post in the first thread. You could ask the admin to add a dummy tag that contains the current time down to the millisecond or a random number in an attribute (e.g. <div class="hidden" time="1643753554123"></div>) that way this method will give a lot better results. First, we set up the global values: [code]#divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) a.linkThumb::after { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; content: ""; z-index: -1000; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: right bottom; background-size: 25vmin; }[/code] The selector, as stated above, gets the "::after" pseudo element of the last post in the first thread on thread and index pages (thread views and the index share a similar layout, so they can reuse the first selector) and the pseudo element of the second thread (to avoid the sticky) on the catalog. It then makes it such that the element is the same size as the screen, fixed such that it won't move when the view is scrolled, below all other elements, and set up to have a background image in the lower right corner. Now for the magic part, we'll set the background image based on the id of the post we're referencing: [code]#divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="0"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="1"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="2"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="3"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="4"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="0.html"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="1.html"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="2.html"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="3.html"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="4.html"]::after { background-image: url(/.media/d038414df59d0915dd8f80d74c65b3662f38bfd4c82585bae8895c0b7aee2434.png); } #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="5"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="6"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="7"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="8"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(1) .postCell:nth-last-child(1)[id$="9"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="5.html"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="6.html"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="7.html"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="8.html"]::after, #divThreads > div:nth-child(2) a.linkThumb[href$="9.html"]::after { background-image: url(/.media/4bd4192966809392b976305b8632e9c1d7f0df9d1d5f7afa7b23036037cc555c.png); }[/code] Since we're referencing the post in a way that's based on its position on the page, the rule that ends up being triggered will change as new posts come in. You can add new images and change their distribution by copying these rules and changing the numbers between the "[]." If there's a collision, it'll pick the last applicable rule to use (so you can add very rare backgrounds for specific posts).
>>4257 Thanks anon, this is a big help. I'm going to take some time to work on this now that I think I'm beginning to get a tiny grasp about what's going on.
>>4257 I'm still playing around with this but I'll admit that I beginning to become fond of Nate down in the right corner but I would still like to make use of this in some fashion with alternate mascots. While on the subject, are there any changes that anyone would like to see to the look of this place? I'd like a little direction because I don't want to transform /fur/ into an Angelfire page circa 1996 but I would like to make the place look unique.
(1.43 KB n8red.txt)

(157.19 KB 1279x592 theme.png)

>>4258 If you want to copy anything, here's my current half-baked tomorrow edit. I think darker themes work better with NSFW boards because you're more likely to browse when it's dark.
>>4287 I like this.
(665.81 KB 1280x3430 pumpkin.jpg)

(1.94 KB pumpkin.txt)

>>4287 I made a similar theme a while ago.
>>4287 Let's try this for a while and see how it goes.
(19.58 KB 300x100 ahh___banner.png)

(25.84 KB 300x100 Nate!.png)

Added two new banners.
>>3704 >>3713 >>3718 fucking love these banners. umbreon and espeon make such a cute pair.
If anyone wants to test this out and see what you think about it. Is it too invasive or obnoxious? Is the cursor too big? html, *, hover, #postingForm th { cursor: url(/.media/663b08f27c758b14b288f319c9a22e47e8127a55d1f73cc72f89d1e145e38a9f.gif), default; } a, .embedButton, select, .divRefresh input, #postingForm button, #qrbutton { cursor: url(/.media/663b08f27c758b14b288f319c9a22e47e8127a55d1f73cc72f89d1e145e38a9f.gif), progress !important; } label, img, .hideFileButton { cursor: url(/.media/663b08f27c758b14b288f319c9a22e47e8127a55d1f73cc72f89d1e145e38a9f.gif), progress !important; } #dropzone, #dropzoneQr { cursor: url(/.media/663b08f27c758b14b288f319c9a22e47e8127a55d1f73cc72f89d1e145e38a9f.gif), progress !important; font-size: 14px; }
>>4297 Is this a file from one of the tor only boards? All I'm getting is the 403 page pretending to be a 404 page.
>>4293 Ehh, I prefer the Miku theme to be honest. This red on red hurts my eyes. >>4303 >Is this a file from one of the tor only boards? No, it's from >>>/test/1782. It would been better to have it on >>>/res/ instead. >All I'm getting is the 403 page pretending to be a 404 page. That's 8moe's gay referral block in action. See >>>/site/4482 for an explanation.
(4.01 KB 80x71 paw cursor.gif)

>>4304 >Ehh, I prefer the Miku theme to be honest. This red on red hurts my eyes. Well everything's still in flux. I don't hate it at all but perhaps it is a bit red. >>4304 >No, it's from >>>/test/1782. It would been better to have it on >>>/res/ instead. >All I'm getting is the 403 page pretending to be a 404 page. That's 8moe's gay referral block in action. See >>>/site/4482 for an explanation. I didn't realize that would affect things. I'll drop the test image in this thread. >>>/res/ Should I make a /fur/ resource thread on /res/ or should I do it here? Some of the (potential) mascots might be lewdish and I don't want to be obnoxious to the rest of the site.
Let's try this for a couple of days. It's a kind of red Miku. Is it is too pink? I kind of like the Nate colors but I can see how it would be a little to Virtual Boy for some anons. Everyone let me know what they think.
>>4307 Yeah, it's too pink. The highlighted posts also need a color change. >>4306 It's too big. Is there a way to dynamically scale cursors in CSS depending on resolution?
(1.68 KB 40x36 paw cursor small.gif)

>>4309 >It's too big. Yeah I saw that after using it for a while. I made a smaller test cursor. Is it the right size now or does it need to be something like 10% bigger? >Is there a way to dynamically scale cursors in CSS depending on resolution? I honestly don't know I'm a completely newbie at CSS. >Yeah, it's too pink. Which part is too pink? The background or the post cells? >The highlighted posts also need a color change. I'll fix that.
Hey is there a way to increase the size of the text cell border?
(22.70 KB 300x100 up late with N8.png)

Also, new banner.
I'm just going to go ahead and add the cursor on a temp basis. GRAPHICS NOT FINAL I'm awaiting feedback before I clean it up and add additional cursor graphics. Suggestions and criticism welcome.'
Edited last time by MisterE on 02/07/2022 (Mon) 02:14:34.
(270.22 KB 1704x1428 sleepypink.jpg)

>>4306 >I didn't realize that would affect things. I'll drop the test image in this thread. Technically it wouldn't since everything is being done "inside the site". The only inconvenient that should be caused is that you wouldn't be able to open https://8chan.moe/.media/663b08f27c758b14b288f319c9a22e47e8127a55d1f73cc72f89d1e145e38a9f.gif by clicking on it (because of the hotlink block) like >>4303 tried to. >Should I make a /fur/ resource thread on /res/ or should I do it here? It's better to drop them at >>>/res/ (either in an existing thread or in a new one to have things more organized) since there's less risk of losing the files there. Putting them in this thread, for example, leaves the posts containing them at risk of being pruned if the thread is made a cyclical or deleted. Media linking works on any board. >Some of the (potential) mascots might be lewdish and I don't want to be obnoxious to the rest of the site. Lewdness isn't a problem, just use spoilers to hide the lewder ones. >>4307 >Is it is too pink? Yep. Check ZZZchan's pink theme and how it uses brighter shades of pink that are easier on the eyes. Alternatively use https://www.color-hex.com/ and https://coolors.co/contrast-checker to work in a palette. >>4311 >Which part is too pink? The background or the post cells? The post cells. The pink is too intense and makes text harder to read, specially highlighted links and green/pink text. >>4313 [code].divMessage { margin: size in px or em }[/code] Play with the inspect element, read every element's proprieties and search them in W3Schools.
(9.74 KB 548x940 border.png)

>>4329 >[code].divMessage { margin: size in px or em }[/code] That didn't seem to do it. It's this thin border that I was talking about.
>>4311 It still needs some cleaning, the outside is full of white pixels. >>4336 That's easy, just use the border-width attribute.
>>4337 >It still needs some cleaning, the outside is full of white pixels. Still in progress. Does the new basic hover cursor look better? I know the two interactive ones need some graphical touch ups.
You could ask kazu (one of /v/'s jannies) for help with your theme. I think he's the one who has made many complex themes like the ones at >>>/tw/17.
>>4345 I may have to do that. I'm a little in over my head.
(11.14 KB 976x105 fur on the rise 2.png)

(20.73 KB 683x200 fur on the rise.png)

We made it to the top 10 again, lads!
(7.07 KB 112x112 thinking_330.png)

>>4356 >/fur/ is next to /zoo/ and /interracial/ What did 8moe mean with this?
>>4357 You wanna be BO of /zoo/ ?
>>4358 I do not.
>>4359 Dammit.
>>4346 I'm here, nice eyesore.
>>4361 Garish clashing colors? Check. But bo annoying background image. And the little fox guy is fun. Less orange and red. I think. But he did ask for YOUR advice. So what are you thinking?
>>4362 Nothing too bright, a soft blending tiling pattern background (paws?) A new font-family rule with a custom font for the Board header. Modify the Catalog page as well. Do use any of my themes like my board >>>/digi/ or the ones over at >>>/tw/ as ane example, dissect the code and apply it to yours. Use color theory.
>>4363 Also the quick reply window has a horrid red background with a dark red font which hurts readability.
>>4364 It's the shade of red maybe... Idk. Yeah the reply box is annoying. Maybe race car red would be fine if the background was just white instead of this cream.
(1.90 MB 1280x1898 c.png)

(1.59 MB 1280x2614 sm.png)

(1.62 MB 1280x2614 sm old.png)

