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The Cuckery34 BUN 10/18/2024 (Fri) 07:49:37 Id: 509c9e No. 48795
Hello folks, Pepipopo/Bun here. I havent been on this website for a long time, but i wanna open this thread to talk about something for a minute. As we all known, things have been pretty fucking bleak for content creators who draw NSFW stuff, but right now, things went from bad to worse, i been trough depression this year and even before sporadically during the last year, particularly at losing desire to draw and my inability to get a good proper job due to the political climate of my country (everyone is a leftist pro-state cuck), but besides the point, this plattform, BOOSTY, have been not paying me for the last 4 months because of the stupid conflicts happening near their country, i personally dont care about War, its bad, but its not my life, the gist of it, is the following one. They not only have blocked Paypal, my only source for receiving income, but also they apparently according to Plebbit, they reject automatically A LOT of credit and DEBIT cards, marking errors constantly, point proven in pic related. https://www.reddit.com/r/artbusiness/comments/1asqhdh/boosty_seems_to_have_the_paypal_option_disabled/ I only had 100USD owed by me and sadly i will most likely NEVER get that money, i am gonna lose it, and not receiving money during these past 4 months didnt help my depression, which kept me from finishing commissions that i almost have several months without finishing, also due to my health issues, as well of taking care of relatives, one of em nearly died and i had to dedicate myself 95% for two months, which i did with no regret, and me getting denied this payment from Boosty which i could use to refund the money from my clients, have put me in a bad position i dont like, that and of course my computer getting fucked up constantly due to Windows and their stupidity with their updates (yesterday i had to take cae of a random BSOD after reseting windows 10 on my PC, as in, re-setting the whole OS weeks ago) and having to set up Clip Studio Paint again and organizing my old brushes to continue my works, and after finding out that i cannot do commissions without taking months and months to finish, i had to crawl back to Fanbox in order to get some money, but i remember that people cannot use Paypal no more to support NSFW artist anymore, i can still use it as a creator apparently (for now), but i need help. Subscribe Star is full FUBAR, they refused to approve my damn accounts on that fucking vanillaware of a website, they give you crap to put your foreign bank account info and you need at least 100 USD to withdraw, and i remember clear as day they took a slice of that money! also lots of SubscribeStar shills kept telling me the same variation of the same story I got approved in only a few days, YEAH, WHEN IT WAS 2018!, SINCE THE FUCKING PANDEMIC I COULD NOT GET A NEW ACCOUNT APPROVED OFR THAT FUCKWAD OF A WEBSITE!, (cont)
Fanbox to me was clunky due to not having the multi tier in a singel post system of Fantia which was great, until they added that stupid rule of having at least 400 USD to withdrawl, and then they cucked out oth Paypal and both VISA and MASTERCARD, meaning i could not support one of my favorite artists in recent years, OHYO. Patreon is leftist woke cespool that will literally cancel you even if you dont post anything non-loli there cause they are know for stalk creators twitter accounts. And Twitter is still a fucking bot rigged garbage place and Elon Musk its an eccentric manchild who just wants to pose himself as the savior of Twitter and Free Speech when in reality he did NOTHING to help the website, like gettin rid of the bots, the shitgorythm and its Throttleing and shadow bans, their monetization fine print literally demands you to have over 100K followers and at least get 1 million views on posts so its obviously fake except for the elite big accounts, and i have to create a new NSFW account because Elon shadowbanned my older one but i barely have 3K followers on there. Basically, i feel like these stupid globohomos are just trying to take us down, and i feel we have nowhere else to go, Cuckchan is now overruled by trannies on their boards, (i been ban several times for the completly stupidiest reasons you could imagine, and i even kept some of the receipts), and i know that almost NOBODY comes here anymore, (the /co/ and /v/ boards of 8chan still has threads from 2 years ago!), but i honestly felt like they just cut my fucking vocal chords and erased my mouth and i wanna scream!
If you are a content creator, please tell me, how does it feel and what can we do? where to go?
Sorry to hear about your difficulties. I'm no creator, not even enough extra cash for a commission. I've heard around the grapevine that cash app is an option, though it likely has the same issues as credit cards. I assume crypto isn't an option for you either. The best I can do is wish you good luck.
