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QTDDTOT + Info Images /fit/izen 10/14/2020 (Wed) 00:09:25 Id: 2bf331 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
Post informational images and ask questions. All /fit/ related of course.
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ok so here's the thing fitizens my thighs are big, not muscly big but rather fat big, I feel that the they are the first thing to "increase" in size when I indulge in something to eat or when I am not doing an insane regime of training, like when I am on holidays I am walking over 20k steps per day. This is something that always has made me self aware and affected my mental health because I feel like a freak. I have a small-ish frame, 5'6, 80kg, torso wise I am a bit on the not entirely skinny could improve my chubyness for sure but my thighs are just too big for me, or maybe I am perceive them like that, could be a body dis-morphia thing but I dont believe thighs on men should look like that, it actively affect my perception as a man and its fucking gross. What can I do? what exercises would help me significantly reduce thigh fat? I will commit to this, I am tired of feeling like this
>>766 You can't spot reduce fat. 80kg at 5'6 is overweight. Cut your calories until you're 63kg. Exercise will not do anything for weight loss. The only thing that matters is eating less food. If you do workout, just avoid doing heavy squat movements if you want to avoid developing your legs. >torso wise I am a bit on the not entirely skinny You are fat as fuck dude.

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A change of pace - also, Meta Thread /fit/izen 08/17/2023 (Thu) 07:56:46 Id: ad1192 No. 118 [Reply]
Hey, /fit/izens of 8chan! I have recently been reassigned this board after the previous owner left, I thank him and all the anons who have posted here previously kindly for their time and effortposts. Use this thread as a general Meta Thread for the board as a whole. Additionally, these are the rules that I will be enforcing: 0. Global Rules are enforced by default 1. No Spamming 2. No CP or suggestive pictures of minors that can be reliably defined as "real children" 3. No threats of violence towards living people 4. No doxing of anyone 5. Please, limit off-topic discussions to the Protein Shake Bar thread. I won't go after you for not being on topic 24/7, but I will warn you if a thread is being slid too far into one direction or other (i.e. political arguments derailing meaningful Fitness discussions) 6. I have yet to decide if I want the board to be SFW or not, nonetheless you can post any kind of material you want so long as you spoiler full nudity, guro and grave injuries. That being said, please, have fun using the board!
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>>192 nnnope still no thing
>>118 Do not abandon me, CSSANON

What do you feel about his advice? Chris 12/02/2024 (Mon) 15:24:17 Id: 8cd301 No. 765 [Reply]
Given me a ton of advice seems very open and honest when it comes to gear use and training what you think? https://www.tiktok.com/@chrisgym88

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webm/mp4 /fit/izen 03/21/2022 (Mon) 22:22:34 Id: a0903f No. 103 [Reply]
/fit/ vs roasties
>>103 I need context. Is this fake? That second one seems like it's clearly for comedic effect.
>>103 I really hope this is fake.
Reposting for prosperity

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Progress Thread /fit/izen 10/14/2020 (Wed) 01:26:14 Id: 2751ac No. 3 [Reply]
What's improved for you lately? I've started working more regularly and feel great, but I still need slim down on junk food. Also feel like rollan?
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>>82 >Best cure to unhealthy sweets is to just surround yourself with healthy sweets free of corn syrup, copious amounts of sugar, and soy. No, mate, that's not how it works. Best way is to brush your teeth tenish minutes after every big meal. You start to realize that sweets just serve as a way to leave some after taste in your mouth, and once you rinse it you might as well not have eaten them at all.
>>82 >>3 do people post some tomboy tuesday threads here ? we got bullied to oblivion on 4leaf, faggot mods constantly delete the thread. They nuked the last one.
>>3 lots of FUCKIN eggs

New Channel Significant Man 06/01/2024 (Sat) 17:30:57 Id: 5cb405 No. 759 [Reply]
New Channel Take a look Start your journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_7t3QQad44