>>4363 >A new font-family rule with a custom font for the Board header. That's something I haven't figured how to do for my custom themes at /c/ and /sm/. I want to try these two fonts https://brailleinstitute.org/freefont https://rsms.me/inter/ to see if text looks better, but I have no idea how to add them. I'd also like you and everyone's opinion on the themes. I just finished tweaking /sm/'s theme and I want to see what others think of the changes done and what else could be improved in both themes.
>>4366 As I said, go to my boards and use F12 to inspect the CSS and how fonts are applied. I like those themes, simple and easy on the eyes.
>>4366 >>4367 Yeah those boards arent bad. For instance unlike here I don't wanna remove my eyes to stop the blinding headache inducing bright colors.
>>4367 On "font-family:" do you simply name it whatever you want, or is there a specific name every font has? Is it possible to apply a single font on everything without having to specify the font family of every element? How do I add the italic and bold variations of a font?
>>4362 >>4363 Well since no one's complaining about the cursor I'm guessing that I at least got that right. >>4363 >Modify the Catalog page as well. Specifically in what way? >>4369 Yeah for me too fonts are one thing that I just can't seen to figure out at all.
>>4369 You can give an exact name or a family of fonts. The browser will go down the list picking the first available one (the user needs to have the requested font installed or the font needs to be loaded by the webpage). https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_font.asp
>>4371 So, do I have to put "font-family:xyz" to every thing with text? Can't I simply put "font: abc" and "tell" the page to put it everywhere, with bold parts using the bold variant and so?
>>4372 CSS will inherit most values from ancestors including the font-family value, so you only need to define it in on the top most element which you want to change the font of. "Body" is usually used for setting the font used for the entire webpage.
Here's a CSS that supports a dark theme: @import "./syntax/srcery.css"; :root { --primary-color: #e32424; --secondary-color: #3f0000; --tertiary-color: #24a3fb; --link-color: #184e75; --background-color: #FFDDDF; --background-gradient: #EFCDCF; --border-color: black; --edit-color: black; --edit-background-color: white; --contrast-color: #ffbec2; --sfw-indicator-color: navy; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --primary-color: #e32424; --secondary-color: #ffbec2; --tertiary-color: #93d2ff; --link-color: #24a3fb; --background-color: #200000; --background-gradient: #100000; --border-color: white; --edit-color: white; --edit-background-color: black; --contrast-color: #200505; --sfw-indicator-color: navy; } #postingForm th, #quick-reply th, fieldset legend { background-color: var(--sfw-indicator-color); } } :root { --text-color: var(--secondary-color); --menu-color: var(--background-color); --background-highlight-color: var(--tertiary-color); --horizon-sep-color: var(--border-color); --marked-color: var(--background-color); --marked-border-color: var(--secondary-color); --board-title-color: inherit; --index-text-color: var(--text-color);
[Expand Post] --link-hover-color: var(--tertiary-color); --navbar-text-color: var(--text-color); --table-every-other-color: var(--contrast-color); --subject-color: var(--tertiary-color); --thread-navbar-background: var(--background-color); --thread-navbar-color: var(--primary-color); --mascot-url-0: url(/.media/d038414df59d0915dd8f80d74c65b3662f38bfd4c82585bae8895c0b7aee2434.png); --mascot-url-1: url(/.media/d038414df59d0915dd8f80d74c65b3662f38bfd4c82585bae8895c0b7aee2434.png); --mascot-url-2: url(/.media/d038414df59d0915dd8f80d74c65b3662f38bfd4c82585bae8895c0b7aee2434.png); --mascot-url-3: url(/.media/d038414df59d0915dd8f80d74c65b3662f38bfd4c82585bae8895c0b7aee2434.png); --mascot-url-4: url(/.media/d038414df59d0915dd8f80d74c65b3662f38bfd4c82585bae8895c0b7aee2434.png); } .innerUtility.top { background-color: #00000000; } #newPostFieldset { border: 0.1ch solid var(--border-color); } #newPostFieldset legend { width: 100%; margin-left: -1px; padding: 0.5ch 0 ; } .quoteTooltip { text-shadow: 0 0 0.5em var(--contrast-color), 0 0 0.5em var(--contrast-color), 0 0 0.5em var(--contrast-color), 0 0 0.5em var(--contrast-color), 0 0 1em var(--secondary-color), 0 0 1em var(--secondary-color), 0 0 1em var(--secondary-color); } .quoteTooltip > .innerPost, .markedPost { box-shadow: -2.5em 0ch var(--secondary-color) ; text-shadow: initial; } #quick-reply, .quoteTooltip > .innerPost { box-shadow: 0ch 0ch 1ch var(--secondary-color); text-shadow: initial; } .innerPost { border-radius: 16px; border-width: 0.1ch; z-index: 1; } .quoteLink { color: var(--link-color); } .quoteLink:hover { color: var(--link-hover-color); } code { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.15); } .modalTableBody input[type="text"], .modalTableBody select, #themeSelector, #modalAnswer, #cssInput, #jsInput, #postingForm input[type="text"], #postingForm textarea, #quick-reply input[type="text"], #quick-reply textarea { color: var(--edit-color); background-color: var(--edit-background-color); } html, *, hover, #postingForm th { cursor: url(/.media/683f39aa552750a5e37d1701ad288b783b7f3754b77c1c29a296e3a61af65ead.png), default; } a, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], button, .glowOnHover { cursor: url(/.media/2299bc3f75099354cd664deb58c4f33585b28733094d79d65934658fea26c502.png), progress !important; } img, a.imgLink, .hideFileButton { cursor: url(/.media/273b5f23bf010214b2a3329d072900f24969e1bb86ec8b614d9a3c88d96ba9c8.png), progress !important; } #dropzone, #dropzoneQr { cursor: url(/.media/2ca1f9aa24357f67569e4b61ae2a05510d7ac8ff2d3e528799c5b081cf7deecb.png), progress !important; font-size: 14px; } #quick-reply .close-btn:hover { color: var(--primary-color); } footer { /* Add some space at the bottom of the page so that the mascot doesn't obscure anything there */ min-height: calc(25vmin - 0.5em - 1.5em - 0.5em - 0.85em - 1em - 1em); max-width: calc(100% - 25vmin); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type + span::after { position: fixed; content: ""; z-index: 2; margin: -100% -100%; padding: 100% 100%; pointer-events: none; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: right bottom; background-size: 25vmin; background-image: var(--mascot-url-0); }
>>4374 And here's some extra stuff that'll change the mascot image based off the last board on the top bar: #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="0"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-0); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="1"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-1); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="2"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-2); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="3"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-3); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="4"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-4); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="5"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-0); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="6"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-1); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="7"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-2); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="8"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-3); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="9"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-4); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="a"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-0); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="b"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-1); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="c"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-2); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="d"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-3); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="e"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-4);
[Expand Post]} #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="f"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-0); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="g"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-1); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="h"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-2); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="i"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-3); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="j"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-4); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="k"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-0); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="l"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-1); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="m"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-2); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="n"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-3); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="o"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-4); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="p"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-0); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="q"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-1); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="r"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-2); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="s"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-3); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="t"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-4); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="u"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-0); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="v"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-1); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="w"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-2); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="x"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-3); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="y"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-4); } #navTopBoardsSpan a:last-of-type[href$="z"] + span::after { background-image: var(--mascot-url-0); }
>>4374 I have amended /fur/ CSS with the part of this that I fully understand since it makes the board much more readable while I work on the fancier parts. Thanks anon.
(24.68 KB 164x159 pawsed.png)

How's everyone like the BG?
(490.13 KB 2560x1428 mockup.jpg)

>>4377 Looks nice, although the spaces between some paws look a bit weird, like if there were paws missing. Also what do you think of the idea of swapping the colors of regular and highlighted posts?
(44.84 KB 836x279 dark.PNG)

(45.76 KB 780x264 light.PNG)

>>4377 Add this to your background body rule so you can reuse the image for the dark theme. background-blend-mode: normal, soft-light; Also, change the background in div.innerOP to this or something similar (using one of the color vars) so it works in dark mode. background: var(--contrast-color);
>>4380 >Also what do you think of the idea of swapping the colors of regular and highlighted posts? Better? Worse? >>4382 I tried this and I couldn't get it to work. It just removed the bg and mascot. I must be misunderstanding something.
>>4383 Wait I think I may have figured it out. Is this correct?
>>4384 Yeah; although you don't need to first background as it's being overwritten by the second one: div.innerOP { background: rgba(255, 221, 223, 0.8); background: var(--contrast-color); Is there any reason you haven't enabled code tags? It'd be easier to read this stuff if we had them.
>>4385 >Is there any reason you haven't enabled code tags? I didn't realize they weren't. They should be now. >Yeah; although you don't need to first background as it's being overwritten by the second one What does background: var(--contrast-color); actually do anyway? Because I kind of liked the slight transparency of the first post.
(53.34 KB 493x529 blue quick reply.png)

>>4377 I like the pawprints,however >>4382 do add the dark mode with similiar pawprint pattern or something like that. Also if you really want the pink theme you should fix the blue quick reply field,looks a bit out of place. Personally I would go with white or a lighter colour pink.
>>4387 >What does background: var(--contrast-color); actually do anyway? It sets the background to the value of --contrast-color which is defined in :root as --contrast-color: #FFDDDF; and overridden in @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) as --contrast-color: #200505;. >Because I kind of liked the slight transparency of the first post. You could define a new var in the top most :root rule and in the @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) rule which has the transparency you want, or you could fake it with an ::after element: div.innerOP { position: relative; border: 3px dotted; border-radius: 6px; } div.innerOP::after { content: ""; position: absolute; top:0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: var(--contrast-color); border-radius: 6px; opacity: 0.8; z-index: -1; }
no idea where to post this but is there a way to tell if a furry character is a real girl or trap i hate fapping to lgbt shit rumors has it that accidentally getting "trapped" will turn you gay (yes i know this post is a little too dramatic) any facial differences? or other things to noitce? pic related i guess https://archive.fo/Fvq0C
>>4388 >do add the dark mode with similiar pawprint pattern or something like that. Now that's something that I don't understand at all. How do you add a dark mode and how do you make it toggleable?
(53.71 KB 220x149 my-eyes.gif)

