/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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(46.90 KB 423x629 Amanda-Killman.webp)

(182.55 KB 445x1479 EuyLrdNVkAEAyvn.jpg)

(281.48 KB 625x1445 margareth wade.jpg)

(44.21 KB 486x366 Portia_in_the_pilot.webp)

(15.49 KB 975x600 zoeyhowzer-proudfamily.webp)

"Ugly" Cakes Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 17:48:20 Id: a83d1c No. 47963
Thread dedicated to uglies. Not ugly in a general sense, but intentionally portrayed as unsightly or plain in their respective series. Their design usually aim at two or more of these features >High nose tip with visible nostrils >Teeth always visible, usually crooked, bucked or with gaps >Oversimplified eyes, occasionally wear glasses >Protruding Ears >Thick or sparse eyebrows >Bad posture >Freckles or other skin problem. Sometimes pale >Contrasting body shape. Sometimes too tall, too skinny, too short, fat, depends on the show. I made this thread before, but i deleted it when i thought they would purge this board, but i saved all the contributions from users to post again when things clamed down. Sorry for that.

(633.18 KB 855x1463 66911433_p0.jpg)

(370.50 KB 911x720 66911433_p1.jpg)

(688.48 KB 1138x1185 66911433_p2.jpg)

(45.79 KB 681x600 68452038_p0.jpg)

Amanda Killman from Bunsen Is A Beast
Angela Smith from Mona the Vampire

(532.58 KB 964x1259 68152211_p3.jpg)

(190.18 KB 563x857 68270573_p0.jpg)

(277.77 KB 967x1163 68270573_p1.jpg)

(144.44 KB 600x600 1446973862570.jpg)

Ashley from Clarence
(151.77 KB 600x475 1504177852353.jpg)

(150.71 KB 684x733 1552283039804.png)

Bertha and Prudence from Beetlejuice
Beth from Total Drama
Chaca from The Emperor's New Groove
(1.17 MB 816x1056 85616645_p0.png)

(1.19 MB 816x1056 85616645_p1.png)

(1.19 MB 816x1056 85616645_p2.png)

(1.14 MB 816x1056 98904890_p0.png)

Dana from Wayside School

(1.11 MB 3300x2550 53842454_p0.png)

(1.07 MB 3300x2550 53842454_p1.png)

(442.22 KB 1105x820 64957788_p0.jpg)

(861.12 KB 1718x1900 70075230_p1.png)

Fang from Dave the Barbarian
(7.92 MB 3840x5430 75560692_p0.png)

(7.57 MB 3840x5430 75560692_p3.png)

(1.16 MB 2311x2195 87018817_p0.png)

(1.47 MB 2150x2800 90289637_p0.jpg)

(1.59 MB 2150x2800 90289637_p1.jpg)

(695.68 KB 2608x2946 94670820_p0.png)

(722.92 KB 2608x2946 94670820_p1.png)

(680.98 KB 2608x2946 94670820_p3.png)

(99.60 KB 606x793 Req_Fang_01_.png)

(110.47 KB 604x792 Req_Fang_02.png)

(112.48 KB 605x796 Req_Fang_03.png)

(183.30 KB 1280x1316 4ecfd0d23f7b83a5a9f37657933f68bb.jpg)

(268.03 KB 1280x1286 6d74a6acc678bc4d89a4af1258deae04.jpg)

(194.42 KB 1280x1316 9bfe8bf7789834861adeaf9f6c7e0338.jpg)

(2.73 MB 2362x3282 66138784_p0.jpg)

(1.31 MB 1280x1779 66138784_p1.jpg)

Gertrude from I Hate Fairyland
(1013.53 KB 1050x1500 85249802_p0.png)

(1013.22 KB 1916x718 93637577_p1.jpg)

(753.77 KB 743x887 95688383_p1.png)

(1.62 MB 2480x3400 96600171_p0.png)

(2.34 MB 2550x3300 99040674_p0.jpg)

(136.45 KB 542x498 087.jpg)

(565.91 KB 965x1617 65037839_p0.png)

(367.02 KB 584x1195 66892174_p0.jpg)

(1.14 MB 1249x1667 66892174_p1.jpg)

(189.19 KB 730x463 66892174_p2.jpg)

Gretchen from Recess
(6.39 MB 3600x3000 76467796_p0.png)

(798.19 KB 680x880 79100907_p0.png)

(1.24 MB 816x1056 83618644_p0.png)

(1.24 MB 816x1056 83618644_p1.png)

(61.91 KB 463x870 Gretchen_01 (1).png)

(64.70 KB 352x806 Gretchen_01.png)

(77.64 KB 510x789 Gretchen_02 (1).png)

(73.50 KB 405x880 Gretchen_02 (2).png)

(77.64 KB 510x789 Gretchen_02.png)

(69.60 KB 303x707 Gretchen_03.png)

(78.67 KB 502x728 Gretchen_04.png)

