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Shows for girls? Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 02:08:44 No. 30272
I decided to watch As Told by Ginger since I never watched it as a kid, and I was surprised about how good it actually was. I usually didn't like the Klasky Csupo stuff, I thought Rocket Power to be boring as fuck, even as a kid and Tween Rugrats just good for fap material. But ATbG is genuinely good, like this is The Boondocks for white tween girls, nevertheless I always avoided it since I wouldn't be caught dead watching a show for girls. So I started watching more shows for girls, Pepper Ann, and Braceface (Not as good as ATbG imo), same in manga but that's for /a/, again, it can be recency bias, as well as I'm starting with high regarded stuff, but some of this shit is really good. So I asked some women my age about these shows... and no one watched them, they watched those shitty Dan Schneider series for girls or didn't watch shows at all, rather actually starting their social life. Why are people making kino for girls if girls seem to avoid kino altogether. Are there any good shows/episodes originally ignored for being/being marketed for girls? Also, if someone has the lore on Ginger cause second picrel.
Braceface maybe? W.I.T.C.H and Winx were also marketed for girls (but dunno if they had even good episodes) Also Angel Friends on a similar soap-opera tier plot. Peper Ann was for girls?
>>30273 >Peper Ann was for girls? It was sure marketed as one. >W.I.T.C.H and Winx were also marketed for girls. W.I.T.C.H. >>>>>>>> Winx. W.I.T.C.H was really good, the comic even more so. Lou! was also good, although I don't remember much, I remember enough to hide to watch it, but tbh, it was probably mostly because of the artstyle, is so cute and clean.
>>30274 > I don't remember much Slice of life about a french girl and her geek mother who works as a writer. Emma is the best part of the show, she's both hot and funny at the same time.The christmas episode is the best one by far. I want to protect Lou so bad, bros. >>30272 Last girl show I've watched was lego elves and it's quite decent for a lego comercial.
>>30275 >I want to protect Lou so bad, bros. I didn't finish the comic, but IIRC she does age with the comic and by the time she's 15 or something, she starts getting real horny. So, usual french loli comic.
Oban Star-Racers A great show about a space race that will decide who will rule the galaxy, but what's important is the main character's story arc. It's about a girl whose mom died during a race, so her father, who was her manager, left her at an orphanage. She grew up in the orphanage, dreaming of meting her dad again, seeing news reels about how his new team is the best on Earth, so when her dad is selected to represent Earth in the galactic race, she escapes from the orphanage to reunite with her dad, only for him to not recognize her and treat her like garbage. She eventually becomes the team's pilot, and there is this interesting dynaic, in which she wants for him to realize who she is, but at the same time realizes what a big jerk he is, only towards the end, when he realizes who she is, is he profoundly saddened by the way he acted towards her. Great action, great animation, the main pilot is not a marry sue, instead is just above average, and while I do recommend the original french dub, the english one is not bad.
>>30277 Oban Star-Racers is fantastic, but having a female protagonist makes it a "girl show"? >Oban Star-Racers Holy shit, thank you for reminding me. Does anyone have a rip of the remaster?
>>30273 >Angel Friends Never seen it, but the style looks good. I maybe watched half an episode, the designs are buried somewhere in my memories. What this did remind me off was Trollz. Now Trollz I do remember never wanting to be caught watching it because it was such obviously a girl's show, but at the same time watching a ton of it, because as far as I remember, this might've been one of the first animations I had ever watched to have a plot that becomes darker and more focused as it goes on, with lore to boot. I don't remember the actual lore, or how good or original it was, but it was a trip jumping from The Fairly Oddparents to this. This may have kickstarted my taste for actually good stories, even if probably it was mediocre itself.
>>30282 Also, since I had come from watching Power Rangers, I was used for the red color coded character to be the protagonist. Having it be the pink haired, meek and sweet girl instead of the assertive, aggressive and hot headed red haired one, as it was in many boys kids shows where the protagonist causes the problem he has to fix due to his impulsiveness, it was such a revelation to me, I don't know why.
