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slutty thread Anonymous 06/14/2021 (Mon) 04:31:23 Id: 000000 No. 14695
not to be confused with the prostitution thread which is much more specific
I guess...I just don’t get it? Like, okay, the Prostitute thread I get- underage girls dressed/acting like hookers; that’s fine. But I’m not exactly sure what “Slutty” means. Like, what exactly does or doesn’t count for this category? Is there some minimum sluttiness requirement or is this just meant to be a catch-all grabbag of “young girls having kinky sex”?
>>14739 Dressing slutty and engaging in promiscuous sex for fun instead of for money. Seems pretty clear.
I’m just going off an assumption that this is meant to be for “sexually active lolis openly and willingly engaging in sex/ual activity” (which still feels a bit too vague so I’m mostly posting group stuff)
>>14773 LilAndy is the king of slutty lolis.

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