(45.68 KB 403x354 fur BO sick of CSS.png)

>blue post box with red text AAAAAAAHHH also, I saw your post
(349.04 KB 2560x1224 custom.jpg)

(372.97 KB 2560x1342 custom2.jpg)

>>4397 >blue post box with red text Still not as bad as the Vivian theme. Also >not using your own custom theme at all times
>>4397 >>4398 >blue post box with red text I'm going to fix that. If anything this whole experience has taught me that my tolerance for clashing colors is way higher than most anons. It's not surprising though. As a kid I would crank the saturation all the way up when playing NES games and make vaporwave long before vaporwave ever existed. >>4398 That's a nice theme.
>>4388 >>4391 Or more accurately from looking at the CSS I can't figure out why the board isn't only in dark mode right now. When I added @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) it just went "nope" and disabled everything. Are there any boards here that use a theme that can switch between light and dark so that I can inspect the code?
I'm taking a break from this light mode/dark mode thing for awhile because nothing that I try is taking and from the little I've read on it it might not be properly implemented anymore. Which is a real shame if true. If anyone has any ideas how to get it to work or failing that how to implement a simple manual toggle then please share. I'm going to try to straighten up the BG next and then work on the mascot.
>>4434 Hey everything is much darker now. This is nice.
>>4435 >Hey everything is much darker now. Now when you say that do you mean from the hot pink of about a week ago or do you mean that I've some how implemented dark mode and it's just that my browser isn't showing? Pls post a screenshot.
(531.55 KB 900x1200 89979884_p6.jpg)

>>4444 /sm/ get
(778.67 KB 705x688 vEyI4IM.png)

(187.37 KB 656x510 disgusted bussy.png)

>>4444 >>4442 >>4443 >making the same post twice to pad the post numbers
>>4452 He didn't. One of those posts were mine.
(70.65 KB 216x240 pokepussy.png)

the custom cursors are pretty alright
(46.86 KB 300x100 furboys.jpg)

Here's a banner. Also the subject is illegible because of the shades of pink used.
>>4487 >Also the subject is illegible because of the shades of pink used. I just noticed that yesterday. I'll have to fix it.
Edited last time by MisterE on 02/19/2022 (Sat) 07:42:48.
(30.72 KB 342x372 ddddd2.png)

(30.77 KB 342x372 ddddd1.png)

Which one will look better for dark mode?
>>4507 Wouldn't using white paws and then setting the background-blend-mode to overlay be better than having two sets of background images?
>>4528 Maybe. I've yet to play around with it too much because I've been dreading breaking the CSS 20 times before I get it working again.
Also I forgot to ask, how does everyone like the newest banners?
(37.44 KB 300x100 alex 1.png)

(37.36 KB 300x100 alex 2.png)

Someone help me decide which is the better of the two.
>>4557 They look fine. t. made some of the new banners. >>4558 Left is better, but IMO the banners would look better without the black bars.
>>4560 >but IMO the banners would look better without the black bars. I wasn't 100% satisfied with that either. I'll have to put a little more thought and effort into it.
>>4577 test failed
(43.22 KB 300x100 alex v2.png)

(43.00 KB 300x100 alex v3.png)

>>4560 How about these?
>>4581 V3 is nice
>>4583 Though it might look better with the infinity more visible, in that aspect v2 is better due to less dynamics.
>>4584 >more visible I can tweak the transparency a bit.
(42.58 KB 300x100 alex v4.png)

(42.80 KB 300x100 alex v5.png)

>>4583 >>4584 Two new versions.
>>4581 >>4590 v3 is my favorite, but I still think the banner would be better without the bars.
(52.19 KB 300x100 alex gets stretched.png)

>>4592 I tried that but I thought maybe it made it look too weird?
>>4590 I think v5 is pretty good. The contrast to the light theme of the board is rather strong, but as a self contained image or with a darker background it's nice. Why not just lighten up the logo in v3 and making it less transparent at the edges, though?
old BO here. apologies for absence. have been occupied with IRL shit. probably still indisposed but if shit improves wrt that I may request to come back. thanks to whoever is currently running things. might also dump the 2-3 themes I was working on later
>>4802 >thanks to whoever is currently running things That's me. I added a bunch of banners and a crowdsourced CSS that I gotten into a semi functional state. >probably still indisposed but if shit improves wrt that I may request to come back Well whenever you feel like you can manage things. I just didn't want a board like /fur/ to be up for grabs for too long and I didn't know when or if you'd be back.
>>4802 Also which Alex banner(s) do you like the most? >>4558 >>4581 >>4590 >>4593
>>4528 Going back to this how do you set a different BG for different mode, assuming you wanted to do that? body { background-image: url(/.media/8d038414df59d0915dd8f80d74c65b3662f38bfd4c82585bae8895c0b7aee2434.png), url('/.media/89bbea9cc2ccbbd91c1744ab4149d7c126f4405fbe4f3a4eb212f5cf35645921f.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat; background-attachment: fixed, fixed; background-position: left top, right bottom; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: right bottom; background-blend-mode: normal, soft-light; background-size: 25vmin; } Do I need to put something like @media (prefers-color-scheme: light){ before it? I'm guessing the syntax is different if so.
(46.44 KB 300x100 Alex v4.png)

>>4806 you're doing a nice job afaict. ty again for picking up the slack. "alex gets stretched.png" looks the best to me. the blue bars are a little distracting. maybe "alex v3.png" but with grey-to-gold as opposed to blue and black (see attached)
(46.49 KB 300x100 Alex v4 warmer.png)

>>4817 warmer version
(13.04 KB 300x100 struggle snuggle 1.png)

(10.73 KB 300x100 struggle snuggle 2.png)

(11.12 KB 300x100 struggle snuggle 3.png)

I've been in a shitposty mood all day. Which version is more readable?
>>4822 1 > 3 > 2 in terms of readability 1 > 2 > 3 as personal preference.
>>4824 I would have thought the lowercase k in the one with accurate Fraktur (3) would make people struggle. My preference is 3>=1>2 and I would've ranked 1>2>3 in terms of legibility for the aforementioned reason.
>>4824 >>4830 I'm really inclined to upload either 2 or 3 but those fancier fonts always have difficulty at these smaller resolutions. It's a shame too because they both really look quite nice.
(23.69 KB 300x100 lili transparent.png)

(325.19 KB 2362x1772 stormstout logo.png)

If anyone wants to try a better version of the LiLi banner, then please be my guest.
>>4839 Do you have the original pic?
>>4866 I do but I'm the one that colored it and I stupidly waited until after I resized and cropped it to the banner size before I did so. Also should her inner thighs be white fur or black fur?
>>4822 I ended up going with the middle one. Has anyone seen it in rotation yet though? It's been several days and I've not actually seen it.
(29.62 KB 391x217 KampfkuschelnBanner.png)

>>4923 Yep, it's working just fine.
>>4925 I like your CSS.
Attempting something.
>>4972 So... Yes or no?
It bypasses the issues I've been having with trying to figure out how to do a rotating corner mascot but still allows a little customization.
Suggestions and criticisms are welcome.
>>4975 A bit too big to work as flags.
>>4979 I didn't expect the "yiff in hell" flag to be N8.
>>4979 I was kind of inspired by the way /digi/ did it. They increased their flag size and I like de the look so I borrowed that bit of CSS code and expanded it from 48x48 to 100x00. I feel like LiLi and Caprino are about the right size but maybe N8's a little too big. Maybe I just need to physically shrink his flag down a bit rather than relying 100% on the CSS to do it automatically. There's nothing wrong with traditional sized flags either in the mix if and anyone wants to make some I'll add them.
>>4982 mad man
>>4990 I kind of like how they're going.
I'm definitively going to have to shrink N8 a little bit though. I tuned the flag size for full body flags and not for head shots or busts. Keep that in mind anyone that wants to make a flag.
(22.48 KB 205x269 flag mascots.png)

(572.47 KB 1514x904 ass2ass.png)

>>4980 >>4982 The things that run through one's mind while you're faffing around with board themes.
Is it possible to turn on unique file uploads only on a thread by thread basis?
(51.30 KB 300x100 banner.png)

I made a banner from this image >>4887 Any improvements? I was thinking of adding the 8chan logo but I think the board name is enough.
>>5132 >I was thinking of adding the 8chan logo but I think the board name is enough. It looks OK to me. How were you thinking about doing the logo?
>>5133 I was going to make it look like it's carved into the background. I can't really find a good spot for it though, the image is already pretty congested.
>>5134 I think it's probably OK as it is.
love these 'flags', add more cunny ones
>>5181 I added a few more.
>>5225 neat!
I've added some more flags.
(303.96 KB 346x638 owo fountain crop.png)

>>5253 naisu, but how about adding this one?
>>5265 See this is what I'm talking about. All you guys have to do is drop me an image and ask and if it's even semi related to the board I'll add your flag or banner.
>>5267 Cool. If I have other ideas I'll post 'em. Gonna try to find a few more general (not horny loli) flags.
>>5268 Sounds good.
(445.60 KB 959x699 fuck commies.png)

(1.67 MB 1140x969 Upshot-Knothole - Badger.png)

(7.90 KB 128x128 plough(1).png)

(43.39 KB 367x394 ReadingComprehensionFlag.jpg)

(85.70 KB 371x380 Ahemeow.jpg)

Here's a small selection from across the board. reupload with a minor edit on one pic
Gotta be honest, I prefer the current blue background over the standard pink one. It has a much better contrast. Nice flags btw.
>>5275 I'll work on these over the weekend. Thanks. Were you going for flags or banners or both? >>5275 I kind of like it too. I might use it as a base when I reinstate the paws to tweak things a bit. I'll have to play around with it a little.
(14.59 KB 93x100 ReadingComprehensionFlag.jpg)