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>not having your shows for little girls also target men 16 to 35
>>30278 >, but having a female protagonist makes it a "girl show"? Uhm, yeah? Unless she is hyper sexualized, but then it would be more of woman or a man's show rather than a girl or boy's show. Other shows with female leads that I remember, are: >Power Puff Girls >Juniper Lee, >Saban's Adventures of the Little Mermaid (I guess we can also add plenty of Disney and Pixar movies into the list) >The Mighty B! >Kim Possible >Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi >Princess Sissi and that's about it for now. Sure there were plenty of shows with both female and male protagonists like Kids Next Door or Avatar The Last Airbender(had some good, strong female protagonists and antagonists), or with anthropomorphic characters like Cow and Chicken or Courage the Cowardly Dog(something tells me girls enjoy this one especially). Now can girls enjoy a cartoon with a male lead, or mostly male cast? Sure, the same way I can enjoy Oban or Power Puff Girls, I simply believe that executives or suits thought that if a show is intended for girls, it needs to have a female lead(and a bit more romance), while a show for boys, needs to have a male lead(and a bit more action). That this is all it was needed for a show to be labeled as a "girl show", though I am curios what definition you have for a show to be labeled as a "girl show"? As for /a/nime that was imported in the west, I guess Sailor Moon, Pretty Cure(not sure if it was actually imported in the west) and a special mention to Inuyasha, in that although it had a mostly male cast, it was well liked by girls, but maybe that's because it was written by a woman.
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>>30272 >Shows for girls? How about shows for men and little girls.
How much of a good market girls and women can be? Including niches.
>>30288 For animation? Not much, women develop and start puberty faster, this includes the puberty need to feel grown up, which in this society still includes stop watching cartoons. Specially if due to early development they're forced to be treated as more grown up, which is true in my third world country. I'm pretty sure the girl market grows into more teen markets like makeup and dating at least 3 years earlier than boys in average. I still remember being in sixth grade and the girls were mocking us boys for still playing games/videogames and watching cartoons, and just like OP, they were watching teen and even adult soap operas instead if they watch anything at all.
>>30288 For girls, it's Barbie, My Little Pony, Bratz and so on. For teenagers, it's teen dramas, makeup and clothes, and for women, it's makeup, clothes, jewelry and perfume. As for animation, besides what >>30289 said, you can hook them up to shows like Inuyasha or those barbie movies unttil the 4th or 5th grade, but then they will move on to something else, unless they become full weebs and fujoshis. >>30287 Can't believe I forgot to mention Totally Spies.
>>30287 Fuck yeah this shit was my jam, even though I found only a handful of episodes outright fetishistic it DID scar me for life with fat Clover
>>30277 I liked the relationship between Eva/Molly and her dad and how long it actually took him to put two and two together although in retrospect, considering she has similar face markings to her mom, you'd think that would've sped things up. And they could've gone the easy route by having them reconcile and brush off the years of abandonment but instead, he's got to work to regain her trust and be a real dad while she has to come to the realization that he's not going to abandon her anymore and wants to make up for his failings. Hope they do that sequel series that was being shopped around.
>>30285 Also >not having your violent, bloodfilled, super raunchy show for guys attract loads of young girls as watchers because they adore the trickster heroine and flare for dress up >not making a spinoff actually aimed at little girls and keep it lewd to the point she once has to fight naked because her transformation is interrupted
I've read the first volumen of this series in 2020 because of covid and it was surprisingly well written. The characters were relatable and the comedy was fun.
>>30315 >Asian girl with stripe of color, usually blue or pink why do they keep doing this?
>>30316 Because all asian hair looks the same.
>>30319 If all four girls were asian it'd make sense, which is why they do it in anime, but here the asian is the only one with straight black hair. It's like they think they have to do it for some reason or its not Asian.
>>30315 Wasn’t the Netflix adaption of this turned it into tranny propaganda?
>>30955 Well that is the standard procedure for Netflix.
>>30315 I remember reading a few of these in grade school and then playing the flash porn parody made by that guy who used Chrono Trigger sprites for everything.
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Comic industry even try a "by women for women" like Josei?

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