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Anonymous 01/25/2023 (Wed) 19:09:08 No. 31816
(135.62 KB 1080x1080 Rick and Morty Tatoo.jpg)

>Reddit Mortis dies >ATHF comes back Funny
>>31821 Its funny cause so many cucks got those tatoos and now they hate the creator.
>>31823 At least with the upcoming movies they can now make new series of Venture Bros and Metalocalypse by using the movies as big advertisements. If they're smart that is. Reddit Mortis train is officially over, even if they bring over Cusack to voice both characters.
>>31827 Man thatd be sick. A return to mid 2000s AS? Fuck bring back Sealab while theyre at it.
>>31828 That isn't possible, Captain Murphy is still dead.
>>31829 I didnt ask for these feels.
>>31828 >>31831 >>31829 Plus, the team who did that is mostly working on Archer. But that's mostly dead on the water nowadays.
>>31823 You would think they have learn from Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, but no. Anyway, this is probably going to be a big massive dump.
Gives me a reason to purchase and watch television again. >>31828 Sealab was good and had that glorious jut. But after Murphy's VA died the show started to decline. An actual Korgoth series would be better.
>>31835 I rather see a season 2 of Frisky Dingo consider Archer is at its ropes.
>>31837 That had a second season already. It sucked sadly.
>>31816 >no venture bros season 8 FUCK THEM
>>31844 Let's be fair. Do you really want a Venture Bros 8 after all the shit happening in cartoon studios?
>>31844 Season 7 was pretty shit

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