/delicious/ - Cake

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(1.59 MB 1366x768 daoxsbz.png)

Gravity Falls Anonymous 08/31/2020 (Mon) 23:22:46 Id: b8fbf2 No. 6383
(3.98 MB 1771x2500 78675066_p1.png)

(2.15 MB 4853x5699 Grenda9.png)

(474.18 KB 2000x2000 grenda_slam.png)

(391.92 KB 1484x1547 pazxgren.png)

Wow i'm surprised that it took this long for this thread to get made, considering how much porn there is of Mable, Candy, and Pacifica. Still needs more pictures of Grenda tho.
(3.81 MB 2663x3431 comic_Grenda_01.jpg)

(293.89 KB 1292x1657 78433047_p11.png)

(4.51 MB 1997x2233 g1.png)

(4.67 MB 1997x2233 g2.png)

Here's some more Grenda commissions for you all. :)
(338.05 KB 1920x1080 83850270_p0.png)

(137.09 KB 1920x1080 83850270_p1.png)

Here's an off model pictures I finished the other day. Thoughts?
>>6398 Fix her chin and give her some eyebrows and it'll be good.
>>6400 Ok thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it. I;ll try fixing it
(135.92 KB 1920x1080 Mabel.png)

How is this?>>6400
>>6405 I think it look much better with the more rounded chin. Nice job
>>6407 Thanks :D
>>6405 Looks good, I would say give either some toes or some socks.
(144.59 KB 1920x1080 Mabel.png)

>>6409 Yeah the feet were a bit weird. That's on of my weaknesses. I hope I'm not spamming
(632.11 KB 2894x2039 FG_Mabel_1.png)

(826.44 KB 2894x2039 FG_Mabel_2.png)

>>6598 Oh, hey, one of my pictures got post here. Nice. Here's a new one. I know the first one alone looks unrelated, but it's a two-parter, so you need the first one for context.
(29.52 KB 480x360 crossover.jpg)

imagine what is going to happen when the Amphibia crossover goes through sadly all we have now is Soos yaoi
(2.01 MB 2200x3405 Grenda_commission.png)

>>10952 You sure the first one is not Hiccup and Astrid?
>>10970 Haha now that you mention it it definitely could be. I can't remove it though, and personally it's probably good enough to stay. Maybe you can pretend it's Dipper and Pacifica.
(179.75 KB 657x953 dippermabel.png)

(643.13 KB 1343x2016 Gravity001.jpg)

(659.13 KB 1343x2016 Gravity002.jpg)

(660.51 KB 1343x2016 Gravity003.jpg)

From baraag
>>14188 While I recognize the extreme ability and effort that went into these pictures, I find this art style legit terrifying. If I saw a painting like this hanging on a house I'd believe the place was haunted.
(1.88 MB 1343x2016 Gravity001.jpg)

(1.81 MB 1343x2016 Gravity002.jpg)

(1.79 MB 1343x2016 Gravity003.jpg)

(1.80 MB 1343x2016 Gravity004.jpg)

He reworked the painting:
>>14229 I would love to have this on the wall of my house, good conversation starter. I would probably also have some modern art paintings trow around like Puberty from Edvard just so people think is legit fine art and no only just smut. Sounds like fun.
>>14325 I’d love to have the Guitar Lesson by Balthus and some Graham Ovenden works. Any chance we can have a fine art thread?
>>14328 That would be fun, I know some small fun trivia it would be fun to share and asperg out, but is not really that worth it, I know some small stuff but the thread would probably just die or have little responses. I also try my best to not oversexualize some stuff, I don't SJW saying "SEE, I TOLD YOU, IS NOT ART, IS JUST PERV FUEL", but then you have little saint Philomena look fineeee. Still, I don't think most people would be too pleased with this...
>>14329 The biggest problem would probably be work from artists that used actual likenesses of ua models.
(7.39 MB 4320x6480 211003poolside.jpg)

(5.11 MB 4065x6290 211226dancingA.jpg)

(5.03 MB 4065x6290 211226dancingB.jpg)

fresh out of the oven
(7.57 MB 4320x6480 220101sexpotion.jpg)

(1.52 MB 3200x2452 SPOILER_MABELSHOW.jpg)

(223.38 KB 1000x1866 SPOILER_nudemabel.jpg)

(525.55 KB 2000x1751 SPOILER_mabelraynude.jpg)

(775.42 KB 2200x1841 SPOILER_MABELNUDEBEACH.jpg)

