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Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 19:10:42 No. 41901
‘Invincible Fight Girl’ Creator Explains How This Original Series Survived Cartoon Network’s Internal Drama https://archive.fo/TvhT9 >If you’ve ever wondered why Western animation hasn’t done an action-anime series set in a fictional world of obsessed wrestling fans, then wonder no more because writer/director/creator Juston Gordon-Montgomery has birthed that idea into existence with his original Adult Swim series, Invincible Fight Girl (debuting Saturday, November 2, at 12:00am ET/PT, and the following day available on Max streaming). >It’s Gordon-Montgomery’s first animated series creation, after years of working in the industry in other capacities. Some of those other roles include directing episodes of DC Super Hero Girls, writing on My Dad the Bounty Hunter,, and storyboarding on films like The Smurfs: The Lost Village, Ferdinand, and Smallfoot. >Invincible Fight Girl is his long-gestating passion project centered on Andy (voiced by Sydney Mikayla), a life-long wrestling obsessive residing in the fictional land of Wrestling World. Despite her aspirations to get inside the ring (and show off her self taught moves), Andy has respected her parent’s wishes and played it safe by pursuing a boring accounting degree. But when she’s assigned to do the taxes of a trio of famous wrestlers, Andy’s world changes in ways that she, nor the audience, could ever imagine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3FEwip-Rh8&t=283s Another Cartoon Network original series being dumped into the Adult Swim/Toonami lineup because executives have no idea what to do with the content they make.
>>41901 >Another Cartoon Network original series being dumped into the Adult Swim/Toonami lineup because executives have no idea what to do with the content they make. Good, the only attention of this wannabe weebshit will get its from abuse, rape and guro hentai.
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>>41901 >Hipster crap is in a limbo <On whether or not if it's mature cartoon ignoring the childish humor plus artstyle you'd find in a preschooler book.
>>41901 This sure is something
Man, I can't wait for society to collapse!
>>41901 Well as some one who grew up in the 80 I can tell you that NOTHING says wrasslin' like a small, flat as a board, ambiguously brown girl who is probably also a non binary queer lesbian of color.
>>41916 Anon. people are already lusting over her
>>41917 They'll lust over anything new since they've already beat their meat over the same character and get diminished results.
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>>41918 Honestly fapped to worse
>>41918 There's thousands of cartoon girls with LoRAs for DL ready for a GPU to strip, bend over, and fuck. Why settle for bottom barrel trash like this?
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I really can't say that I dig any of the character designs besides Immaculate, who's just okay in my opinion.
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>>41922 >>41923 >>41925 >>41926 So, this is a shittier Xaiolin Showdown except with wrestling. Also reminds me of the robo arena in the 3rd Spy Kids.
>>41918 But don't you value the hardwork of these hipsters projecting their mediocrity and plagiarism? >>41922 >Shoah Jump Yet these retards wonder why their shitty cartoons last 1 season or 2 seasons tops.
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>>41901 Here's a link to the first episode to anyone who wants to watch. https://litter.catbox.moe/9rgs2e.mp4 >>41917 >>41918 I've noticed a lot of these shit shows, Owl House, She-ra, Star Vs, Steven Universe, and several others have more interesting porn with plots then the actual shows. It's funny if sad that the quality of western animation hasn't gotten so low that smutty fanfic writers have more tact and standards despite all the bullshit they (deservedly) get they're at least more consistent by comparison. S
>>41930 >I've noticed a lot of these shit shows, Owl House, She-ra, Star Vs, Steven Universe, and several others have more interesting porn with plots then the actual shows. It's funny if sad that the quality of western animation hasn't gotten so low that smutty fanfic writers have more tact and standards despite all the bullshit they (deservedly) get they're at least more consistent by comparison. It could also be because making porn on Patreon is much more profitable than working for an animation company making a cartoon. <Seriously, look at the quality of some of this shit. Now imagine if companies actually paid these people to make something.
>>41930 Thanks, I'll give it a look. >>41931 You aren't joking. That second vid has no right to be so smooth. The first one's also pretty nice.
>>41931 >>41930 It's me, I'm that guy, I like that sort of porn.
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Gajin need to stop copying anime and make their own stuff again.
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>>41942 Too late?
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>>41943 Or maybe japan can copy USA or straight up do US series... oh wait.
