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AI for subtitling less famous series. Anonymous 02/11/2023 (Sat) 06:10:57 No. 32276
So, I downloaded a series and I want my little sister to watch it, there's a problem, we're Mexican. I know my English just enough to watch anything without issues but she's younger. I would have to translate all of the english subtitles that came with the torrent to spanish, but I don't have time, nor do I want to pay anyone to do so, but there's little interest for anyone else to translate the subtitles of the fucking Dilbert animated show. So I had the idea of making ChatGPT do it, then just correct any mistake it could make, I have already used it to translate song lyrics in spanish so fellow anons can enjoy them. First problem, character limit, it states to be 4096, even if I enter it, it gives up translating about at a quarter of that. Second problem, decided to go with a smaller experiment, an Aqua Teen Hunger Force subtitle, short, and easy, and still rare to find in spanish, but ChatGPT didn't do shit because of "Adult content" and trying to be a PG AI or some retarded shit. I don't know anything about how to use local AIs, anybody can give me an alternative that works?
(10.22 KB 263x312 simpsons homer thoughtful.png)

>>32276 >there's a problem, we're Mexican Hmm. That IS a problem.
>>32276 >I would have to translate all of the english subtitles that came with the torrent to spanish, but I don't have time, nor do I want to pay anyone to do so, but there's little interest for anyone else to translate the subtitles of the fucking Dilbert animated show. It's easy, just use Whisper https://github.com/openai/whisper It's not really that heavy on your computer but I still suggest you install Spyder, then Cuda to make sure that it works with your graphics card (Nvidia only I'm afraid but I'm sure you can dig around for other versions) https://archive.fo/VHoJF (I don't think you need visual studio though) The advantage of whisper is that it translates directly from the source audio file, so you don't need .srt files to feed it. You need to create your own little python script to do so, and I suggest you watch MentalOutlaw's video since it comes with the appropriate examples so you can just edit his own code. https://invidious.silur.me/watch?v=Ph6K_0ttsSc It sounds like a lot but I promise you it really isn't. Just copy what these guys are doing and you'll be fine. Post some mexican qts now
>>32276 And by the way >Dilbert animated show Patrician tastes, you and your lil sister too. Hopefully 11labs will be cracked and we'll get their source code as well as the other language models, so we can just feed it the OG English voice actors' takes and retranslate them into a similar-sounding Spanish/Other Language Speaking voice.
>>32276 >there's a problem, we're Mexican Learn English, you jumping bean.
>>32317 >>there's a problem, we're Mexican <Learn English, you jumping bean. You just read his English post
>>32319 He could have plugged it into DeepL.
>>32276 Can't you just plug that shit into Google translate? Why do you think you need AI, especially if you already expect to correct the results?

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