(1004.58 KB 2600x2263 SPOILER_mabel_nudist.jpg)


Fisting warning
>>25213 There's no need to spoiler fisting works. It's not 'that' NSFW. They are cartoons. Their pussies can gobble a skyscraper and it won't even look absurd at all.
(6.79 MB 6000x4000 92232219_p0.jpg)

(7.37 MB 6000x4000 92384697_p0.jpg)

(8.13 MB 6000x4000 92384697_p1.jpg)

(11.99 MB 4000x6000 97436401_p0.jpg)

(563.99 KB 3128x2264 98891413_p0.jpg)

(1.23 MB 4000x2544 98891413_p1.jpg)

(2.44 MB 4000x2048 98891413_p2.jpg)

(520.18 KB 2524x1288 98891413_p4.jpg)

>>26524 Isn't there a complete leak of "Gravity Fake" comic from elchasconsito's fanbox yet?
(3.44 MB 1932x2160 96575775_p0.png)

(6.61 MB 2160x3840 98751432_p0.png)

(315.64 KB 1760x666 mabel_by_djgame42_d9tgp6z.jpg)

(1.97 MB 4000x2738 SPOILER_pacifica_exhib.jpg)

(333.20 KB 1340x1222 8bb61e083d72952b.jpeg)

(2.64 MB 3168x4474 01_Cover.jpg)

(1.79 MB 6000x4245 02_1_2.jpg)

(3.81 MB 6000x4245 03_3_4.jpg)

(3.65 MB 6000x4245 04_5_6.jpg)

(2.54 MB 6000x4245 05_7_8.jpg)

(3.62 MB 6000x4245 06_9_10.jpg)

(4.42 MB 6000x4245 07_11_12.jpg)

(3.50 MB 6000x4245 08_13_14.jpg)

(3.44 MB 6000x4245 09_15_16.jpg)

(3.54 MB 6000x4245 10_17_18.jpg)

(2.89 MB 6000x4245 11_19_20.jpg)

(3.92 MB 6000x4245 12_21_22.jpg)

(3.34 MB 6000x4245 13_25_26.jpg)

(3.08 MB 6000x4245 14_27_28.jpg)

(3.12 MB 6000x4245 15_29_30.jpg)

(2.10 MB 6000x4245 16_31_32.jpg)

(877.41 KB 6000x4245 17_33_34.jpg)

(3.35 MB 6000x4245 18_35_36.jpg)

(4.40 MB 6000x4245 19_37_38.jpg)

(1.52 MB 3000x4245 33_bonus.jpg)

(2.10 MB 3168x4474 22_1.jpg)

(828.26 KB 5355x2526 20_mabelpinup.jpg)

(1.39 MB 2971x6300 21_PacPinup.jpg)

(2.00 MB 2995x4158 31_10.jpg)

(4.30 MB 4000x4964 32_11.jpg)

Diathorn is next level. Holy shit that was hot.
>>27892 It's ok to fap to these right?
>>28012 i really like his art, but some of his fetishes are too much for me. like hurtcore for example
>>28021 yessir
>>28021 It 3d models not cp. You can tell in a lot of his images. He's amazing at painting though, so I can forgive
>>28023 Has he done any diapered stuff?
(2.55 MB 3043x2575 wendy_hot_fan_bare.jpg)

(2.56 MB 3043x2575 wendy_hot_fan_bush.jpg)

(719.28 KB 1024x768 5244732307f6ac93.png)

(87.24 KB 1024x1408 Final Dipped 1.jpg)

An AI re-creation and tribute to the Remus Lupin drawing. Much love and respect!
(226.80 KB 512x768 Mabel P1 (4).png)

(251.33 KB 512x768 Mabel P1 (5).png)

(1.29 MB 1024x1536 Mabel P1 (3).png)

(1.49 MB 1024x1536 Mabel P1 (1).png)

(1.50 MB 1024x1536 Mabel P1 (2).png)

A few preggo Mabels
(224.55 KB 512x768 Mabel P3 (6).png)

(314.96 KB 512x768 MAbel P4 (4).png)

(275.22 KB 512x768 MAbel P4 (5).png)

(217.24 KB 512x768 MAbel P4 (9).png)

(334.32 KB 512x768 MAbel P4 (11).png)

Last ones
(521.77 KB 2166x3000 20230109_045023.jpg)

Anyone have the rest of this comix, or is it still too soon for request?
New mini comic from SeniorG, when Paz seems to be impregnated with Dipper.
(4.30 MB 3640x2928 SPOILER_MAbelpossessed.jpg)

