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Story Time: Man Goat & The Bunny Man Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 08:16:34 No. 31200
It's not terrible. It comes across like a SyFy television series from the early 2000s.
> extra gratuitous blood, poop, sex, and satanism, drawn fairly well teenage me would have loved this, old fart me is rolling his eyes but admiring the craftsmanship. Well written character interactions, good poses and facial expressions, that's what makes it work.
stylish old fashioned fun. thanks for putting this on my radar.
It reminds me of crossed, too tryhard.
Of where this genre come from? Gore, non-capeshit and so on
I hate non human protags. Still, good art and solid first issue.
>>31281 That's what I thought, perhaps similar people worked on this?
>>31354 It has the same feel to it really, and i hated crossed. I gave it a read for a couple of issues and it was edge for the sake of edge, so i ended up reading the walking dead instead since atleast the edge there is not the main focus.
>>31438 Eeeewwww it officially became a furry comic.
Edgy but good art i guess...keep going OP, at least is a storytime, i forgot when was the last time we had one
>>31585 I concurr, thanks for the storytime OP. If it's good we can enjoy it, if it's bad we can laugh at it >>31583 Don't worry, she'll probably die very soon. The rabbit doesn't deserve to be happy or something
>>31200 >>31201 >>31202 pretty sure this is the guy that did the L4D Comics.

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