Since this show wants to be an "action-anime series" based around wrestling, I figured these three videos would be relevant enough to post here. Some might argue that comparing Invincible Fight Girl to Kinnikuman (a 40+ year old anime with a presumably low budget) is a bit unfair, but I honestly think these battles are executed so much better than what the first episode of Fight Girl has to offer.
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>>41946 Oh yeah this guy
>>41945 80s animes in general still hold ups a lot. I watched Tiger Mask 2 back then however It's more serious. >...a presumably low budget) is a bit unfair... Nah, today anime has 1/3 budget of a western cartoon. >>41943 >>41935 >>41930 Low quality post, get better material or stick back to twibler >Transformers Transformers was made by Japs
>>41950 >Transformers was made by Japs Yes and no. It was a coproduction between japan and america. >get better material Shit taste
>>41931 >Now imagine if companies actually paid these people Never ever fucking overestimate, the working condition in the animation industry are complete different the companies will put very high pressure. It's worse in the Hentai Film Industry. Unless the company is lax but that's rare. Some of your favorite porn artists would take months for 1-3 mins animation with repeats, this still amateur. Old Hanna Barbara crew did 25min of Flintstone episodes per week with over 35 people working on despite limited animation and no computers at the time.
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>>41944 How the hell Scott Pilgrim managed to make it big? Are canucks that emasculated? >>41951 >2nd drawing <Had to paste which character the lewd was based on because it doesn't resemblance the iconic halfassed potato shaped artstyle Wow delet this, downvoted
>>41960 >Are canucks that emasculated? Just under Australians in that regard
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>>41960 >Wow delet this >drawing a character in your style is a problem now. >How the hell Scott Pilgrim managed to make it big? Cool vidya references and kim is hot. I guess the first one is mostly for normalfags.
>>41964 >>drawing a character in your style is a problem now. I could swear I've seen artists getting their panties in a twist whenever someone borrows their original crap and made it better, this was before blackwashing became a thing. >Scott Pilgrim Is it true so many people completely missed the point and realize that Scott is definitely not a character to sympathize over?
>>41976 >Is it true so many people completely missed the point and realize that Scott is definitely not a character to sympathize over? I'm sure some didn't because they are five year old
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>>41901 >Invincible Fight Girl We already have a Captain Marvel
>>41931 furries are fucking niggers & your argument is pointless. Why would the biggest drama whores on the planet do shit like this for anything but money? Plus they got as much time as they desire to faen over their stuff. I like the mouse girl, short + stacked is great. That said I wish hmofa was more prevalent but people WANT to be these freak-ass creatures instead of being a human banging/impregnating them but furries have zero taste. Who'd have thought the retards with what.. species-dysmorphia? Would care about themselves to better themselves & just BE what they draw, lol.
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>>42069 You typed out all that shit when you don't even have the reading comprehension to understand the conversation. Are you just that obsessed with furries?
>>42069 I want to kiss averi.
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>>41901 This lacks soul. It's just copying every (probably dubbed) anime the showrunners watched.
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>>41901 >>If you’ve ever wondered why Western animation hasn’t done an action-anime series set in a fictional world of obsessed wrestling fans Lucha Libre, fucking cunt. Also, it's not anime if it's western.
>>42069 >Foxgirl at the end Why is all her art BLACKED?
Episodes 1 and 3 have stopped working. I've also noticed that episode 2 was never posted.
Anime isnt the niche interest in the west that it once was. It is a very popular genre of entertainment these days. Aside from all the soapboxing and propaganda material baked into these shows, they also just come across like lesser versions of the series they were "inspired" by. And they expect us to celebrate their heartless knock off garbage. More than anything else that may be what pisses me off most. For as disasterous as the consequences of regular show and adventure time's successes were for western animation, they were atleast new and somewhat ""innovative"" (im using that erm very losely) for the time. Nothing else upto that point looked like or told stories like those two shows did. But now that formula is long past its expiration date and all these retards can do is turn out cartoons that act like their personal ass-patting diaries. Now we're at a point where none of these "creatives" have anything new to say at all. So they get these once in a lifetime opportunities to either produce their own shows or work with pre-existing established ip's, and rather than doing anything of genuine heart or quality with said opportunities, they deliver deviantart tier plagiarisms which propagandize their dime a dozen political manifestos instead of entertaining or truly innovating or actively deride the properties and existing fans of those series for rejecting their efforts. A decade has been wasted on their dogshit. They stalled all of society for garbage and remain surprised that children have turned their backs on their modern offerings for the likes of actual anime and old classics like the simpsons. and after all that they expect us to sympathize with them, after they've spat in our faces, and after they've shot themselves in the foot. the wasted years are all that crosses my mind any time i see the likes of invinicble fight girl or the hundreds of dozens of shows just like it these days.
