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(672.34 KB 1920x2525 Ruby Gloom Nekkid 001.jpg)

(241.37 KB 669x1000 IRIS TENNIS NUDIE 001.jpg)

(398.71 KB 1019x1200 TRIPLE IRIS GANGBANG colour.jpg)

I did a few Ruby Gloom drawings myself.
>>5263 >First pic Ugh, that artist has no grasp on anatomy and perspective whatsoever.
(258.70 KB 480x765 77589694_p0.png)

(127.95 KB 1100x830 75439724_p0.jpg)

It occurs to me that I don't have nearly as much Ruby Gloom content as I should...
(854.71 KB 2580x3820 20200519.jpg)

(2.92 MB 2900x2700 83597490_p1.png)

(2.94 MB 2900x2700 83597490_p0.png)

>>6404 omg that Iris drawing (with the condom sticking out of her vagina) is really new! who drew it? source?
>>6420 There is also this >>973
>>6450 That is awesome I still wonder who the artist is that drew it.
>>6555 Whatever happened to TheGalen?
(11.02 KB 256x221 Ruby Gloom.png)

>>6558 Not Sure, his last works were on Fur Affinity I think. I know another Ruby Artist "Mt10" went to study medical stuff, artists moving on is common thing.
>>6626 oh hold up so Mt10 went to study medical things... so that is why he has vanished from art.
>>6450 The anatomy on those pics is pretty bad.
>>6626 aw man, i miss mt's art.
>>6723 He's still around, but he doesn't do art anymore. Said he was gonna do some holiday Ruby this year, but we'll see if it even happen.
(505.24 KB 960x2160 01fa028bf2c4c8c4.png)

(267.39 KB 1440x1440 63cc4b80fdfcc4a5.jpeg)

(272.12 KB 1440x1440 38a1061a7a54c9e7.jpeg)

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(191.25 KB 1247x1663 cb794be50d62618e.jpeg)

(596.39 KB 1238x976 ce5868933fa481d7.png)

(171.04 KB 1247x1663 Cross-tongue.jpeg)

(173.13 KB 1247x1663 Misery x lucy.jpeg)

(215.43 KB 1247x1663 172b83cdb1123892.jpeg)

(341.37 KB 843x1107 Misery Kiss.png)

(487.73 KB 1059x1200 Misery Kiss 2.png)

(331.79 KB 673x1000 cf8f6c145320f92b.png)

(330.46 KB 673x1000 285a41c359027dcb.png)

(370.07 KB 673x1000 1a44826c3095f1f2.png)

(181.52 KB 1247x1663 bad luck whirlwind.jpeg)

(201.92 KB 1247x1663 Best Friends.jpeg)

(148.44 KB 1478x1109 Gloomsville moons.jpeg)

(187.96 KB 1235x1679 cdea1023acceb6dd.jpeg)

(765.19 KB 1779x1165 5cc4b6f5c0eb2d61.png)

(198.57 KB 1163x1409 b10c10a66c4843c1.jpeg)

(785.96 KB 3000x3000 Iris Ruby Makeout Ciavs.png)

(515.72 KB 1560x2080 hot buns alt.png)

(455.90 KB 1560x2080 hot buns snapchat.png)

(452.65 KB 1560x2080 hot buns.png)

(17.15 KB 400x188 Ruby Gloom Panties.png)

(91.93 KB 719x821 9bd20bf050a79f75.png)

(542.43 KB 1164x1044 a953262f0d89af43.png)

>>33168 i am saving this picture, didnt expect wholesome mixed in with all the hot porn.
The lack of good pics of Ruby having a good fuck is devastating.
(902.40 KB 1017x1200 588233b1feb7b23c0.png)

>>33183 there IS a lack of that, I'm genuinely surprised maybe that's something I could do once I have the time. but there are no promises
(111.24 KB 480x640 1573703269159.jpg)

(695.22 KB 2956x4096 FwoEvTuaUAEqu1S.jpg)

(766.32 KB 1434x1873 1551410354084.jpg)

(766.32 KB 1434x1873 1551410354084.jpg)

(101.15 KB 1225x1347 DhATVCmW4AAgt1m.jpg)

(985.24 KB 877x1240 Iris_Super_Lewd.png)

more like Ruby Groom
(292.67 KB 1076x1522 7b25cad4db9baa17.png)

