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Batwoman has a new lead! Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 00:29:27 No. 2697
Meet your new stunning and brave Batwoman: played by a black bi-sexual woman with an afro! It also looks like they are keeping the terrible Ryan Wilder name and the original batwoman will exist, but will be a mystery in the background that'll never be solved. http://archive.vn/vEPiw I'm expecting a ton of articles of how you're racist, sexist and homophobic if you don't like the new Batwoman Season 2 whenever that is coming out.
>>2697 It's a new character so who care.
>>2697 Bad show. Will continue to be bad. But now will berate the audience on BLM talking points.
If Warner Bros. wants to continue dumping money into sabotaging their own products, so be it. They could have had a very long franchise on their hands with the Arrowverse. It was doing very well for a while there. And they've tanked it very quickly. Oh well. The harder they ruin it now, the faster it will be destroyed, and the sooner we can get the world back on track.
>>2697 Getting angry will only make black people and white liberals feel the need to make is succeed to spite you. Stop getting angry over this stupid shit. Hollywood jews don't create anything worth watching anyways. They don't add anything to you or your culture worth internalizing. Stop watching TV
>>2697 The show was shit anyway, and the lead actress left on her own will, right? it is pretty irrelevant.
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>>2697 Why does her hair have to be 5 times bigger then her head? Is anyone going to address this?
>>2713 That's just what happen to black people's hair if they grow it out and don't plait it or straighten it. Something you may not know is that most black women you see with straight hair... it's a weave or an ought right wig. If it's not then it's been chemically straightened or you're dealing with a light skinned black with a lot of European genes.
>>2715 I get that, but that still does not quell my query related to the bigness of her frizz-fro, man. She could walk through a doorway and brush both sides of it. There is such a thing as hair management, man. That's gotta be like 8 fucking pounds of fro. And like every black model does that shit, like it's contract.
Think of the hair argument this way, either it'll be impossible to wear the cowl quickly or it will be a major target in a fight.
>>2697 She's pretty cute though
>>2741 I'll give them that At least she looks good Still garbage on par with the Catwoman movie
>>2700 How's the death of the Arrowverse supposed to help >us make the world better? It'd just be a bunch of dead TV shows that'll get replaced by the next teen fad, right?
>>2804 Every piece of SJW propaganda that dies helps the world become a little bit better.
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>>2697 How is it that nobody's sick of this shit yet in the media is beyond me. If the normalfags can see this shit than so could they. But than again media heads aren't know or hired for being bright. I'm glad people are getting sick of this stale gimmick.
>>2878 Its a cult, but if the synder cut and Watchmen not getting a second season were a sign then the execs are slowly starting to realize what's really going on.
>>2878 Nigga tons of fucking people are sick of it. But it's all down to bend the knee to SJWs, woke mobs, & BLM. It's why movies with obvious feminist agendas end up failing hard in theaters. Remember those?
>>2880 I know it's just that at this point there's no reason to support this shit anymore since not even the jack offs in hollywood can control the woke virus after cultivating it for years. They can't contain so why still enable this shit?
>>2884 Because it's a religion at this point, and they're willing to martyr themselves for it.
>>2884 Hollywood & the entertainment industry fears being cancelled by the loudest minority more than they do wasting money on projects that bomb for being pandering woke crap.
>>2887 Is it really fear, or is it just that cultivating woke shit is a way to encourage division in people to better control them?
>>2936 Bit of both depending on the levels of power.
>>2936 >or is it just that cultivating woke shit is a way to encourage division in people to better control them? Wow. I can't believe I just read that antisemitic post.
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>>2887 >Hollywood & the entertainment industry fears being cancelled by the loudest minority Do you really think all this shit is happening because of "le SJWs"? How many times do we still need to say that woketards only purpose is to get the blame for what the jews are doing!? If the media wasn't controlled by (((them))) SJWs could do all the autistic screeching they wanted and still get ignored and treated as a minority of retards like they deserve. There's no SJW agenda, only a jewish one.
>>4604 Jews are the ones in power but they still fear the SJW crowd all the same. They won't hesitant to eat their own so the jews have to appease them. If the jews really were the ones pulling the strings then they wouldn't constantly try to be woke when it's shown time & time again it causes them to go broke.
Was there anyone who watched Batwoman seriously in the first place?
>>4605 Let me dispel this notion for you once and for all. Riddle me this, and please take notice: What is the goal of social justice?
>>2878 >>2879 >>2880 >>2884 >>2886 >>2887 >>2936 >>2937 >>4604 >>4605 >>4608 >>25646 You're all wrong shit like this is being pushed because quotas and propaganda are what give these studios money by investment companies. Search up BlackRock and most of it will be cleared up, it's propped up to divide people, pander to younger retards and in a way, push this shit further to fuck up the middle class even more than it is in terms of social cohesion. While this shit has been present as early as 2008-2009, Obamas second term and Occupy Wall Street were the things that really drove companies and government officials to push this insanity.. Many companies will keep pushing this because they get their fucking money back either way, some however do so badly that they simply burn, more and more people are seeing this garbage for what it is, even younger more clueless lads.
I hate to inform you but this is /co/.
>>25672 >people ask why /co/ related bullshit happens >guy explains the economic and corporate reasons behind it >Frank gets mad and bans him for it Frank, fuck off, you fucking idiot.
>>25710 It sounds more like conspiracy theory rather than believable reasoning behind the push for woke. The simple truth is people have horrid politics & the want to need acceptance. So of course they're going to push for it all in the media they can into because they know the right people with the same politics or want for a potential audience.
>>25711 People do conspire, and people with money do use money as a lure to get others to conspire with them. To act like quotas don't exist is ridiculous. Yes, there are other factors to why the quotas exist, but pointing out financial factors is important.
>>25716 Oh no conspiracy & quotas to push an agenda absolutely exist. You just have to actually y'know not sound completely crazy over how far it reaches.
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Do you think she's going to get shot and then raped by the joker?
>>25718 Wait till the Batgirl movie post Flash.
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>>25718 The killing joke wasn't meant to be canon originally, but it was popular enough that DC canonized it. This contributed to the shitty "serious" tone most batman books have had. pic tangentially related
>>25721 There isn't much that makes The Killing Joke stand out from regular canon, like most Imaginary Stories and Elseworlds. Also, goddamn that movie was horrible, and having it so Joker rapes Barbara is fucking stupid. First of all, if Joker raped anyone in that comic, it wasn't Barbara, it was Commissioner Gordon. Not because he's gay, but because he wanted to scar him for life. Secondly, Barbara already raped Batman earlier in the movie, so frankly, it just makes Joker seem like some sort of dealer of cosmic justice.
>>25722 The Killing Joke was so well received especially for it's ending. It left an ambiguous impression that maybe Batman might have killed Joker at the very end. Then they made it canon so that ambiguity is all gone. I do find it funny how it fucked with Alan Moore though. Also I'm pretty sure Joker didn't rape Barb in the movie.
>>25723 The movie heavily implies Joker raped Barbara, with additional scenes that weren't in the comic, such as Batman visiting a hooker that Joker apparently always visits when he gets out of Arkham, but she says that he suspiciously didn't visit her this time. It's one thing for people to interpret rape with the nude photos he shows Jim, but the movie went out of its way to reinforce that interpretation, which was weak in the comic, but quite strong in the movie.
>>25724 Fair enough.

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