>>42524 because we live in a godless age
>>41964 >scott pilgrim >adventure time >regular show can we now confirm that it was the fault of these three series that everything went to total shit in the 2010's? more importantly, am I missing another major example that contirbuted to the overall societal decline? Part of me is tempted to point the finger at homestuck aswell.
>>42589 Homestuck may have had more of an impact on the internet and on tumblr in particular. >adventure time >regular show You could go even further and point fingers at Flapjack :^)
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>>42589 atleast those are not rick and morty
>>42610 Rick and Morty are post-collapse, like Gravity Falls, Loud House, Bojack Horseman, etc. culminating in shows like the aptly-named Dead End
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>>42607 >Flapjack HOW FUCKING DARE YOU Although it did skyrocket the careers of these nepotistic hipster faggots, the price one has to pay just to see one more Ren & Stimpy inspired cartoon.
>>42607 >spoiler if I could trade flapjack for a timeline where the fun well written action cartoons like BATB, GL TAS, Motorcity, Ben 10, Secret Saturdays, Tron Uprising, etc all succeeded massively and never went away I would in a heartbeat. Hell just imagine, that might be the universe where Robotomy and SBT became the network's biggest cash cows after Ben 10. Ben 10 himself wouldnt have gone to shit...the more im talking this up the more i resent flapjack
>>42613 this
>>42589 >>42607 >>42610 >>42628 >>42613 >shilling the losers again Beat it, you don't got any money numbers to proof it. I'm glad the horse show or any cgi toy based won in 2010s.
>>42684 Shilling?
>>42684 You seem confused
>>42684 >paw patrol autist lacks basic reading comprehension who could have seen that coming?
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>>41901 >Creator Explains How This Original Series Survived Cartoon Network’s Internal Drama I can only assume he sucked dick like a champ.
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>>42056 Oh gee, what a surprise. The egg-sucker who's in charge is putting his own fetishes into a kids' show.
>>42813 do you think that's how sucrose has managed to land a esteban galaxy sequel series and a sony pictures feature film in 2k25?
>>42607 Ah, but the internet & tumblr had just as much if not more of an impact on Homestuck.

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>>42694 Shit like this makes me wish Cringe Culture hadn't to be put down, these crypto-pedophiles really deserve to get their egos shattered into suicide.
>>42874 Cringe culture is way more necessary than some people realize. Without it, you end up with retarded abominations like Dansburst Studios. WARNING: LOUD!
>>42879 Let alone enablers or any personal babysitter for manchildren have this mentally of rewarding the retards despite being a huge threat to their local community, it's no surprise that echochambers such as Tumblr organized circles of anti's and started shaming anyone bullying spergs, despite them progs shitting on censorship: Deep down they wanted COPPA, SOPA, PIPA and the state itself sterilize the webs.
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>>42865 More so.
>>42887 Damn, reminds me of what happened to Guilty Gear. Supposedly atrocious ending aside, has this Hussie guy ever shown any regret for pandering to Tumblrites? I understand that money talks and all, but I personally wouldn't want to be known as the creator of such a trainwreck.
>>42874 >crypto-pedophiles
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>>42890 <BUENISIMO
>>42879 what would it take to be revived at this point? i suppose it sort of lives on in dispersed pockets across the net now (kiwifarms and various lolcow communities) but I yearn for what it once was. it used to be so effective and then it just stopped.
>>42888 Hard to say. It’s weird because he called his fandom a cult, but he clearly didn’t understand what made them that way since he broom a lot of that gay identity politics shite onboard. Unless he’s just bullshitting them all for money. He identifies as “clown-gender” now.
>>42900 >it just stopped. Not only because of troll's remorse (such as CringeChannel's founders), but also a good chunk of social media in general went through radical changes in their TOS: >Moderators becoming personal babysitters and shadowban any wrongthinker <Shit with sterile fetishes that lure little kids is totally kosher

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