/fit/ Progress Journal /fit/izen 10/09/2023 (Mon) 22:48:22 Id: 7703cf No. 200 [Reply]
The purpose of this thread is for Anons to record and post about their progress or current status of their fitness/workout routine. Also, it exists for people who need some suggestions on how to adjust their approach if having issues.
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Didn't realize how much time flies by. Did not mean to leave a four month gap in posting, but things happened, figured I'd get to it later, rinse repeat. Anyways, as far as the distance jogging, have been bouncing between weeks five and six. Part of it is due to the the new job I just got and it's inconsistent schedules, another part is due to the weather and how it seems to be snowing at least once a week (And the soil where I live is clay, so it's either rock hard or mud), OR I'm coming down with an illness at least once a month. So, I'm not losing progressing, but also not moving forward in my abilities. As far as the CC stuff (since I can do those inside in under an hour), I've moved onto "Step Two" for pushups (Incline), pullups (Horizontal), and legs raises (Flat knee). However, I'm still stuck on the shoulderstands (Step One). As far as any "definite" changes, it's mostly come to warm-ups/cool downs, and what I'm doing for my third day. For the warm-ups, I'm changed it to DDR for the Wii because it turns out that the "Balance Board" mode is literally no different than the "Rhythm Boxing" in Wii Fit, except that I'm also shaking my hips/ass. As far as a cool down, I've shifted it to my playing a "lighter" game that still requires activity on my part but I'm just having fun playing. The game currently filling that slot is No More Heroes 2. As far as my third day, where I'm not doing one of the CC routines, I'm following all these the workout routines in these images (At least their closest equivalents) in Wii Fit, which takes about 20 minutes total: >>206 The only advice that I've learned since last time is that you can tell you're actually making progress if you need to take a dump more often. In my circumstance, I've started needing to do #2 often twice a day. However you're not going to actually see this change occur until about 3 months down the line. And even then, you'll need to be exercising to the point that your sweating (Not soaking in sweat, just perspiring to cool yourself down). How's everyone else progressing?
>>755 A friend of the family has taken to walking an enormous distance between work and home and all the in between stops. Guy is pushing up 60 and he's not fit at all, but he's got the stamina of a lion. I'm gunning for that training regimen.
>>206 I've been neglecting running for so long. I'll have to keep your advice under consideration when I start again.

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explain this to me /fit/izen 11/20/2023 (Mon) 14:53:43 Id: cbd2d4 No. 738 [Reply]
>be skinny with a fast metabolism all my life >literally <5% bf no matter how much i eat >since i can't gain weight by eating i decide to start working out >work out religiously for a whole year and eat accordingly >work my ass off 3 times a week minimum >after a year, no gain whatsoever, dispite all my efforts >fuck this, decide to drop it >a month goes by >notice that im sarting to grow some belly fat wtf.jpg >decide to work out again to get rid of it >within 3 weeks all my muscles start to pop out, thicc gainz. >literally made more gain in 2 weeks then the past year

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>>738 >literally <5% bf no matter how much i eat I doubt this. How did you measure? If you didn't gain weight, you didn't eat properly. You need to track and weight your food. Buy a kitchen scale. OXO makes some good scales.
>>738 Lots of things could be wrong. What were your workouts? How much protein were you eating? How about other macros?
Maybe your metabolism changed due to working out and your body noticing that you're actually gonna use it. I don't know shit, ask a doctor and be wary of assumptions.