(161.98 KB 1280x989 Gretchen_Mikey_01.jpg)

(2.07 MB 2739x2488 92292486_p1.jpg)

(836.41 KB 2903x2016 92634833_p0.jpg)

(521.46 KB 960x720 93056738_p0.png)

(1.52 MB 1733x2977 96266718_p0.jpg)

(718.92 KB 1000x1000 97810513_p0.jpg)

Helga, from Hey Arnold!
(71.90 KB 1280x720 98269403_p0.jpg)

(2.83 MB 3265x4775 98861280_p0.jpg)

(306.15 KB 900x965 helga.png)

(746.12 KB 1259x2002 87396582_p0.png)

(249.46 KB 1654x2338 89074812_p0.jpg)

(398.20 KB 668x822 25056398_p0.jpg)

(314.43 KB 675x900 26334751_p0.jpg)

(453.06 KB 1664x1247 40255252_p0.png)

(192.48 KB 662x370 63246026_p0.png)

(555.43 KB 1068x1107 66665143_p0.jpg)

The Kanker Sisters from Ed, Edd n Eddy
(286.06 KB 823x598 66665143_p1.jpg)

(2.47 MB 3377x1208 78449482_p0.jpg)

(126.30 KB 666x739 86311585_p0.jpg)

(323.82 KB 901x1200 89119664_p0.jpg)

(195.66 KB 811x1050 94638717_p6.png)

(278.04 KB 1050x811 94638717_p7.png)

(400.21 KB 1000x1000 98562261_p1.jpg)

(1.07 MB 2654x2912 E5Z6o2jX0AAwk-5.jpg)

Lisa Berger from South Park

(46.25 KB 429x640 1325349-dtm53.jpg)

(1.87 MB 1748x1276 61776406_p0.png)

(296.47 KB 641x468 61776406_p1.png)

Margaret Wade from dennis the Menace
(259.61 KB 641x468 61776406_p2.png)

(175.25 KB 800x1035 62157121_p0.jpg)

(2.06 MB 3393x4801 71058665_p0.png)

(7.02 MB 2590x3606 72089320_p0.jpg)

(16.63 MB 4961x7016 72227158_p0.png)

(2.50 MB 3893x5096 72944790_p0.png)

(5.28 MB 5000x5000 88752903_p0.jpg)

(350.75 KB 500x1000 92819235_p0.png)

Martha from Squirrel Boy
(391.08 KB 707x1000 46012258_p0.png)

(4.12 MB 3893x5508 98946046_p0.jpg)

(48.37 KB 720x480 Meng avatar.jpg)

Nina Cortex from Crash Bandicoot

(140.53 KB 1100x1100 ERv2BH4X0AAIL5I.jpg)

(129.53 KB 584x824 nina cortex.png)

(26.69 KB 324x832 Nina_01.jpg)

(16.97 KB 337x507 Nina_02.jpg)

(32.53 KB 456x643 Nina_03.jpg)

(82.17 KB 781x1000 NinaCortex_430052.jpg)

(307.16 KB 541x600 17301759_p0.jpg)

(339.71 KB 1304x1638 18417739_p0.jpg)

(485.57 KB 965x1300 45525609_p0.jpg)

(207.47 KB 800x800 65059250_p1.jpg)

(102.88 KB 800x800 65059250_p2.jpg)

Portia and Bessie from Mighty B
(881.89 KB 1154x1434 66548456_p0.jpg)

(1.88 MB 1920x1080 88729390_p1.png)

(434.58 KB 1200x1017 88755885_p1_master1200.jpg)

(5.66 MB 2519x2066 91097864_p0.png)

(3.21 MB 1428x2021 97744777_p0 (1).png)

(236.52 KB 1600x1200 98100584_p1.jpg)

(134.83 KB 850x768 mightyb portia.jpg)

(673.06 KB 877x1240 24806859_p0.jpg)

(907.10 KB 2338x1700 91024942_p0.png)

(961.99 KB 2338x1700 91024942_p6.png)

(957.73 KB 2338x1700 91024942_p7.png)

(59.54 KB 516x729 92219913_p0.jpg)

Sherri and Terri from The Simpsons
(62.33 KB 516x729 92219913_p1.jpg)

(58.77 KB 516x729 92219913_p2.jpg)

(119.76 KB 1280x1197 b9f6249fb3f296d8.jpg)

(354.94 KB 724x1023 62513818_p0.png)

(366.98 KB 839x1200 68757117_p0_master1200.jpg)

(775.56 KB 1000x1294 82529821_p0.jpg)

Shreeky from Care Bears
(230.65 KB 1120x1072 81451487_p1.jpg)

(394.01 KB 1300x1685 83258099_p0.jpg)

(152.66 KB 1120x1073 87912994_p0.jpg)

Stick from jewisha
Sylvie from the book Belle's secret
(1.24 MB 1640x2184 62708342_p1.png)

