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Jeff the Land Shark Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 19:13:40 No. 43111
Marvel has been pushing Jeff as the cute new mascot lately, so let's see what Jeff is like. The paneling in these comics might be a bit weird because it is an edited version of a webtoon Marvel released in regular comic form.
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And that is all the normal comic issues of It's Jeff. There are enough webtoon strips now to make 2 more of these, and I'm sure Marvel will put those out soon. Probably after the It's Jeff trade comes out collecting these 3 issues. So what did you think? Are you all in on Jeff, or will you ignore his existence?
As cute as Jeff is in Rivals, his concept is dragged down by being associated with the "young" characters no one likes because they're all just soapbox diversity characters. As far as the comics go at least.
>>43136 Jeff has already surpassed all those characters and once the current writer of It's Jeff is gone expect him to barely interact with them.
>>43156 True. Y'know pretty much every character would do with not being part of the mainline & just creator owned completely or in a new line that doesn't have the baggage. The new Ultimate line is the best we got. Sadly even Rivals is stuck with slight association with nu-comics everyone hates with how much it references almost entirely only comics from the last 10 years.
>Marvel has been pushing Jeff as the cute new mascot lately, so let's see what Jeff is like. I thought it was weird he was in Rivals, since I hadn't heard of him and "Lockjaw" is who comes to mind as superpowered animal from Marvel. Still, he's completely inoffensive in his existence (he's not replacing anyone, the world doesn't revolve around him, he doesn't alter any existing canon) and can stand completely on his own (he's not a legacy, a mutant, an inhuman, a robot build by some existing character etc.) which is something I don't think a new Marvel character has had since the The New Warriors in the 90s, and even most of them were from the late 80s. >>43112 Katie and Julie swimsuits is nice but should have gotten closer shots
>fin Got a laugh out of me.
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>>43112 >fin <fin
The only thing I feel from this is depression and emptiness. I will now proceed to ignore the fact that this exists.
>>43242 The only future Marvel has is small inconsequential stories on cute characters. They're not willing to be cool, consistent, respectful, or non political so all we're left with it just cute out of mainline stuff like this.
>>43244 The comic is vapid, but I can't think of a better thing Marvel has put out in recent years. The other characters are completely hamfisted in though and it makes the whole thing feel like an ad. I liked the venom part though, especially the orca visual gag.
>>43247 Yeah it would work better without the modern characters no one likes. Go the classic Marvel Adventures route with the characters people actually know & readers actually want to see.

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