(306.74 KB 1043x1987 39f73126f9efe681.png)

(285.64 KB 1386x1260 72acfa0c22925be1.png)

(524.19 KB 2946x4096 Fzhu9NoaIAMlSpL.png)

(746.60 KB 702x1050 IMG_4362.gif)

(467.41 KB 1631x1800 F0kmfakaQAIqlmK.jpg)

>>36583 That last pic looks terrible
(191.77 KB 1560x2080 F1JD89QWIAINQTz.jpg)

(232.48 KB 1560x2080 F0-FZpEWcAAAwxG.jpg)

(206.45 KB 1560x2080 F1JD8pXXwAAnGSu.jpg)

(392.66 KB 1482x2048 F1Kl-JSWcAAaBit.jpg)

>>36448 Ewww
>>36892 Don't be a troll
(327.54 KB 750x612 IMG_5599.png)

(160.55 KB 838x1003 r1uby.png)

(191.79 KB 1024x718 Ruby_Gloom_by_bbmbbf.jpg)

(192.81 KB 1024x724 Ruby_Gloom_2_by_bbmbbf.jpg)

(270.88 KB 1024x1024 ruby_taning_1_by_thegalen.png)

(347.35 KB 1024x1024 ruby_taning_2_by_thegalen.jpeg)

(88.78 KB 686x1013 iris_by_thegalen.jpeg)

(133.25 KB 480x740 update_by_jgalen-d4ok60s.jpg)

(176.74 KB 800x950 ruby_tired_by_tommysimms.jpeg)

(686.19 KB 1974x1603 22683725.png)

(196.99 KB 1280x1094 07_ruby_02.jpg)

(1.27 MB 1920x1200 07_ruby_05.jpg)

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(55.70 KB 395x685 rt_hentai.jpg)

(145.18 KB 518x735 2011_b.jpg)

(28.53 KB 200x320 ruby01.jpg)

(26.05 KB 320x335 rg_shower.jpg)

(55.87 KB 400x455 irisruby.jpg)

(100.20 KB 675x581 rg_neko.jpg)

(49.19 KB 445x480 fella_iris.jpg)

(82.23 KB 520x555 rgl66.jpg)

(42.61 KB 355x570 rgl63.jpg)

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(16.28 KB 450x540 rock.png)

(32.28 KB 545x435 rgbb.gif)

(64.38 KB 475x500 rgl52.jpg)

(47.63 KB 440x430 rgl51.jpg)

(33.26 KB 345x570 rgl48.png)

(59.45 KB 425x425 rgl45.jpg)

(55.68 KB 360x585 rgl69.jpg)

(64.25 KB 413x381 tobira.jpg)

(39.91 KB 359x380 rgl31.jpg)

(43.15 KB 386x335 rgl27.jpg)

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(39.04 KB 345x387 rgl23.jpg)

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(49.63 KB 800x662 SocksOrStockings.jpg)

(8.75 KB 408x230 WhatsWithThisFrame.jpg)

(47.59 KB 474x466 144717.jpg)

(1.37 MB 1587x1587 1697900345569344.jpg)

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(710.81 KB 2211x2369 974f4d982521583d.png)

(919.36 KB 3244x2556 3f95479c74b856d8.png)

Anyone know the source to this? I think the artist quit or something.
(1.49 MB 2160x3072 F_Bk9r5aQAAYMEb.jpg)

(20.22 KB 1280x720 Giant Misery.png)

(239.31 KB 1280x720 Looming Misery.png)

(153.73 KB 697x1000 21634412_so.jpg)

(931.93 KB 2210x2550 Giant Misery.jpg)

(455.97 KB 660x900 79785220_p0.png)

(22.26 KB 300x500 c6c0668fd3fe6d8a.png)

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(3.91 MB 2924x5000 0(4).png)

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(587.82 KB 850x991 IMG_0446.png)

(77.41 KB 850x602 IMG_0445.jpeg)

>>5795 Ah, bathtime!
>>53499 first pic looks fuckign bad dude.
(3.91 MB 2924x5000 0(4).png)

(1.30 MB 2388x3474 35b6dac3566df5f9.png)

(1.30 MB 2231x2975 28142aa7936f1545.png)

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