(1.91 MB 4360x6080 77149753_p0.jpg)

(2.34 MB 1896x2664 79348050_p1.png)

(395.74 KB 997x1290 83927734_p0.jpg)

(820.30 KB 2544x3293 97417346_p0.jpg)

Tootie from Fairly Odd Parents
Zoey from Proud Family
(409.38 KB 847x982 74658413_p0.jpg)

(407.17 KB 1025x738 77026168_p0.jpg)

(2.24 MB 2338x1700 88844929_p0.png)

(2.36 MB 2338x1700 88844929_p1.png)

(2.35 MB 2338x1700 88844929_p2.png)

(186.28 KB 1308x1585 91249296_p0.jpg)

(370.61 KB 1128x1026 92756112_p0.jpg)

(242.26 KB 1207x3526 ZoeyLouderandProuder.webp)

>>48015 Damn filter
Cruella from Anita's Puppy Tale
(1.54 MB 1834x1352 e1508454c3f84910.png)

>>48088 That looks great
Phoebe from little Audrey
Anastasia and Drizella from Cinderella
>>48135 i don´t know... i think Anastasia in second movie is more "cute" that in the original
(346.12 KB 847x599 ImagesCADPFE3Q.png)

>>48136 Her eyes convey more emotion and they Arielfied her hair. I totally would.
Shannon from Robot Jones
>>48266 I thought the last two were Stick. But no? Need more Stick!
(133.70 KB 696x1095 165440544198.jpg)

(460.51 KB 1152x1799 165332513020.jpg)

(157.35 KB 2700x2900 164878066191.png)

(164.37 KB 2700x2900 164878063870.png)

(297.10 KB 696x1095 164504320331.jpg)

>>48371 The world needs more Stick
(831.28 KB 1773x1954 163379338181.jpg)

(427.35 KB 1188x940 163165546811.jpg)

(396.45 KB 840x408 162553348311.jpg)

(245.67 KB 1000x750 161958031758.png)

(190.05 KB 900x435 160403225134.jpg)

(180.47 KB 900x432 160389720009.jpg)

(128.35 KB 900x290 160217359939.gif)

(131.51 KB 607x764 160213374850.png)

(136.11 KB 664x812 160209530392.png)

(101.84 KB 565x881 160184180625.jpg)

(316.04 KB 800x691 160184148410.png)

(105.08 KB 461x685 160167253622.png)

(94.72 KB 411x878 160166528274.png)

(179.54 KB 1280x1664 160161890030.jpg)

(301.82 KB 800x830 160158799134.png)

(564.07 KB 900x869 160158705100.png)

(525.22 KB 578x1000 160156825105.png)

(57.15 KB 642x770 160151485339.png)

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(445.87 KB 600x800 160149669981.png)

(1.24 MB 1500x1500 160149129653.png)

(367.94 KB 1285x1313 160144938965.png)

(228.22 KB 1120x1080 160144395824.jpg)

I wanna be with Stick and make her sticky.
Millie Burtonburger from Kid vs. Cat
Lottie from Frankenstein's Cat
(616.28 KB 1200x1200 115081251_p0_master1200.jpg)

(1.16 MB 1007x1200 122647424_p0_master1200.jpg)

Salma from Paranorman
(246.42 KB 1600x1190 MMB-1.jpg)

(223.62 KB 1600x1190 MMB-2.jpg)

(225.72 KB 1600x1187 MMB-3.jpg)

(303.86 KB 1600x1192 MMB-5.jpg)

(215.94 KB 1600x1187 MMB-11.jpg)

Maria from Mistress Masham's Repose
(357.88 KB 1600x1189 MMB-13.jpg)

(333.81 KB 990x1500 A1M6zTTdC+L._SL1500_.jpg)

(237.81 KB 794x1216 il_794xN.4324784064_69og.webp)

(224.03 KB 1140x990 il_1140xN.4324705750_4bk4.webp)

(45.10 KB 550x418 MoppetGirl_1.webp)

(49.25 KB 640x480 MoppetGirl_LGB.webp)

Moppet Girl, from Wreck it Ralph
(272.29 KB 735x1200 85148066_p1_master1200.jpg)

(261.06 KB 735x1200 85148066_p2_master1200.jpg)

(272.87 KB 735x1200 85148066_p3_master1200.jpg)

(201.05 KB 1050x1400 98272252_p1.jpg)

(297.46 KB 900x1200 98272252_p2_master1200.jpg)

Some Little Red Riding Hood for you... TA HAVE.
(1.58 MB 1474x1080 nr.png)

(1.61 MB 1474x1080 nk.png)

>>49433 I really liked her, so I made an edit
(1001.13 KB 2048x2732 101299731_p2.jpg)

(1.04 MB 2048x2732 101299731_p1.jpg)

(1.23 MB 2048x1535 124064777_p1.jpg)

(7.05 MB 4611x2879 125553978_p1.jpg)

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