(4.30 MB 3640x2928 SPOILER_MAbelpossessedCUM.jpg)

(3.39 MB 2934x3740 SPOILER_mabelpainted_nude_tan.jpg)

(4.14 MB 3500x3500 SPOILER_mabel_nudeBLUE.jpg)

(873.82 KB 2830x3335 SPOILER_wendyfucked4.jpg)

(910.17 KB 2830x3335 SPOILER_wendyfucked1.jpg)

(1.08 MB 2830x3335 SPOILER_wendyfucked3.jpg)

(2.35 MB 3966x5122 SPOILER_wendyfuckedYAOI.jpg)

>>32719 Is Wendy dead?
(512.54 KB 2000x1778 SPOILER_Mabel_floating1.jpg)

(418.94 KB 1400x1875 SPOILER_Mabel_floating3pee.jpg)

(371.84 KB 1400x1875 SPOILER_Mabel_floating2.jpg)

(2.27 MB 1222x2300 98192360_p0.png)

(853.28 KB 2000x2200 97611362_p0.jpg)

(858.91 KB 2000x2200 97611362_p1.jpg)

(1.06 MB 1569x1321 1.png)

(1.00 MB 1569x1321 2.png)

(1.32 MB 1569x1321 3.png)

(1.43 MB 1569x1321 4.png)

(1.55 MB 1569x1321 5.png)

(1.75 MB 1569x1321 69e11ebc47093b79.png)

(1.71 MB 1569x1321 14b658a6c67368ac.png)

(1.21 MB 1569x1321 37fd3f90b3b0465e.png)

(375.22 KB 1600x1367 SPOILER_Wendippersketches1.jpg)

(299.16 KB 1800x1166 SPOILER_Wendippersketches2.jpg)

(2.17 MB 3780x2477 SPOILER_dick_mabel_in_awe.jpg)



(930.80 KB 850x1350 [booru.plus]+rule8159679.png)

(2.84 MB 4000x3400 [booru.plus]+rule8146775.png)

(1.07 MB 1248x3253 drunkmabel.jpg)

(834.54 KB 1248x2893 washmabel.jpg)

>>40402 Source please
(1.37 MB 1248x5394 rubadub wendy.jpg)

(1.08 MB 1248x5218 pineygreen part 1.jpg)

(831.99 KB 1303x2219 b9d61696b908197c.png)

(892.02 KB 1303x2219 3418e81e6edf2b52.png)

(752.43 KB 1303x2219 e2b2f082491ba479.png)

(1.32 MB 1248x5162 pineygreen part 2.jpg)

(1.40 MB 1248x6784 pineygreen part 3.jpg)

(1021.93 KB 1248x3667 wendy enjoys and approves.jpg)

(738.43 KB 1248x3290 wanna double dip.jpg)

(484.51 KB 1248x3290 hand stuff.jpg)

>>40604 Whoops forgot to keep updating this
(1.24 MB 1248x6000 mutual watchsturbating.jpg)

>>41527 This one didn't upload for some reason. is there a limit on files in one post?
(1.42 MB 1248x5040 favorblasted couchjob.jpg)

(586.05 KB 1248x2797 wendy gets a grip.jpg)

(601.83 KB 1248x3110 lucky finger.jpg)

(141.60 KB 1280x960 sleeptogether.jpg)

>>41960 aaand that's a completed storyline. next time: less continuity.
(252.18 KB 1080x1600 keep on struckin.jpg)

Needs more Grenda.
(1.81 MB 1955x1756 WENDYGLASSESpov1.jpg)

(3.81 MB 2994x4117 SPOILER_WENDYGLASSESPOVdip.jpg)

(5.71 MB 4500x4117 SPOILER_WENDYGLASSESPOVtwins.jpg)

(1.72 MB 1955x1756 WENDYGLASSESpov2.jpg)

>>42493 Source please
It seems to me that the artist is called "enf-lover", anyway, I advise you to be patient and eventually you will see this image in R34.
(4.14 MB 3429x2493 mabel_bed.jpg)

(476.10 KB 1800x1492 mabelpurityunicornWIP.jpg)

(598.89 KB 2200x2044 mabelspanked.jpg)

(5.36 MB 4500x3942 mabel_sidewalk.jpg)


>>42523 enf-lover. He puts his cake behind a Discord server nowadays.
(260.13 KB 1280x1807 33.jpg)

Does anyone know if there are any gravity falls porn games/vn's?
(820.67 KB 1248x2342 beachfuzz.jpg)