(8.82 KB 100x78 plough.png)

(15.78 KB 98x100 Ahemeow.jpg)

(18.61 KB 100x73 fuck commies.png)

(17.88 KB 100x85 Upshot-Knothole - Badger.png)

>>5276 All of them were edited for visibility under small sizes. Here's all of them converted to the 100x100px size limit of the board. I didn't realize the plough image was too big, bit of a shame it had to be rescaled.
>>5278 >I didn't realize the plough image was too big, bit of a shame it had to be rescaled. The dimensions don't have to be rescaled, it's done automatically if it's too big. It just needs to be under the flag file size limit.
do u rike ito
I was going to make a goat thread but then I realized everything I had would go in the kemono thread.
(24.13 KB 300x100 goaty.png)

I'm working on a goat chan banner but I'm not sure how it's going. What do you think?
>>5272 >>5278 What about this? Or did you specifically want the bg?
>>5272 I've added all except one. I'm still working on getting it the best resolution possible. In the mean time have the great cat of RE.
testing two things
>>5275 I've got it setup where I can layer backgrounds on top of each other so I can use that blue one with another on top of it. I also fixed an error in the background section of the CSS that's been giving me trouble before. I've also added all the flags from >>5272 and a few others as well.
(11.50 KB 105x109 blurry mess.png)

>>5285 You've gotta be careful with text on flags. If the text is too small or the spacing is bad it becomes unreadable unless you already know what it says. Testing this flag, when making >>5278 I darkened the text to make it a bit more legible. >>5291 The darkened edge of the page is a bit hard to read. And where are the Battletoads?
>>5317 I'll work on it.
>>5318 Better?
(1.00 MB 1140x783 Upshot-Knothole Badger.png)

(68.45 KB 952x243 postA.png)

(68.49 KB 955x245 postB.png)

(54.25 KB 959x235 postdarkA.png)

(52.08 KB 944x240 postdarkB.png)

>>5317 The transparency bothers me a bit and I think I figured out why: The lack of contrast on the white hair tufts. I'm gonna try adding a thicker outline, and let you know. Playing around with the default dark CSS I've found a few other problems, but I'll leave that for another post. >>5296 The lack of background makes it lose some of its impact. Cropping the top part is a good idea though. >>5319 Definitely, though the "video games" is still a bit squeezed.
>>5291 >>5321 Here's an even better solution. Pick the one you prefer. What are the size limits for flags anyway?
(438.08 KB 959x699 fuck commies3.png)

(438.48 KB 959x699 fuck commies4.png)

>>5321 Here's an added outline. I think the thickest outline adds a bit of clarity.despite being thicker than other lines.
>glownigger shooter drives 3 and a half hours to shoot up a supermarket >links 8chan.moe Looks like embracing infamyfurry is back on the menu, boys!
>>5322 >What are the size limits for flags anyway? 32 kilobytes.
>>5322 Don't worry about that though because I can get them down below the file limit.
Changed this one out.
Also which is better #1
Or #2
Or the original?
(200.18 KB 444x750 mass shooting martha.png)

(178.00 KB 474x266 martha oh no.png)

new flag
>>5341 the e621 mods are on a banning spree about it
>>5346 So how hard are they going to burn down their site this time?
>>5349 not very. after a while things will cool down and people will go back to it as usual, stuck in this perpetual cycle of getting censored > normalizing it > thing happening > getting censored > normalizing it endlessly repeating itself.
(169.45 KB 750x750 please_respond.jpg)

>>5352 I like the one without the background. >>5337
>>5291 >>5317 >The darkened edge of the page is a bit hard to read. And where are the Battletoads? I'll see if I can improve it.
(38.87 KB 300x100 goaty ca.gif)

>>5393 Is this an interesting direction to take? I'd like to know before I go further in editing and cleanup/
>>5351 >whining over censorship Because the right NEVER do that... 8chan in general is right-leaning. This board is run by conservatives but everypne's too dickless to just admit it despite flaunting it rather openly. The racism, the pro-pedoophilia they encourage, the anger over anything leaning left, you name it. But conservatives are habitual liars so they can't just come out and say it. Like with Florida outlawing anything that might offend white Christians(delusional cult members), they pretend actual laws on the books aren't what they say but happily enforce those very laws. They don't want LGBT, other races, women's rights, they hate all of it but dance around it when confronted. De(ath)Santis won't even condemn Hitler when asked to. These dumb asshole scan't even admit COVID is real yet flaunt their fairy tale sky man which has no proof. They believed Zoe's beta male ex without hesitation yet wouldn't believe Christine Blasey Ford who was much more credible. They complain when the left protests their fascist bullshit yet will protest concerts. Dave Mustaine, who converted to Christianity, became a miserable asshole & racist fuckhead(and hasn't made a single album since his derangement set in) said he'd refuse to perform with any satanic metal bands. The right called him brave. If Tobias Forge said he'd refuse to perform with Christians, they'd cancel him & accuse him of hate speech. Alice Cooper sings about how it's bad to abuse women yet endorses the anti-woman political party & most of his friends are abusers. he also attacked the musical talents of anyone who disagreed with him despite his own content now just rehashing songs he wrote 30 years ago because he's not done anything of note since the 90s. I'm not surprised furries became a magnet for this shit since they also love pedophilia, rape, shitting on anyone who doesn't agree with them 100%. Fuck your feelings. Facts don't care about your feelings. You know everything I just said is 100% true now matter how delusional you are. You banning me over it just proves me even more right so go ahead. Your fandom is a disease anyway that the general public will never respect and they barely know most of the real dirt. Fuck your fake sky man, your Russian asset & your psychosis. You hate America.
(194.63 KB 1000x1170 548d0341e4e1f152fba5aef5ac82b2c7.jpg)

(323.64 KB 602x725 1611141253685.png)

(52.94 KB 630x433 bg052422dAPC20220521094504.jpg)

(192.50 KB 800x800 commie fur tits.png)

>>5626 oh, this is a politics thread in a politics board? cool story bro. here I thought it was the meta thread for /fur/ btw BO & staff, dank place Thank you for maintaining it. I know that site operations & moderation takes time away from other things in your life, often goes unpaid, and often unappreciated. Image Boards usually have a lot more dicks and gay/scat shit than I prefer to see, so its a job I wound not volunteer for... but somebody's got to do it. its an absolutely invaluable asset to the community, to have open forums for free speech, like the 8chan model of truly being a platform, not a publisher. I appreciate you guys. < and love that goat-tan in the background
>>5626 No one brought up the right or the left, you screeching faggot.
>>5626 Hello rob.
(116.79 KB 505x163 owo.png)

Think this could be made into a banner?
>>5704 I'll give it a shot. Also no one ever said anything about >>5421
>>5421 >>5706 What's the shaking green thing?
>>5709 It's a Battletoad.
>>5712 Acceptable.
(44.29 KB 300x100 o w o.png)

>>5704 Does it need anymore than just this?
(151.85 KB 524x163 Funeral_Mass.png)

(62.27 KB 227x151 skull.png)

>>5748 Could use a gory image or background. Also, there's actually a metal band called Funeral Mass so you could add the logo, change the font in the middle and make it look like an album cover.
>>5749 >Also, there's actually a metal band called Funeral Mass so you could add the logo, change the font in the middle and make it look like an album cover. Now that's an idea.
What does everyone think about this being added? I got it from >>>/digi/ It might be helpful for keeping track of flags. const imagePath = "https://8chan.moe/digi/flags/"; const flagCombobox = document.getElementById("flagCombobox"); const postingFormContents = document.getElementById("postingFormContents"); const details = postingFormContents.appendChild(document.createElement("details")); const summary = details.appendChild(document.createElement("summary")); const flagsDiv = details.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); summary.innerText = "Preview flags"; flagsDiv.style.maxWidth = "700px"; for (const flag of flagCombobox.children) { const value = flag.value; const flagName = flag.text; if (flagName == "No flag") continue; const flagPath = imagePath + value; const image = new Image(); image.src = flagPath; image.width = "50"; image.height = "50"; image.title = flagName; flagsDiv.appendChild(image); }
(44.06 KB 300x100 o w o.png)

>>5749 What about now?
(34.64 KB 300x100 silver light.png)

(340.37 KB 300x100 sl1.gif)

>>5935 Need some advice/suggestions.
>>5937 Put the couch in the bottom right corner, make the background color less homogenous. I could give some more pointers if I knew what the banner is. I'm guessing it isn't Hotline Miami.
It's come to my attention that after these several months I have failed to add any pokemon or digimon flags.
I've now fixed that.
And a couple more.
I came here to laugh at you.
(417.80 KB 1000x978 fedarossa-1.png)

(204.41 KB 640x360 Agent Hitler, FBI.webm)

Good evening, /fur/ moderation team, this is the FBI. It has come to our attention that the posts one of our most trusted informants has made on this board have been removed. We assume this was an honest mistake and hereby give you an opportunity to retract those deletions. Should you fail to comply, we will have no choice but to believe this to be an intentional act of sabotage. In that case your yiff will be seized for personal use.
>>6019 damn not even the loli and shots ticked them off, it was the b&
(1.24 MB 1663x1080 pokemon square.jpg)