Nips like making things hard for non nips. I have an artist i support on Fantia, and after they started rejecting credit cards i had to convert it into some kind of nip coin at a manga shop. But i can't blame them. Credit card companies are run by control boner jews who hate artists. Subscribestar doesn't give a flying shit about their clients, they won't approve most profiles and won't give a reason for it. I gave up on them a long time ago. Unfortunately your only option is Fanbox or taking the risk on one of the dozen new platforms they launched the last few years. About 4chan, I wen't there tthe other day, and they were calling each other niggas because they filtered nigger. I laughed my ass off.
Crypto may be a sucker's game, but it works for making exchanges that bypass the banks. Not all contributors use it, which is a problem.
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Well, Fuck..... 100 USD LOST! i just literally got confirmed that my credit cards are rejected because i dont live in Russia >>48804 >Taking the risk on one of the dozen new plattforms they launched teh last few years What other fucking plattforms? Boosty was one of them, and they Fucked me over!
>>48819 GoFander, Subjoin, Housefly, unifans, SoSpoilt. Some claim to have looser policies compared to Patreon, but I doubt it. I myself use Fanbox + external links, to preserve my account.
>>48795 >>48796 >>48819 I'm sorry to hear about all of this. I honestly don't know the solution to this stuff right now. Just don't give in. >>48819 As for this issue in particular, maybe see if you can find someone you can trust in Russia to "launder" the money. Maybe another artist?
>>48820 >unifans >Literal Chinese website BIG NOPE. Btw, off topic question, Does KICK.com allow stream NSFW animu and manga artworks? not Loli of course.
>>48795 i tried getting people to use monero with commissions but they all would rather use mastercard/visa/paypal shit. like 99% of them...
>>48877 >99% of payfags are complete retards who care nothing for their own personal security That tracks.
>>48892 i think the problem with krypto is that its difficulty and instability makes it not very attractive for bank transfers... - i mean the value can drop by a couple dozen percent within seconds which would make it hard to calculate... second is, you gotta transfer your money into your wallet, transfer it back and so on - there arent many applications (at least in my country) where you can pay directly with krypto - everyone here either wants cash or direct debit... heck there are not even many that accept paypal - you rather find a store which accepts amazon gift cards than paypal... on the web its different, but its hard to say if you need the money on your bank account or in your wallet at certain times - i bet most prefer the wallet (i mean the hard wallet in your pocket ;)) and on top of that, if you earn money from krypto they are allways tax mandatory (again, in my country), so you are not getting the full payment anyway... paypal on the other hand... well, you transfer the money and you get what you get... i think its pretty much clear why most people dont wanna get paid in krypto, except for those who dont have any choice...
>>48893 You are not wrong on those points. Crypto makes for lousy currency, but it is available, and at least Monero is more or less secure. For people who peddle and consume loli, that should be a significant concern.
>>48795 Number 1. How did they know the kind of illustrations you were making? You have to set up external links and some kind of system where your account is clean and have plausible deniability.
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>>49208 Honest, i dunno, i uploaded everything over there. On the plus side, i have an update, i DID get my payment at the end, BUT ONLY after like, 20 attempts from their system having ERRORS, by which i mean, I had to constantly contact them every 2 days and dealing with botted responses from their system since Octuber 14th
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>>49569 Also, i saw one artist shooting his luck with UniFans, but i highly doubt its gonna end well, specially after how Normie their presentation looks to me. ALSO ITS CHINESE! As for me, i crawled back to Fanbox. and i think it might be shadowbanned, because i only have 4-6 paying supporters and ZERO LIKES OR COMMENTS in my new posts. WONDERFUL!, should i just close it and open a new one!? https://mr-bun.fanbox.cc/
>In the underground. Refuses to use Monero. Idk man. Go deeper into the underground and find people who aren't neckbearded so hard that they pay for loli with CCs lol. Really just sounds like you keep joining these areas that only attract users who don't care about opsec and don't understand the concept of 'permanent record'. Same goes for you. What happens when the glowies retroact your ass and arrest you 15 years from now from the art you worked on this year? The way the world is going, highly likely. Think ahead. Stop whining about credit cards. Go into the underground. And definitely stop being public with your stuff.