(246.41 KB 880x1360 doin hair.jpg)

(936.14 KB 1248x4474 naked day.jpg)

(1.22 MB 1248x6189 skinnydipper.jpg)

(690.67 KB 1248x3427 fapwatch nights.jpg)

(1.22 MB 1248x4726 grassity falls.jpg)

(804.22 KB 1280x3659 soonmyfriend1.jpg)

(1.43 MB 1280x6467 soonmyfriend2.jpg)

(1.24 MB 1280x5248 soonmyfriend3.jpg)

>>43402 finally got some commissions
(686.19 KB 1248x3076 pinecology part 1.jpg)

>>43481 Is this based on a published story, or a WIP from that author?
(1.45 MB 1248x7506 pinecology part 2.jpg)

>>43682 It was a WIP when I posted this, maybe he's finished it by now! He had me wait a while, but didn't want to make me wait forever. >>43572
(163.82 KB 1240x1000 undersea pines.jpg)

>>43750 happy Mermay to those who celebrate
(566.65 KB 1248x3239 flashyflashing.jpg)

(661.17 KB 1248x3150 mabel in the morning.jpg)

(2.32 MB 2259x3200 119261886_p0.png)

(472.89 KB 1248x2643 helpsturbation.jpg)

(742.15 KB 1248x4228 tying up the year.jpg)

(1.11 MB 1248x5242 handsoff chanukkah part 1.jpg)

(1.07 MB 1248x5380 handsoff chanukkah part 2.jpg)

(1.07 MB 832x1216 Mable Pines Blacked (1).png)

(1.17 MB 832x1216 Mable Pines Blacked (33).png)

(1.13 MB 832x1216 Pacifica NW (1).png)

(1.22 MB 832x1216 Pacifica NW (34).png)

(1.09 MB 832x1216 blacked copy.png)

>>45467 Figures the AI spamming nigger is a BBC loving cuck.
>>45508 Trying to put this through Google's Neanderthal Translator but it's not giving me a clear translation. Did Obama fuck your mom or something?
(1.22 MB 1248x5226 in the year 6969 part 1.jpg)

(1.71 MB 1248x6768 in the year 6969 part 2.jpg)

(744.54 KB 1248x3296 climbinpants.jpg)

(657.99 KB 1248x2650 datenite.jpg)

(146.60 KB 1248x707 cheeks.jpg)

(970.76 KB 1248x3987 girlsnight pt1.jpg)

(1.46 MB 1400x2000 d0a32a8150fa1e91.png)

(1.49 MB 1400x2000 96daeb7732f44280.png)

(523.36 KB 900x755 Lolitober 2024 - Day 1.png)

(775.68 KB 1248x3970 girlsnight pt2.jpg)

(4.77 MB 2455x3377 4dade93cfa74d092.png)

(5.15 MB 2455x3377 9f8e2cee08c643ba.png)

(1007.55 KB 1248x4864 halloween pines.jpg)

(2.32 MB 2259x3200 119261886_p0.png)

(2.52 MB 2791x2000 118406333_p1.png)

(2.47 MB 2791x2000 118406333_p0.png)

(1.42 MB 1248x5650 valentimes.jpg)

(722.35 KB 1248x2675 pines are back tell a friend.jpg)

(533.71 KB 1248x2435 bounce your boobies.jpg)

>>50005 artist name?
>>50724 I'm pretty sure it Hoshime.
(516.05 KB 1680x2928 padoru padoru.jpg)

(4.79 MB 1760x1805 eeeeaf92155413e4.png)

(965.33 KB 1248x4154 doing stuff outside.jpg)

(295.17 KB 1120x1160 wizard bard barbarian.jpg)

(373.15 KB 792x813 6af542fd654630bc.png)

(1.53 MB 1640x1650 3i7eax.png)

(1.24 MB 1620x1450 4jcf8z.png)

>>53964 Name and link to artist please
>>43750 Ah fair enough, shame they didn't continue. Do you have an author name to track elsewhere?
(532.79 KB 1248x2803 feels good man.jpg)

>>54050 It says right in there, it's Interoutre. >>53394
(792.64 KB 1534x2048 127148952_p0.png)

(596.98 KB 768x1024 Candy's secret..png)

(547.93 KB 768x1024 Mabel's treasure.png)

(1.20 MB 1280x720 125345451_p0.png)

(1.19 MB 1280x720 125345451_p1.png)

(324.36 KB 1248x1827 nice dreams.jpg)

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