>>6042 Nah that was just me taking the piss. Even if it was essentially off topic, silent deletes are gay.
>>6044 Sorry what did I delete of yours? As far as I can remember I've only recently deleted off topic spam of someone roleplaying as Hitler and Not-Hitler on various threads.
>>6046 Nothing. I think there were one or two posts that at least tangentially talked about something in the threads though.
>>6058 I'll be honest I tend to just use the drop down menu to delete things because the report page scares the shit out of me. It looks concerningly like an "oops you checked the wrong box and now you've caked half the content on the board" kind of deal. It gave me a degree of newfound sympathy for Mark's questionable moderation choices in the past. I generally don't like to delete things anyway and if it's an OT new thread I just merge it with the LOL thread. I'd do the same to OT posts but lynxchan doesn't have that functionality. >I think there were one or two posts that at least tangentially talked about something in the threads though. Ah, I'll have to be more careful in the future. If I do something out of turn again than try to complain about it within 24 hours so I can undelete it.
I'm considering merging >>2858 and >>2164 together. Should I make it a more general WB thread or keep it otherwise as is?
>>6140 I vote for keeping them as is. One to give WB the finger and one to post girls. It's not like we're out of catalog space.
(20.72 KB 972x199 fur on front page.png)

Wasn't expecting /fur/ to hit the front page again after the hispachan invasion. Neat.
>>6183 Yeah I was wondering what was going on too.
(1.28 MB 1483x900 fur viv.png)

>>6379 Thanks Doc
(6.14 KB 670x67 fur numbers.png)

(21.06 KB 968x193 fur front page.png)

The board is really doing numbers today.
(339.20 KB 792x1200 video_games_6.jpg)

Little goat is all tuckered and sticky out from playing with anons all summer. She will return once she's rested and cleaned herself up a bit.
Given that there are no complaints this time, I'm guessing that the current board CSS isn't that bad or unreadable as the original red n8 theme. Yes I know the popup comment box is weird. No I have no idea how to fix it. It's sort of grown on me though, I must admit.
>>6629 Highlighted posts are unreadable. The quick reply box can overlap with post text and become hard to make sense of.
>>6644 I've noticed but both can be mitigated somewhat by moving the quick reply box around or scrolling up or down to get post text on a solid bg. Do you have any idea how to fix this. It seems that the "background color" element affects several unrelated parts of the page. I don't mind the tool bar, the main reply box, and the header bar being invisible but I'd like to at least make highlighted posts readable regardless of where they're scrolled to.
Please enjoy the new theme. It's a bit of a work in progress but I wanted to get it up tonight for spooky month. I've also partially sorted the transparency issue from the birthday theme. If I can only find the correct element to recolor the floating reply box. Also I want to give credit to this >>4290 anon because theme is heavily based on his pumpkin CSS. I guess I should point out that the previous birthday theme was based on this one >>4287 if that wasn't already obvious.
Edited last time by MisterE on 10/01/2022 (Sat) 01:50:47.
I gotta admit, I kind of missed when /fur/ didn't quite exist yet so there was an excuse for threads on /v/. Anyone know any similar locations for shitposting about various topics while also having furshit? And on an entirely unrelated note, how autistic is twokinds? I don't know where else to ask and I'm curious since I've seen Russians posting art from twokinds.
(187.50 KB 734x450 spooks.png)

>>6665 nice >>6667 Why not just post here? **I've been thinking of making a sort of lounge thread for a while, but haven't had the time for drawing a quality OP.
>>6669 Ah you noticed. I realized as I was assembling the new theme that I had forgotten to actually upload that banner despite finishing it months ago.
>>6669 That's what I'm intending on doing, but I won't exactly promise I will. I typically lurk more often than not so we'll see what happens. I'll at least keep a tab on this place for a while. A lounge thread for small stuff that doesn't deserve its own thread would be nice though.
>>6667 Twokinds stinks, and has pretty autistic fans, but I rarely encounter them. The story meanders around, the main cast were stuck on a boat for several real-time years, and its only claim to fame is sticking around for so long. It might as well be RWBY, but for furfags, specifically the ones that love hmofa. I stopped paying attention to the comic a little after when the author retconned Natani for modern sensibilities.
>>6675 >The story meanders around, the main cast were stuck on a boat for several real-time years Sounds more like the /fur/ equivalent of Berserk. >I stopped paying attention to the comic a little after when the author retconned Natani for modern sensibilities. Wait, what? Last I remember, the wolf girl hid her real sex because she shares a physic link with her brother, with his mind's sexual characteristics essentially overpowering hers. Did they change that? Last time I read the comic was when the main cast were stuck as an inn and the secondary group was busy traveling with the wolf girl's brother.
>>6672 >A lounge thread for small stuff that doesn't deserve its own thread would be nice though. Yeah if you want to make a lounge thread for fur discussion that would be great. We've probably needed one for a long time to tell the truth. I think we might also need a general fur posting thread because I've had a few things that I've wanted to post but with no where to put them because it turns out that all of out threads are content specific.
Edited last time by MisterE on 10/02/2022 (Sun) 13:08:13.
(223.28 KB 1211x620 improvments needed.png)

>>6677 I've improved things a bit by porting over more of pumpkin that I left off. Does anyone know how to change the text and icon color in ONLY the places I've got pointed out? That would cinch things, I think.
>>6677 It's been done. Furry Lounge Thread >>6679 General Fur Art Thread >>6680
Edited last time by MisterE on 10/02/2022 (Sun) 18:23:25.
(102.97 KB 568x507 halloweencss.png)

>>6681 Just use Inspect Element, bro. If you really care about readable code add a new variable for the the fields you want. Here are my suggestions: :root{ --background-highlight-color: #ce670e; --legend-text-color: blanchedalmond; --marked-text-color: #ffdfa1; --contrast-color: #280801; --text-color: #a88869; --link-hover-color: #ffff8a; --special-textinput-background-color: #d29764; } legend { color: var(--legend-text-color); } #postingForm th, .modalTableBody th{ color: var(--legend-text-color); } #quick-reply th { border: 1px solid #FBBE2E; } #flagCombobox { background: var(--special-textinput-background-color); } input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="number"], input[type="url"], textarea { background: var(--special-textinput-background-color); border: 1px solid grey; } This assumes the #quick-reply th, #newPostFieldset legend, #postingForm th, .modalTableBody th { background: orange; } rule is removed.
>>6682 Is this going into the CSS? The last part could be changed to #flagCombobox, #qrFlagCombobox { background: var(--special-textinput-background-color); } input[type="password"], input[type="number"], input[type="url"] { background: var(--special-textinput-background-color); border: 1px solid grey; }
>>6714 Planning to or something like it. I'll experiment with it sometime this weekend when I have more time.
>>6716 Or that was the intent. I'm having so many connection problems to the site that I'm not much in a mood to debug CSS when filling out captchas is barely working. We'll see what tomorrow looks like.
>>6717 Is there so much to debug? I mean, you can do most of the editing and testing inside your browser (F12 to open the developer tools in Firefox, and with the inspect element function you can play around with the css affecting a specific element on the fly). I don't know how much functionality is in the site's custom css function, but I'd be surprised if the css is much less powerful than regular css.
>>6758 I'm just really new at CSS and between that and being kind of sick recently and having internet problems or site connection problems or whatever I've just not been in the mood to learn what I'm doing. I've been feeling better today though and I think I've got it figured out. I'll see if I can update it sometime tonight. It was really a simple fix but I didn't know where to stick it. I do now.
>>6759 >green <pink red DOOM (((kosher)))
>>6761 Better maybe
(73.08 KB 1031x418 meh.png)

How come hardly anyone here ever namefags? Concern about character attacks or cliques and preferring to focus on content? Also - anyone else having problems accessing 8chan.moe over the onion address? It never worked on my end, the captchas are unsolvable.
>>6766 Yeah the .onion is completely fucked. I you want to use tor then use it with the clearnet site or use redchanit.
>>6761 The echoes are hard to read. Other than that, I really don't like the default orange on the reply box. Looks like neon yellow with a dark background like that. >>6766 I mean, what's the point of namefagging? Does it really matter whether post >>6860 is made by Fags Dickinson or some anon? >.onion Works for me when it isn't unreachable. Good luck trying to upload files though.
>>6776 >The echoes are hard to read. Other than that, I really don't like the default orange on the reply box. Looks like neon yellow with a dark background like that. Yeah I kind of agree. I'll tweak both of those things.
(154.21 KB 800x600 tweak.png)

I flipped the colors, is this better? I feel like maybe it's better? Should I make the text a brighter orange?
(55.81 KB 1052x499 compare.png)

Which does everyone prefer? >>6682 >>6714 I'm thinking about adding this as the dark mode version of the halloween theme.
>>6784 Neither very much. Try color: #F9CD20; background: #D55602; As for using >>6682, sure. The default mode could also use some fixes for highlighted posts.
(2.69 KB 284x194 test.png)

>>6823 >Try > color: #F9CD20; > background: #D55602; Yeah. May be better.
(11.06 KB 482x529 lol.png)

(4.56 KB 391x116 lol2.png)

It's a spooky kind of birthday.
(37.69 KB 225x218 spookpa.png)

>>6827 Yes
(98.70 KB 566x359 huh.png)

Wait how did THIS happen?
I'm thinking about changing just the background and a couple of fonts to change this into a fall theme and leaving it up for the rest of November. Also if anyone still wants to draw/carve furry pumpkins then by all means do.
Edited last time by MisterE on 11/03/2022 (Thu) 02:40:41.
>>6877 Work in progress.
>>6891 I'm not even certain that I'm going to keep this specific BG. It's a very pretty scene but the way the contrast varies across the horizontal plays hell readability. I'll play around with it. --- OK that's a little better. I'll have to tweak the header text now some though.
Edited last time by MisterE on 11/06/2022 (Sun) 08:58:07.
>>6899 That flag will need some work too. Have a different one in the meantime.
(102.60 KB 356x356 7k.png)

Join the 7klub!
I swear we'll get a Christmas theme eventually.
(45.14 KB 300x100 animal_basement.jpg)

(166.93 KB 1280x720 80727076_p0.jpg)