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/martialart/ - Martial arts /fit/izen 11/21/2023 (Tue) 10:14:17 Id: d413ad No. 742 [Reply]
Do you like Martial Arts, anon? Have you practiced any?
>>742 I do karate and judo. Judo is a lot of fun but has a steep learning curve. And you feel like you got hit by a truck afterwards. Still would recommend it. There's nothing like facing off against someone in a fight.
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>>742 I have a practical interest in martial arts, because the area in which I live is deteriorating very rapidly, and I'm not getting any younger. I am in a college town, or at least it used to be. I don't know very much about the subject matter. I hear there are a lot of shitty "McDojos," which doesn't surprise me, given the prevalence of idiots and bullshit artists presenting themselves as experts on every other topic. I am old, not very flexible, and not in very good shape, though I'm working on it. I am mainly interested in forms that would permit me to disengage rapidly from a belligerent crackhead who's closing to arm's length distance without hanging around to get stomped to death by twenty of his homeboys. I have some very small knowledge of edged weapons, enough that I really, really don't want any involvement in a knife fight. I also don't have the faintest idea how much any of this costs. There are some martial arts studios listed as being in the same town. None of them has any prices on the web page, all of it is "leave your contact information in the form and one of our salesmen will call you to see what he can talk you into today."

diabetes thread /fit/izen 09/09/2023 (Sat) 23:20:24 Id: eb4d0d No. 165 [Reply]
Is there anyway to reverse diabetes? either type1 or type 2. Are there any resources to help diabetics with lifting, diet and cardio?
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>>746 whoa!!! so you are suggesting that 1large meal > several small meals? WTF, I used to do that… one large meal, and now Im used to 3-4 small meals a day; fuck this shit.
>>165 https://youtu.be/YpllomiDMX0 6 part series by Dr Jason Fung TL:DW low carb, intermittent fasting
>>748 There's some downsides. If you have carbs, you can overload your body and cause an insulin spike. If you're doing a single big meal, be sure to eat the carbs last and try to look for something that has a lower insulin response. Brown rice, pasta, etc, is going to be better than white bread or even a potato. There is another downside, which is protein intake. If you're lifting, getting protein 2-3 times per day is better than a single large spike. Your body can only absorb so much in a period of time. I'd at least recommend having a protein bar or something as a mid-day snack if your protein requirements demand it.

Working out everywhere thread /fit/izen 09/10/2023 (Sun) 07:40:44 Id: f71737 No. 172 [Reply]
After asking some questions like a month ago about workout equipment that can be easily hidden in the office. I think a general thread like this would be nice for people like me who don't have much time during the weekdays to workout. mainly for stuff like working out in the car working out in the train working out while on the computer working out while giving a PowerPoint presentation this thread will be about trying to find all those ways to get big in common situations.
>>172 I've seen people do grip training in cars but I've heard you can't really get solid gains this way because you're too distracted to really get quality reps. But if you just want stuff for the office those grip trainers and extensor bands are small and fit in bags. You might get some side-eyes at the office but people will accept it. Good for train commutes, too. If you want to get big, you need to dedicate quality time to it, not just fit in five second "workouts". It just won't be strenuous enough. You can always fit in extra cardio, though. Park further away from the office. Use the stairs. Jog to wherever you get lunch. It's easy to burn a few extra calories that way.
>>172 Not really sure how you could do this except for really minor stuff like stretching your wrists and stuff.
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>>172 Other than that it's grip trainers that comes to mind off the top of my head.

