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Encanto Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 16:21:46 No. 31453
Doesn't this family get too much power? They got a girl who can spy on every conversation that happens in town so they can spot any dissidents, another who acts as their muscle and can shut down any competitor family and threat and a shapeshifter who can be anyone and spy anywhere for assassinations.
>>31453 Just because they're in Columbia doesn't mean they're a crime family.
>>31454 >Just because they're in Columbia doesn't mean they're a crime family.
Like frozen, this movie felt like it was all written around a single song (which is what everyone talks about, no one cares about the movie, because it sucked). They'll write out these songs first and then base an entire movie around it that sucks ass. The last interesting pixar movie was tangled anyways.
>>31454 If this super powered family were real they absolutely would be a crime family.
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>>31456 Tangled wasn't a Pixar movie. It was just Disney, and it was still lame and SJWfied. Honestly, in retrospect, even the "renaissance" films were largely SJW. The Little Mermaid removed key parts of the story that destroy the theme because they wanted it to be more feminist. Beauty and the Beast is all about subversion, with Gaston being a SJW critique of what SJWs think previous Disney heroes were, and the creators openly said they delayed the movie significantly and rewrote it to make Belle more feminist. Maybe Aladdin was alright but I bet I'm forgetting something. Only The Lion King was really cool, because it was accidentally based for essentially being pro-apartheid. Pocahontas and the ones after it are all lame to varying degrees and don't come close to The Lion King and the ones before it. There I said it. Pixar was cool until Toy Story 3, and then immediately became shit.
>>31460 Anon I think you need to take your medication.
>>31461 you take your medication
>>31463 >>31461 Fuck I'm so bored, just shut up both of you and give me all the medication. I wanna trip balls yo.
>>31460 Anon you've really gone off the deep end, how the fuck was Tangled SJWd?
Spic incest
>>31456 >The last interesting pixar movie was tangled anyways. I enjoyed Tangled a lot, especially the series which is very underrated. Varian best boy! >>31459 >If this super powered family were real they absolutely would be a crime family. I feel like that's the unspoken truth there.
>>31460 >Maybe Aladdin was alright but I bet I'm forgetting something. The Sultan allowing a blatant thief who lied to everyone to marry his daughter because she "loves" him, and proceeds to remove the law that disallowed marriage outside of royalty. Earlier versions of the story handwave this issue by having Aladdin being a "lost prince" who didn't know his heritage. >Only The Lion King was really cool, because it was accidentally based for essentially being pro-apartheid. The Lion King is a cross between the story of Moses, Hamlet, and Jungle Emperor Leo. >Pocahontas and the ones after it are all lame to varying degrees and don't come close to The Lion King and the ones before it. To be fair, Mulan and The Hunchback of Notre Dame are both rather accurate to their source material, so you issue is with the original story, and not the Disney films themselves. >>31466 >how the fuck was Tangled SJWd? A sheltered "innocent girl" manages to effortless handle herself in a seemingly "dangerous" world with the help of her animal friends, meanwhile her male companion presents himself as an experienced macho man but is really a bumbling buffoon hiding some insecurity. It's still a good movie (As the only pozz become insufferable after Zootopia), but keep in mind that nearly ALL of the 2010 Disney films with female protagonists just repeat the same story as Romancing the Stone.
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>>31571 I mean, I never seen no disney (spit) version of Alladin, but the original story is about how dumb and inbred the chinks are. He and his mother both mistake a nigger (moor) for his uncle, and it just goes from there.
>>31571 >The Lion King is a cross between the story of Moses, Hamlet, and Jungle Emperor Leo. Yes, but the story still boils down to being about a revolution to overthrow the previous government because of a jealous power hungry bitch telling an underclass that they are an underclass and should have a government that treats them equally, then they predictably ruin everything because it turns out those filthy hyenas were right to be kept in their own neighborhoods under tight leash, anyway. I said it was aparteid because of when it came out, but it works for any commie or commie-adjacent revolution.
>>31571 <Hamlet >Watching The Northman with my wife >certain tropes keep popping up >dude's name is "Amleth" for fuck's sake >not a one-for-one, but the film is definitely cribbing from the Bard >ask wife if any of it seems familiar >she allows that it IS reminding her of something >"Like The Lion King?" >"A little, yeah" >"It's Hamlet with vikings, just like The Lion King was Hamlet with lions and farting warthogs." >"You're so intelligent, honey! I always love when you autistically point out things while we're watching movies!" >I wish that previous line was true >It's not >"Okay, can we go back to the movie?" >"...okay."
>>31453 What was wrong with this flick anyway?
>>31460 >>31571 The Lion King, visually at least, is based stole from an old anime. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=J-mDMUDSnFg
>>31643 You're that mentality retarded autists again with the Lion King shit. https://youtu.be/G5B1mIfQuo4
>>31460 At worst, it was extremely subtle "progressive" pushing, with universal ideals being at the forefront. Starting around the mid teens however, they've completely discarded good writing in favor of doubling down on the same tactics their cultural ancestors used in the golden age of Hollywood.
>>31645 YMS advocates for fucking horses.

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