I'm getting ready to add the Christmas theme in the next day or two. Do you want the background image to be a snowy photo similar to the current fall photo or do you want it to be something more like the BG on >>>/ac/ ? >>7104 Added.
>>7127 In progress. We'll get there eventually.
Oh no N8's frozen solid! As soon as we can figure out a proper nice & comfy background then we can thaw the poor dear out.
(121.38 KB 1008x776 frozen nate.jpg)

>>7132 I can't believe Nate is fucking dead.
>>7157 And now he's reincarnated into a loli.
(35.74 KB 256x256 GoldWeave.png)

(6.01 KB 256x256 TARTAN.png)

(67.57 KB 256x256 Forest.png)

Oh shit I did the BG blind due to Argentina. I may have to modify it a bit. Make it darker maybe. Also I've been debating between these these three backgrounds. Thoughts?
>>7199 >Thoughts? AAAAAAH KILL IT WITH FIRE Make it a lot darker, make the snow a bit less visible to compensate and disable transparency for the foreground.
>>7213 Ah yes I'm going to try and unfuck this whole thing. What do you think about the BG though? It turned out kind of neat. TARTAN was just too red but I'm still half considering GoldWeave.
>>7215 Yeah, it is. When I was talking about making things darker, I'd meant the background image. The theme would work better still if the background was less bright and washed out.
>>7232 >The theme would work better still if the background was less bright and washed out. I'll try to tweak it since I'll be keeping it up for the rest of the year. Couldn't figure out how to blend the snow any better but I figured it was less obnoxious with it "outside" the "windows". Also MERRY CHRISTMAS /fur/
>>7232 Are the frames still too bright?
Do you like horny bunnies? I stared at Cream's asshole for something like 5 hours trying to get the floor to come out right. --- I also fixed the little snow rabbits in the corner to stop them from covering the end of posts.
Edited last time by MisterE on 01/04/2023 (Wed) 13:30:57.
Has anyone else noticed a minor visual glitch with the floor and wainscot part of the background? It starts a little to the left of Vanilla. I thought I has messed up the image file but the problem seems to be intermittent.
Oh hey it looks like there's a new furry board. >>>/cub/ Stop by and give them some attention.
I'm going to transition lol the theme from a Christmas one to a general winter one in the next few days. I'm also going to apply some suggested improvements while I'm at it.
I just remembered this board existed and thought I'd visit and give a bump.
>>7340 Thanks anon.
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>>7364 Wait, I messed up their file size.
>>7332 I've been sick for the past week and a half I promise that by this weekend I'll change the board's color palette from Christmas to just winter. >>7365 Thanks anon adding them right now. What is this from?
Any preview or ideas for the Spring background yet? Also will the theme be rabbits all year?
OK I'm not dickering around with this any more tonight. I know I probably have things a bit off but my eyes are really light sensitive due to this cold that I'm still nursing so I can tell if I've fucked up the contrast or if it's just me. Apologies if it's the former. ------ Work in progress. I hope it's reasonably legible until I can put a little more work into it. I need to add a gradient as well to lower the over all brightness, as has been suggested. Added the gradient. Is it OK? And somehow fix the shadow on the disclaimer test. >>7368 >Any preview or ideas for the Spring background yet? The little goat will probably return but with some more effort and probably some cherry blossoms or something. >Also will the theme be rabbits all year? Probably but the specifics will probably be shifted around as the theme changes. V&C will still be here for a little while. Also I'm going to bring back a dark theme soon and I'm thinking about adding a little JS button to be able to manually switch between dark and light.
Edited last time by MisterE on 01/29/2023 (Sun) 03:56:40.
>>7368 Although I would like to know if you have any suggestions.
Small change. Does anyone notice?
>>7392 Alright, you got me, I wasn't expecting that. Who is that supposed to be? >>7376 >Also will the theme be rabbits all year? I certainly don't mind a rabbit theme until Easter, not sure if I wont get tired of it afterwards. On another note, why keep the sonic thread stickied?
>>7415 >I certainly don't mind a rabbit theme until Easter, not sure if I wont get tired of it afterwards. Yeah at some point I'll tune it way down and just stick a secret rabbit somewhere or something. I'm kind of fond of bunny N8 at the moment though. > why keep the sonic thread stickied? I'd kind of forgot. >Who is that supposed to be? I think she's still barely identifiable if you invert the colors.
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(1.31 MB 300x100 fuchs3.gif)

I've got us a new banner or two if I can ever figure out how to get it below 1 MB. Any ideas? >>7453
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(989.47 KB 300x100 fuchs cga mode 5.gif)

>>7455 Well I got the CGA one down below the threshold and I added some of the alternate palettes as well. Which one does everyone like the most? I'm half thinking of adding all 3 I've still got to do the logo which will be a pain in the ass with what I've got to work with. I'd still love to do one in normal colors but I don't know if it's possible.
>>7458 While I'm at it I'll just do the low intensity palette versions too. I think I prefer the high intensity palettes.
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I think I finally got a couple here that are OK. The second one would ideally have a fade effect on the splatter. I'm not sure how to do that though.
Well since it's no longer winter I feel the snow needs to go but I don't want to completely change up the BG yet. I'm thinking about keeping the "room and window" arrangement at least until Easter. Let me know if anyone wants me to keep them or bring them back at other times. I could probably easily turn the floor into a nice boardwalk for summer or something like that. -- I was going to pick a different BG than this but I can't actually upload right now. Or you know make a new post at all. After a week though I've grown fond of /c/'s old BG so it'll stick around for a while. --- Is there any way to make an invisible inner border so that I can make the little corner post icon bigger without text overlap? Also how do you like the new CSS? ---- Fuck. I hope I'll be able to upload my St. Paddy's day N8. ----- RIP Green N8. ------ This is getting really fucking frustrating. How much longer are they going to leave tor turned off with barely any communication about it and zero time table for its reinstatement? This is damn ridiculous. ------- Never mind I'm sticking it out.
Edited last time by MisterE on 03/29/2023 (Wed) 19:20:32.
>>7460 These are really good anon, I hope they're added ------ I was going to try and add a logo and uri but I may just add them as is. Maybe I'll update them later.
Edited last time by MisterE on 04/02/2023 (Sun) 19:19:06.
>>7558 Good news everyone, tor is back on so I can post normally again. The bad news is that file posting is still disabled. What are you looking for in a spring-ish theme that doesn't require me to upload any new images to /res/? Or do you like this one for right now? I modified it a little bit the other day. ---- Update: tor is fucking blocked AGAIN, fucking hell. ---- We are loaded for BEAR!
Edited last time by MisterE on 05/07/2023 (Sun) 11:38:06.
I can kinda sorta post again. Text only though. Please post bears for me, I beg of you!
I'm keeping the bear bg for a little longer because it looks so good but I'm going to bring back N8.
Edited last time by MisterE on 05/23/2023 (Tue) 00:56:17.
There's been a slight theme change. I would have made a more appropriate summer theme that I had in mind but my tools are very limited right now.
>>7752 Can other anons post resources for /fur/ on >>>/res/ or just the BO?
>>7752 Oh fug, I just realized this a joke about vchan's noodle incident.
>>7789 It's not restricted to just BO's or anything. As long as it's relevant to that board anyone is welcome to post backgrounds, mascots, and other resource elements for current and future boards there. Go ahead. Just remember to spoiler anything that's too questionable.
Edited last time by MisterE on 07/24/2023 (Mon) 07:55:07.
(198.67 KB 1920x1030 furgods.png)

We must colonize /soy/ as our bunker board in case something happens to 8moe.
>>8005 Shout out to the site admins for allowing yet another disruptive group to bunker on the site.
(18.05 KB 956x146 fur front page .png)

It's funny how the >Spam = Activity image keeps being relevant again and again. It's a shame I can't find it anywhere.
I raised the autosage limit. Let's see how it goes.
Hope everyone is liking the new banners. If anyone wants to make any then by all means. --- Also if you think any of the new banners need more work then tell me and I'll try to improve them. Or you can try your hand at them if you want.
Edited last time by MisterE on 09/23/2023 (Sat) 11:12:00.
The Mandatory Red Critter Birthday Celebration has been engaged and will continue through the week. All are commanded to make merry!
Halloween theme is coming soon.
Teim 4 Howling Wiener mode!
How's the N8 & Bushy header? >Like? <Dislike? --- Seems like maybe I need to take a second pass at that flag too.
Edited last time by MisterE on 10/05/2023 (Thu) 20:51:59.
If anyone would like to make any Halloween/Fall banners I'd be happy to add them. Flags too.
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new banner and flag
>>8212 Thanks a bunch, added. For future reference for anyone making flags, they have to be 32 KB or smaller, which in practical terms they need to be slightly smaller than 32 KB due to a quirk of how uploading works.
Uhh can anyone tell me why the fuck the word p3d0 and its related terms are filtered to "democrat"? Cut it out. Who are you trying to fucking please?
>>8276 kys democrat. Go away and go fuck yourself.
(201.21 KB 292x292 40topkek.png)

>he thinks I'm a Democrat for not agreeing with stupid ass word filters. Pathetic.
>>8276 It's a sitewide filter from when some group spammed /b/ with a bunch of trigger words in the hopes of getting the site flagged by automated web crawlers.
>>8276 >>8285 I did add a few others because I woke up in the middle of the night one night a month back and thought it would be the funniest fucking thing to filter the commonly used terms of our resident schizo to something else. Then after a full night and part of a day of sleep I realized that was actually stupid and might make the board unusable so I deleted them. I may have forgotten a few. Insomnia is a hell of a drug.
>>8289 Mark, is that you?
>>8294 No but imagine if Mark was the BO of /fur/
(5.51 KB 128x128 1694215462370359 (1).jpg)