>>49615 I'd like to reiterate. I'm a longtime TOR user. If there is an artist I like I've never been able to access their stuff because all the sites you mention auto block tor. So I find sites like 8chan to consume said materials. For instance that fanbox.cc. Tried opening it from tor browser. Completely blocked. It's got a huge red background with exclaimation point and says "Access blocked You can't access FANBOX from your current environment." This is normal as a tor user for all the websites that are listed ITT that artists like you use. So guess what. I don't switch to firefox. I don't turn off my vpn. I just never access your stuff. And god forbid one of these sites actually is accesssible. And then what? Let's say I like your art, then I try to sign up and it asks me for my phone number, my email or only gmail account? Guess what again? I don't sign up. Let's say the site only requires username and password, but then you only accept paypal or credit card or bank transfer? Guess what I never go back to that site again. And then I wait to see your content in the changes. Or I reverse image search on yandex to find some random blog that has stolen your shit. And I don this for all artists. BUT if there was a site you were on that is tor friendly and you accepted monero, because I live my life on Monero. I'm rich in monero. I'd gladly pay you in Monero. But no artists do this. So here you are complaining your getting eaten alive by the moral police, and eventually you just end up in jail. I'll still be downloading your shit off images.yandex. Hope that gives your some perspective, you're just targetting the wrong people from the wrong sites. I find it funny I gave this same advice to a facist whose music I liked. He had the same drama you're having and I told him the same that he should go underground. There are users that like his content but can't access it because we're all underground and don't clearnet anything. He said "but my users are on" such and such. Guess what he's in jail now in Germany for posting antisemitic memes on twitter under his real name. Good luck to you bro. Stay on clearnet.
>>49616 Fuck off monero shill.
>>49617 Zogbot glowie is obvious. Always a glowie that tells people not to start clandestined cells, not to use monero. "Go outside goyim, touch grass, socialize, and absolutely use your credit card, and don't forget your smartphone!". Pathetic.
If I may help. I live off my art been doing commission work a long time. But recently what loli artist have been doing on baraag is making a ko-fi but not posting on it. Using it as a donation jar if anything. There are alternative options I can also list for those trying to find way's for others to support them. I personally have goals and plans to have my own site in due time.
>>49635 That's what Xierra99 does. But in this case, wouldn't it be better to post on patreon? javisuzumiya made it work for him.
>>49636 Biggest issue is you need to find sites like patreon that don't go snooping through your shit. Like patreon not only will dig through your social media but has rules it can't link to anything pertaining loli. It's such a hazard. It's why people have been using ko-fi as they don't have rules like that Subscribestar would be amazing if it wasn't impossible to get accepted by them as they allow loli
>>49637 I do not know (wouldn't be asking otherwise), but what are the challenges of being accepted by that >they allows loli unbelievably based site?
>>49644 The difficulty being the chance of never getting a response. I think it might be based on how famous you are. It use to be open sign ups but then they limited who could.
>>49637 I tried for two whole years to get my profile reviewed. I sent them emails every single month, linked them my socials, tried creating alternative accounts like some people recommended. Absolutely nothing worked. I don't know what their deal is, but they don't seem to give a shit about growing as a platform
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Credit card processors are really crossing the line. Now not only they want to control how you spend your money, they're making sure you have no meanings to use certain sites. They're threatening stores that sell tora coins (used to support Fantia creators) and DLSite Points. If anyone here is still using Fantia, it'll be even hander to have supporters. This shit growing out of proportion.
You poor, sad, deluded kids on the right don't know the rich are using you and keeping you poor and misinformed. Keep blaming leftists for your self-created problems lol
>>50284 Archive?
>>50312 It's from otakumode, where i usually buy from. https://archive.ph/ypP06
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So, i've been noticing more and more loli artists moving to Unifans. Just today i saw hoppinghippo, TheIncredibleChris, Kitro Sun, 4ere4nik promoting their pages. So, is it solid or just a shot in the dark?
>>52491 subscribestar bended the knee
>>48795 Pepi did you ever get any of this sorted out?
>>52491 https://unifans.io I wish folks would actually post the link to sites they refer to, so here's the one for Unifans since people don't have the courtesy.
>>52537 it takes literally 5 seconds to look it up
>>52498 Source? Have any artists mentioned it? I don't see any update in their ToS.
>>52601 What I have read, you can not upload lolisho content on subscribestar but linking is ok.
>>52627 I see. I'm a patron to someone who's managed to get away with it (so far), so I suppose it's the lesser of two evils.
I guess the xiera99 method would be interesting As a plan b

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