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Irina's World (Mundo de Irina) Anonymous 10/22/2021 (Fri) 16:40:33 Id: 3a2500 No. 18173
What do you guys know about this old webcomic?
>>18173 I have a couple of comics, some in English and others in Spanish/Portuguese. I may dump them tomorrow.
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>>18210 Please post anything, the site died one night and I had nothing saved.
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I just found these in an old hard drive (in a folder called "irina"), I must have saved them at one point, but I still don't know what Irina's World is, or was. Webcomic? SOmething else?
>>19354 none works en e-hentai...
Cool to see someone made cake in my language
>>19354 Ex-hentai is always broken
I have some Irina's comics. I'll upload them tomorrow here.
>>28157 please dump them all....
>>28142 because e-hentai does NOT allow lolicon, wew lad >>28144 is it now? been using same fucking session for almost 6 months now
I remember in his last post, Lemming said that he hoped in the next years, incestuous relationships were more open, but he never leaved clear if he meant that in real life or fiction... but he never explained why he stopped as far as I remember.
>>29628 Nobody says something like that and refers to fiction
EX-hentai allows lolicon. if you don't know that, or how to get in there, then are you even a real pedo?
Holy handbuckets, I have been looking for, and unable to find, this shit for like 20 years. God damn I miss the old internet.
>>30654 > have been looking for, and unable to find, this shit for like 20 years Yeah, it has historical value. But it's not a good comic, not a good character, and the author is a massive thief. Almost every piece of art he traced from someone else.
This comic originates from Hispachan (defunct taco imageboard, some of its users moved here). Part of it is available in this external archive: https://hispafiles.ru/h/res/91294.html (originally posted on >>>/ac/5575). Somebody who isn't as lazy as me should download the files in that archive and repost them here -_-
>>30656 >>18173 How old is she?
>>30664 6 or 7.
>>30274 Amen to this. Who the fuck hasn't figured out how to get around sad panda still. Gotta be an e-tard to not know how to roll around it.
Artist name is Lemming, all his shit is there
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Fuck! Irina! I totally forgot about it. I wonder what the author to s doing.
Still works: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/9t3k43lo4jdq7/Irinas_Worlds As far as I know, it's the whole thing.
>>45067 The Taboo .zip file I was taken down. Can you reupload it?
>>45067 I can't use MF, because it's more than blocked in my region. Could someone dump the content in this thread? Pretty please with sugar on top?
https://mega.nz/file/m9hWHBzD#9ATuVcyID5ByFdPL6rqBR7nRNylBdH21W2eHW_FOT70 I found it in a Hispafiles thread, the password is paravoxed
>>34388 what is this site? at least pls share the name of this site bro.
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Irina's world was the good shit. I never realized it, but I loved the "world" aspect. Just the concept of an entire cast of OCs in all these comics in all manner of pairings...it just feels like something you don't see very often.
What series out there are like Irina's World? Also most of the places it's been posted are now down... :(
>>52071 >What series out there are like Irina's World? I would say, probably stuff like Lovin' Sister, My Hot Ass Neighbor and Ccashew and Belle (even though I'm still not quite sure what Ccashew and Belle is).

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