>>8297 Mark is a literal P3do and there is evidence for this. Snoozechan had a lot to say about it.
Well it's a work in progress anyway. ---- I have no idea where that BG image is uploaded to. I only have the url LOL. ---- I don't believe it. I just meant to fix one thing and I completely reverted the CSS and saved over my new edit.
Edited last time by MisterE on 11/05/2023 (Sun) 02:41:09.
(57.92 KB 300x100 banner_eyes.png)

new banner
>>8376 Added btw if you hadn't already noticed. Thanks.
How do you get rid of the stupid "image can not be viewed" overlay?
(6.78 KB 268x210 towel pills.png)

>>8405 Not BO but what overlay do you mean? If some background images are broken on your end, try switching CSS. What browser is it breaking on?
>>8405 Nothing that I've done on my side would cause that. What images are you not seeing correctly?
Anonymous (name changed for privacy reasons) is about to die from acute brain hemorrhage. Please fulfill his dying wish for one last nut by posting in all the bumped threads with STEAMING HOT YIFF before his life ends of natural causes on November 27th, 6:51 PM UTC.
Need to update the theme with some of the standard theme's under the hood improvements. --- Also I may turn the snowfall down until we're closer to Christmas.
Edited last time by MisterE on 12/01/2023 (Fri) 07:52:23.
>>8498 The Christmas theme needs better color coordination. Bright red on white? Light blue on green? Why go with gray on dark red when you can use a shade of yellow? And light grey text for a white textbox is just bad. the conifers in the background need snow on them if it's snowing and we could also use a wreath somewhere
>>8503 I agree on all those points. I'm going to put the dark Christmas theme on until I have time to sort it better this weekend. This wasn't even the final version of last years Christmas theme, I'm not sure why I even uploaded it. ---- edit: Ignoring the background, how about now? ------ Also, guys give me some banners/wreaths/trees/etc. I'm counting on you!
Edited last time by MisterE on 12/03/2023 (Sun) 07:19:56.
(edited to remove glow posting/protect the furtarded) i just wanted gay sex why did they make me do such thing
Anon don't ESL glowpost about doing crimes in minecraft or whatever. This wouldn't even be close to the right thread to post som
Edited last time by MisterE on 12/06/2023 (Wed) 02:27:06.
>>8509 Anon, you already posted your country on /b/ Did you ever check the laws in your local area? Did you collect incriminating evidence before speaking out and getting ousted?
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>>8509 Why remove the whole post? Did he even post anything about committing crimes other than spraying someone's car? Anon's run-ins with THE GAY COMMUNITY deserve at least some place to talk about it. >>8504 >Also, guys give me some banners/wreaths/trees/etc. I'm counting on you! You still can't post to /res/?
>>8514 >Anon's run-ins with THE GAY COMMUNITY deserve at least some place to talk about it. He can talk about it all he wants in the LOL or the lounge thread. That's perfectly fine and welcome. Just as long as he doesn't go "I'm going to go stalk these people and later maybe do more just kidding or am I?" >You still can't post to /res/? No. Sadly. I've been scrounging around on /res/ like a raccoon and found nice bits and pieces that I could add including a couple of Christmas trees but no wreaths yet. I wish other boards would start uploading Christmas themes for this year.
How's the background? Should I use the win 3.1 pine tree branches or this forest bg?
Edited last time by MisterE on 12/18/2023 (Mon) 10:39:46.
>>8545 I dumped some winter related backgrounds at >>>/res/630
>>8564 Thank ye. I may yet have a use for some of those. >>8566 Y-you too! ------ Lol that wreath.
Edited last time by MisterE on 12/19/2023 (Tue) 04:34:48.
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>>8701 woof
(178.00 KB 474x266 martha oh no.png)

The roof is leaking and it's snowing inside!
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>>8573 >Lol that wreath I put a smaller one on /res/
>>8789 Part of me has gotten to like it. I don't know, how do the rest of you feel about it? >>8786 I am commandeering this as a potential summer background image.
Edited last time by MisterE on 12/23/2023 (Sat) 05:52:02.
///Most honorable dragon theme has been applied!\\\
Where's the dragon qt pie from?
>>9083 It's somebody's OC drawn by Ern >>6895
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(3.52 MB 5368x1144 preview3.png)

/fur/ I'm compiling a reference sheet for 8moe. Composed of tans, characters, and symbols of other boards. Does /fur/ have anymore to share? At least Nate will be added. Here is a sample of /v/'s (it is a work in progress).
>>9200 >Does /fur/ have anymore to share? >At least Nate will be added. Just Nate, Kate, and Bushy as far as I know. See: >>108
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>>9200 >>9207 As a matter of fact, there's more. With two boards on the old site there was quite a bit of OC. N8 and K8 are siblings with F8th and Sl8 as parents. There's Bushy too. Then there's Ych, the furry version of Anon. His face is a question mark, and the dot usually the nose. There were two more mascots, Bill Katt and Kemo. I'm a bit fuzzy on them, but I think they were from /fur/ and Kemo was directly related to the whitelist that was in place.
309 = Epstein 335 = Immanuel Epstein had a project back in 1985 (the date where a major winter hit) called Immanuel Service where he uses it to traffic little chidlren (aged at around 3 and 8, the prime year for pedophilic predators) and to solicit child prostitution to famous celebrity like George W. Bush, Katty Perry, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and many more profilic political and JUDAICwood Illuminati Celebrites (hollywood for the unelightened masses which is based on a old mythology about casting MAGICK upon the unwashed sheeple)
>>9223 Please consider directing your post to the schizo political LOL thread so that they may be enjoyed and catalogued for future civilizations.
>>9225 Ok kekw I will post there instead
Here is the final release. Unfortunately, my partner wanted to quit the project because it was tedious work. We were able to get most of the /fur/ characters, but missed Sl8.
We have a smaller version too.
2x version
>>9228 >>9244 >>9247 Nice. >Soulja tan Oh man there's a whole set of Soulja-tan tans, including a furry-tan. He's even on one of the banners here.
(1.26 MB 1536x1920 1705962156752-0.jpg)

///Happy Chinese New Year /fur/\\\
Edited last time by MisterE on 02/10/2024 (Sat) 16:09:47.
>>9463 I don't care who the Chinese government sends, I am not eating the gutter oil soaked plastic rice. 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
(844.99 KB 1280x905 GFBCr5gXgAAnJ38.jpg)

>>9463 Actually it's LUNAR New Year. 'Chinese New Year' is a term invented by the CCP to make it sound more exclusive & specifically Chinese.
>>9469 wow that girl has some massive tits and thicc legs
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/fur/ is invited to the 2nd 8moe tournament. At 8moe /icup/ >>>/icup/5579
>>9504 For the next tournament, how about making Nate smaller and giving him a voice that speaks?
I need to change the theme. Please enjoy chinky panda for a few more days. ---- Little dragon is definitely sticking around for awhile because I like her.
Edited last time by MisterE on 03/04/2024 (Mon) 03:44:22.
>>9518 I want to fuck that dragon
Maybe now I'll be able to finally do that summer time CSS that I've been thinking about doing for two years. When it's actually summer time of course.
Hey BO I made recently a >>>/comfy/ board for posting about anything with lax rules. How about we link each other?
>>9781 Sounds like a great idea. Just as soon as I figure out how to do that.
>>9782 Nice, no sweat. I don't know either how to add a properly linked text.
>>9783 I'm trying to figure out how /delicious/ does it. I had assumed that id was CSS but it's not but there's no specific BO setting for it either. And I'm also not seeing any instructions in the moderation manual. Neither the uri nor the full link seems to do it correctly.
>>9784 The syntax is: '''(board name)[/crosslink]''' so for my board it would '''(/comfy/)[/comfy]'''
>>9785 Also not immediatly obvious but the fancy brackets have to be put in manually if you want them. 【】
I'm going to have to do something about all these bears soon.
Hey BO you should fix your CSS it prevents me from closing media files when I play them.
>>9809 Are you sure it's the CSS? I've not done anything that should have any effect on video file loading. I do have periodic issues with media files all over 8chan, maybe there's a bug? ------ I've put on the previous one, any change?
Edited last time by MisterE on 06/11/2024 (Tue) 20:41:03.
>>9810 Yes it works now. Also have a Tasque Manager flag, how come you don't have this sexy cat slut as a flag?
>>9857 >Yes it works now. OK but do you think it was the CSS? Literally the only differences between this one and the other one is background elements. I can't imagine how it would cause video loading problems. >Also have a Tasque Manager flag Danke.
>>9864 >OK but do you think it was the CSS? Literally the only differences between this one and the other one is background elements. I can't imagine how it would cause video loading problems. I did not have any trouble with loading the video but closing the media as the button didn't worked for me, the large paw icon was blocking it.
(318.69 KB 2189x2128 babyface.jpg)

I can't believe that the spirit of the original 8Chan /fur/ has been alive and well for the last FOUR YEARS and I'm only learning about it now. So much has changed in my life since then that I'm not even sure if I should come back.
>>9882 Welcome back. It's always nice to see when someone finds their way to this little corner of the internet. How did you find your way here? >So much has changed in my life since then that I'm not even sure if I should come back. I guess it depends on what changed for you. This board can be slow at times, so it isn't likely to be a major distraction from your life. If it's the board culture or furry in general you're worried about, just lurk a while and see if it's still something for you.
(113.40 KB 767x784 company.jpg)

>>9883 I was watching videos about the Dark Net and saw the link. Eventually I found out about the clear version and decided to see for myself. Typed "/fur/" into the URL, and here I am. My only fear about returning is that it might encourage me to go back to my old "doomer/coomer" habits.
>>9882 >>9884 Welcome back /fur/iend. Please enjoy and bear with the theme that should have been changed like 2 weeks ago. >>9864 Oh SHIT was that the problem? I wish you had been more specific. Yeah I can see how that would be an issue. I had something similar happen when I first made it but I thought I got it moved around to where it wouldn't be covering anything important. I'll have to remember to tweak the paw location for next year.
>>9885 I apologize for the confusion I have made. Yeah that was basically the issue.
>>9884 >I was watching videos about the Dark Net and saw the link. Eventually I found out about the clear version Ironically, the onion link doesn't even work half the time. >My only fear about returning is that it might encourage me to go back to my old "doomer/coomer" habits. For what it's worth, I check in here regularly and still fap only every one or two weeks.
>>9936 Hi diosoth! Remember to keep your posts in the LOL thread for easy LOL access.

