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Zootopia 2, Frozen 3 & Toy Story 5 Announced Anonymous 02/08/2023 (Wed) 23:24:57 No. 32194
https://archive.fo/yKVZ0 >Disney has set forthcoming sequels for hit animated movies “Frozen,” “Toy Story” and “Zootopia,” with CEO Bob Iger making the announcement during the company’s first-quarter earnings call. Details on the projects are yet to come. >The subsequent films will mark the third installment in the “Frozen” universe, fifth addition to the “Toy Story” franchise” and second “Zootopia” movie. Given the surprise announcement, plot details, as well as the creatives and stars attached, are to be announced at a later date. >The news comes amid a round of huge layoffs at the embattled company, which will let go of 7,000 employees, or roughly 3% of its workforce, as the media behemoth looks to cut $5.5 billion overall in costs.
Can we just have a thread dedicated to announcements instead of having them be their own threads? Most of these threads are barely worth their own weight and die off in like a week. FRED!!!
>>32196 Make one?
>>32194 Hope Elsa finally becomes a canon lesbian and merries a Trans-muslim-genderqueer-panromantic princess
>>32199 Lmao. >>32194 Do we really need zootopia 2 Do WE as a people really need Frozen 3? DO WE AS A BUNCH OF SAPIENT BACK LEGS WALKING APES NEED ANOTHER TOY STORY?
>>32205 Only if halfway through Tim Allen announces Tom Hanks was on the Epstein flight logs.
>>32194 I thought Toy Story was officially done and over with. Just like Home Alone three films were enough.
>>32209 >Just like Home Alone three films were enough. >three What? There's only two.
>>32194 This is nothing new, just another episode of Yids being really desperate. >>32196 >>32198 Why do that when we have the Pain Thread?
>>32215 I wish that were true.
>>32215 Technically there are 7. 3 movies released in theatres. And 4 direct to vhs, made for tv, and for streaming films. But only 3 video games. only the first two star mcaulhey caulkin.
>>32215 There soon will be 8. The 8th film will have a stoner be the kid as he tries to thwart the effort of burgles trying to break in his house. But I think Anon was being sarcastic. As not too many like the third film for its far fetched plot.
>>32194 >More furry shit and Nu-disney shit Who cares?

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