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Socks thread Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 19:04:42 No. 36522
ITT we post screenshots where a sock is shown
frank please delete this thinly-veiled fetish thread
>>36525 Not even a good fetish thread like girls wearing socks without shoes.
>>36525 Frank deletes too much as it is. If you don't like it, just ignore it, like I do. But I won't ignore your post, because it's not just a lame post, it's a call to actively do something bad. OP is a faggot, but you're even worse.
(2.05 KB 128x128 Smug_anime_girl.png)

Why are cartoonphiles so fucking autistic and weird?
>>36566 You fucked up the joke by not spoiling.
>>36569 This isn't /v/, nigger. It doesn't have the same spoiler, retard.
>>36571 >using a spoiler joke image on the wrong board & not even spoilering it >calls others retarded Man you're worse than the sock fetishist.
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>>36572 Oh shit, I (you)ed the wrong guy. And so did you, I see >>36566 This isn't /v/, nigger. It doesn't have the same spoiler, retard
>>36585 Now you've made us all look silly!
>>36583 Was the sequel to Pyschonauts worth it?
>>36592 No. Fun game but features fat gay old men because Tim Schafer has a man crush on Jack Black.
>>36594 The real outrage was the game still got funds from Kikestart, despite Schafer acting like a overgrown child, I guess he knows his audience very well.
>>36601 Stupid people giving away their money to people who hate them isn't outrageous. Unfortunately it's all too common.
>>36639 That sock looks like a fat cock
>>36522 What kind of brain damage is this?
>>36719 that really looks like a SA drew a dick in Doug's hand then tried to cover it up. That's my verdict.

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The fact there's so many of these really makes me question the sanity of the people who made cartoons the past couple decades and OP's sanity too, assuming these are all his. I know the industry was (and is) rotten, even beyond controversies like CalArts preference and abusing positions of power, but this kind of stuff, inflation "jokes," the prevalence of weird vore themes and all other kinds of weird quasi-fetish stuff forcefully inserted into cartoons really stands out as an adult. You don't notice it or really think about it as a kid, but it all looks a lot more suspicious when you look back on it. Or cartoonists are all just lazy and go for the same jokes.
>>38438 No they're definitely perverts. Very obviously so. This is one of those cheap gross out jokes sort of things though. Not specific enough to be intentionally fetishistic.
>>38453 I guess. It just stands out way more looking back on it as an adult.
>>38495 It's just more obvious now. Back then it was alls just gross out humor or cartoon antics. Now that you're grown & know the kinda shit people are into, you can see the real intentions behind shows like Totally Spies.
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