(78.86 KB 720x720 snazzy Nano.jpg)

/fur/ is invited to the 3rd 8moe Duels Soulcalibur 6 tournie. You are welcome to add another character (if you want) or re-roll your character's fighting style fighting style. The event is being hosted at >>>/icup/5943 It will be sometime this upcoming weekend. Fighting styles / classes: -- Raphael Talim Nightmare Mitsurugi Sophitia Ivy Astaroth Zasalamel Cervantes Tira Hilde Groh Geralt Xianghua Siegfried --Slightly underpowered-- Hwang Seong Mi-na Azwel Taki
(298.13 KB 1437x714 n8 family.png)

>>9941 First of all change the voice track from backed up toilet noises to a normal one. Second, how does the character look when at the smallest size instead of the largest? N8 isn't that big.
(109.45 KB 765x600 fur n8 edit.jpg)

>>9951 Ok, done. - Reduced his size (but can't make him the smallest size for balance reasons; size affects stats) - Changed his voice to a normal sounding voice. Do you want to change n8's fighting class? or this portrait?
(110.03 KB 676x622 n8 fur update.jpg)

>>9953 >>9954 >>9941 How did we do btw? I've missed the whole thing.
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Question. How do you find a list to all of the boards featured on 8Chan? I swear the old website had one on the front page.
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Who got >>10000
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Is there a particular reason why per post captcha is active?
>>10096 It's shouldn't be. I'll check what I've done wrong. -- Apparently I clicked the wrong box the other day. Sorry. ---- Partially good news Tor has been been disabled by/because of the major server bugs that's been going on and not because of the same kinds of problems from last year. They're aware that it's off and they're working on it. It's still annoying as hell though but maybe it won't be too long.
Edited last time by MisterE on 08/24/2024 (Sat) 15:58:49.
We've been getting some good OC around here recently. Thanks all drawfrens!
N8 Mode coming soon...
Probably need to update the N8 theme a bit.
>>9965 It was a close fight between /fur/ & /yuri/. Duel 14: /yuri/ Shizuru vs /fur/ n8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If74Z-Dj3RA
r u redy to be spooped? I want to work on the Halloween theme and I'm looking for some new backgrounds. Please upload any relevant ones to >>>/res/ or to >>>/res/275 if it's specifically /fur/ related. I'm open to both drawn and photo spooky BGs Additionally if anyone carves a furry jack o lantern I'd like to add it to the theme as well. Or draws a jack o lantern. Or 3D renders it. If you do please post it to either the Halloween thread >>1511 or the drawthread. >>839
Edited last time by MisterE on 10/01/2024 (Tue) 04:29:19.
>>10468 I think the CSS colors need a bit of tweaking, the greentext hurts my eyes. >>10468
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Dead Board
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Man I am feeling tired all the time, can't get shit done now. I have no idea why but I hate it that I can't do nothing but sleep because I can't motivate myself anymore to play games or making vaporware stuff. I miss being 13 and being able to do shit every day I used to have a lot of energy when I was young, but now something constantly drains all my energy and joy I ever had left for this world. Those energy cans are a scam they claim it is full of energy yet it doesn't do shit for my mood, same for vitamin pills that I bought off from a drug store. It cannot continue like this. I really want to spend my time doing more development work but how I am supposed to do that when I constantly fall asleep and sleeping for several hours till it becomes evening, my body is old and frail and I am 30 years old already but it feels like I am 70 years old. I constantly forget stuff, can't keep myself awake, drinking coffee does nothing. It's so over for me, I can't get anything done now.
>>10498 Do you mean the >green text or do you mean the Doom text?
Also post some pumpkins guys. I'd like to make a little pile of them over in the left corner. >>10515 Have you tried tea?
>>10518 >Also post some pumpkins guys. I'd like to make a little pile of them over in the left corner. I can't make good looking pumpkins, I suck at drawing. >tea Yes I did drink tea before, didn't help me much either. I wonder if its because of the sweetener I am taking if it's really true what people claim that the sweetener causes my body to work more for something that the sweetener doesn't provide because it's chemical.
>>10519 >I can't make good looking pumpkins, I suck at drawing. I mean carve 'em. Or paint/draw on them if you want to do something less destructive. I've got one from an anon from last year. >>8303 You can't really see the pumpkin though. That's fine. I can work with that but I need some more visible ones too. > I wonder if its because of the sweetener I am taking if it's really true what people claim that the sweetener causes my body to work more for something that the sweetener doesn't provide because it's chemical. Maybe, especially if it's an artificial sweetener.
>>10520 >I mean carve 'em. Or paint/draw on them if you want to do something less destructive. I've got one from an anon from last year. >>8303 (1511) You can't really see the pumpkin though. That's fine. I can work with that but I need some more visible ones too. I guess I could draw some when I have found some motivation. >Maybe, especially if it's an artificial sweetener. I guess I better switch back to regular sugar then, but I am not exactly in the mood to go out shopping again just for some sugar, ugh. There is always so many normies at the market it doesn't matter when I go there, which is annoying.
Redbull me on bears
>>10526 Time for BEAR LORE > DC10: Bears are lolis. >>3186 > DC15: Some bears are shotas. >>10365 > DC20: Fuzzy-Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy-Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy-Wuzzy was banned for violating Global Rule 5. > DC25: N8 is not a bear. > DC30: But LiLi is. >>3200 > DC35: The correct terminology is "bear pussy" or "beargina" if you want to be clinical. > DC40: THERE IS BEAR CUM! >>737
(31.29 KB 618x791 s-l1600_2.jpg)

>>10527 Deep bear lore
>>10468 Check the Halloween thread >>6863 >>8303
(23.51 KB 69x120 danceebin.png)

>>9973 >Pilk Just looked it up. Why would you make that? Doesn't the milk just curdle?
Attention FYI I'm merging a few one off or orphaned threads together to clean up the catalog a bit. If come in to find your thread to have been "deleted" don't worry it wasn't. Specifically if you requested something check the Source Request thread >>2918
Edited last time by MisterE on 11/06/2024 (Wed) 04:11:01.
>>10777 (checked) you've got trips, nice
(22.69 KB 200x98 turkor body.gif)

(31.29 KB 400x400 eye yiiking out.gif)

>>10915 HOW THE FUCK? I was thinking about that boss yesterday GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT
Ey dawg wake up
>>11063 Yes?
>>11065 Whats good man
anons on /v/ reprimanded me I should post on this board more often
>>11066 >>11067 Oh well welcome to the board. Have fun. Check out the lounge thread >>6679 or the LOL thread >>4174 or either of the two drawthreads if you are interested in that.
>>11068 Thanks chum, I'm gonna check out the LOL thread and the lounge thread then. I am not good at drawing at all so I would have to pass those threads.
Snakes soon I guess. --- Actually that's about a month off. I'm thinking about adding more frost figures in the windows. --- Also should I make the green elements bluish for the rest of January/winter?
Edited last time by MisterE on 01/06/2025 (Mon) 05:40:04.
>>2 bell seemed ok but I didn't use /fur/ too actively, was mostly on 4/trash/ and the OG /furry/. I wonder how they fell from grace. at least bell didn't ban me over stupid shit and was transparent, unlike 4chan's shit mods.
Just fyi I don't really mind anons flooding threads with relevant content as long as it's actually thread and board relevant. Maybe that could be a problem with the AI thread though since there's potentially infinite content? Maybe, maybe not? I'll let you guys figure it out amongst yourselves.
>>11416 ban AI outright because it already consumes 50% of 4cuck and I'm sure classic 8chin would consider it too cancer to shit up the site with
>>11418 As long as it stays in the AI thread I don't see that it's a problem. If it does really become an issue at some point I guess I could make the next AI thread cyclical. --- The counter point to the above is AI anons don't make it a problem so that way nothing has to be done about it --- I decided to specifically add a rule about AI stuff just to keep things running smoothly. >Please post AI images in the AI thread only (or the LOL thread as appropriate). Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis. I'm not erasing anything that already exists because that would be kind of dumb and malicious and I don't plan to go banning anyone, especially for slip ups because it can be hard sometimes to to tell right off. Please by all means keep posting AI in the AI thread. Thots Thoughts? --- Actually I'm not sure if this will work or not. I shouldn't try to make decisions while I'm sick.
Edited last time by MisterE on 01/19/2025 (Sun) 04:33:47.
(127.15 KB 1000x563 white-snake-still_04-cr.jpg)

>>11604 If anyone would like to, it would be most appreciated if a kind drawfuriend would make a pic of N8 for me to edit over the guy in this pic. --- Ah I figured out how alter China text. Please enjoy. It's damn near unreadable lol. ///I hear those panda girls have slanted pussies.\\\ --- (((yellow heaven will rise))) Hint: only use lower case.
Edited last time by MisterE on 02/01/2025 (Sat) 11:37:53.
(819.71 KB 1000x563 white-snake-n8-edit.png)

>>11615 here
(819.80 KB 1000x563 white-snake-n8-edit-2.png)

>>11678 minor edit
>>11678 >>11680 Holy cow thanks a bunch anon. It's great!
(732.00 B 48x48 big n8 alt.png)

(411.00 B 16x16 smol n8 alt.png)

(746.00 B 48x48 big n8.png)

(410.00 B 16x16 smol n8.png)

As requested, /fur/ flags.
>>11702 OH BOY (((thanks anon)))
Edited last time by MisterE on 02/12/2025 (Wed) 09:39:47.

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