/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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UnderTale / Deltarune Cake: 8Moe Edition GirlAnon 05/08/2020 (Fri) 14:35:37 Id: 3c64a4 No. 84
Since Julay's shutting down, I might as well move UnderTale / Deltarune Cake onto 8Moe. Eastern art is also allowed since these two games are actually made in Western Zones. Also, Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and Lancer needs some love, so post them on here! Stay determined!
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>>3915 >>3981 >>4165 >shota/futa content I'm sorry, but /delicious/ is a loli centered board. See here if you want to know about the rules: >>144
>>4168 Nothing against futa and shota, but OK then. Don't see the point how it's against the rules? Oh well...
(840.29 KB 1200x849 EJWtITxUUAAeIZt.jpg)

>>5068 >>5069 >>5070 WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?
>>5068 >>5069 >>5070 This is a loli board, sir.
>>5119 Sorry, I forgot that this is a loli board.
>>5119 Is there a shot a board then?
>>6516 >>6518 I am yet to make a sm version of UnderTale / Deltarune since that said content isn't allowed on here. You will see it once I get a chance to make a thread on there.
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>>84 I comission a frisk getting banged by this demons 7w7 here is a preview
>>6518 >>6521 You could also post on >>>/fur/. They've got a vidya thread and both a loli cub and shota cub thread.
>>6720 Really, didn't know that. Might do that right now once this board gets backup.
Can I still post furry stuff on here?
>>7260 Yeah, furry lolis are allowed here.
What is up my niggers? Nice pictures, I like Undertale. Fun game.
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(2.46 MB 1080x1920 010.png)

We need more Frisk and Chara
Oh hey, nice that this thread is back from the dead lol! I might try to post some more images but I'm too lazy to do that ATM. Expect some pictures in the future though.
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(1.03 MB 2088x2247 kris and noelle.png)

(15.47 MB 1920x1080 CharaMasturbation.mp4)

(11.78 MB 1920x1080 FriskVibro.mp4)

I know we have a place for 3D, but this is about undertale, so...
Loli Frisk is so damn cute
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A cum coated Chara based on the second image.
>>35460 That loli Frisk pic is so cute! Who's the artist?
>>35477 Don't know, pretty sure I found this one on the old 8Chan. It was line art at first but then I colored it in and didn't save the original, so I can't search for the source.
>>35479 You're saying the artist is no longer around? Assuming the filename it seems to be from Pixiv. Nevertheless, I love that design and would love to have more of that version of Frisk made.
>>35479 Sauce is Hazardhead69 on Pixiv
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I hope this thread never dies!
>>36258 As someone's who's also weak to loli frisk, I'll help keep it alive
I'll share some of my favorite loli Frisk as well.
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>>36400 Where I can read the rest of it??
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(11.06 MB 1920x1080 UndertaleDeepCleaning.mp4)

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Muffet strips Frisk
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>>36937 Can anyone translate? Picture not related
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>>38484 >Censored
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Uwaa (the artist) described it best calling this cute
Anyone have any good lesbian cake with Frisk?
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>>42439 tumblr cake? now thats a find
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>>52049 More of the first pic please.
>>52045 Link to artist please
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By Violet of the Echoes @violet@baraag.net

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