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Old time strongmen, physical culturists and the light dumbbell system /fit/izen 10/28/2023 (Sat) 08:32:49 Id: a92fe5 No. 215 [Reply]
Having just finished finished a book on the old 5 pound dumbbell system, and beginning to read some of the old literature such as Strength, and How to Obtain It and Muscle Control, I am inspired to create a thread on the old timers. These guys were amazing and made their achievements without steroids or modern supplements.
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>>215 I got injured during a time my strength gains were rising at their fastest rate yet. Outside my youth even but I was lifting heavy almost exclusively. Eventually, a back injury occurred in the middle of a squat set. I was able to finish the rep I was on despite it but the back pain that followed for the following couple of months was so intense I'd get out of bed to get some water to drink, walk back to bed, and literally would feel tired from all the pain felt. I haven't read anything here but recently I started, for the first time ever I might add, a light weight workout routine. Where I do sets slow and steady, for max reps, or to even do movements that would break me with heavier weights. Doing this for three weeks I went back to some heavy weights. Not only did it feel easier to pump out 10 on heavier dumb bells, but it also felt less painful, for a lack of better words. Like my muscle was more full. I don't know how to explain it. Anyways, I found out it takes about 40 days before newly acquired maxes start going down for me but with how the light weights have been changing me, I feel like it's making my body more prepared for the strength gains I acquire. You know how some dudes cycle test? I'm thinking the trick to natty weight lifting is to cycle heavy weights. Idk, maybe just doing 100 rep sets of 5lb dumbells and then jumping up to something heavier to do only 10 times just seems to make it easier to do those ten despite being much heavier.
>>223 That's pretty interesting. A lot of these old time strongmen used to only lift heavy during their shows apparently, their performances were their training. Something similar to your situation happened with the author of "the lost secret" posted earlier, he broke his elbow I believe and didn't want to put too much stress on it right after it healed, so he thought he'd experiment with this old system. He doesn't claim to fully understand how the system works but has a couple theories. I posted the book through catbox because it's an epub, which I don't think will upload here, but I recommend it. There is a bit more to it than meets the eye.

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Is there and actual way to improve memory? Esp. when you have ADHd, and is taking Clonidine for said ADHD. /fit/izen 09/12/2023 (Tue) 22:22:13 Id: db7c60 No. 185 [Reply]
Is there and actual way to improve memory? Esp. when you have ADHd, and is taking Clonidine for said ADHD. Pic unrelated
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I've noticed fasting and eating low carbs helps me think and remember better what I see in my university classes. I tried nootropics but I didn't really notice a difference.
>>211 >I've noticed fasting and eating low carbs helps me think and remember better what I see in my university classes. Really? I've had the opposite happen to me.

How do y'all guys feel about protein shakes? /fit/izen 09/15/2023 (Fri) 17:31:32 Id: 9e851a No. 196 [Reply]
I enjoy the taste of protein shakes, but only had ever drunken a few. Are these safe to drink?
I'd rather eat a protein packed meal than have the drinks, it feels like a snack to me. but idk

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Biceps /fit/izen 11/19/2022 (Sat) 01:07:36 Id: dd2e5f No. 116 [Reply]
Which one is the best exercise for bicep growing? According to science weighted Commando Chin-Ups produce the biggest muscle activation of all exercises refering to bicep grow. But, according to some gymbros strict curls and cheated curls give you the best gains. What's your take on this?
Biggest activation specifically of the bicep, or does it mean it actives the largest number and size of muscles, including the bicep? The latter seems more likely to me. Anyway, I found barbell curls work better for me than dumbbell curls.

/fit/ newfag advice thread /fit/izen 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:42:43 Id: eedac5 No. 188 [Reply]
Alright /fit/ so I have been hitting the Gym lately as a step up from working out at home for a few months (started hitting it last week) and I am completely wrecked after working all round over five days (only like an hour session a day, with one day a week off is my plan). My friend did say I'd be wrecked but I am not recovering as fast as I thought I would. Mainly its my shoulders, triceps and chest that are pretty bad. I have been trying to follow the 1g of protein for a pound of body weight rule in the last two days or so, trying to maximize my protein intake in the last week but I may be missing a few things. So /fit/ what do? I mean I get take a fuck ton of protein but how the hell can I recover asap?
>>188 Being this new, you will accumulate fatigue much faster. You should probably just do 3 or 4 days a week to start with, hit each muscle twice a week at least, and aim for 12 sets per muscle cumulative as well. People who hit the gym six days a week are spreading which muscle they hit so it gets a day or two of recovery. If you hit every muscle every day you will feel like shit, injure yourself, and get worse results because the growth happens during the recovery phase anyways. Eat your protein throughout the day, stay hydrated, and get a full night's sleep. Don't hit the same muscle two days in a row.

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