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2023 is Here! Frank Board owner 01/01/2023 (Sun) 05:06:15 No. 31244
Happy New Year everyone!
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Looking back at 2022, it's no contest that Smiling Friends is the cartoon of the year. It made me smile over a sea of sludge that's considered "animation." Hopefully some better animated works are out for 2023 now that there's some restructuring behind the scenes, although that might be for just a couple of studios.
>>31248 It shocked the hell out of me. "Oh, look. It's another retarded lolrandom Cartoon Network offering." I decided to give episode 1 five minutes of my time. I ended up bingeing all six episodes that night.
>>31274 Nah, you have to think about it like a newgrounds cartoon with an actual budget on TV.
>>31275 I mean it pretty much is. Almost the entire cast has ties to Newgrounds, Fulp was even in the pilot episode as the voice of Pim's sister's boyfriend "Alpha".
>>31248 Season 2 of Primal was better But yeah, 2 decent adult animated shows, what the fuck.

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