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Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 04:31:59 No. 25881 >>25885 >>25888 >>25889 >>26648
How did 4cuck/co/ get so terrible? Do we know the web identities of the mods?
>>25881 (OP) >How did 4cuck/co/ get so terrible? Not even a /co/ regular, but wasn't it an unchecked influx of users from Tumblr that did it in way back when?
>>25881 (OP) >how did something on cuckchan become terrible It's a fuckin' mystery!
>>25881 (OP) >still going to halfchan Anon it's time you check yourself and realize you aren't better then them. I might understand maybe going to 8kun, or that shitty site markthejew have, but cmon now.
>>25889 Perhaps you aren't, but I know I am better than a convention of them combined.
>>25890 >no U Nice rebuttal. Upvoted
>>25894 Meme post got a meme response. You're a midwit who thinks half understanding comics makes you special. Stupid faggot.
(1.45 MB 1184x1103 fall of -co-.jpg)

>>25885 This. >>25888 No, you don't understand. 4/co/ was the first to get infected, and it spread from there to the rest of the site. >>25896 That's not what he said at all, retard. Also, barely anyone on this board talks about or cares about comics, and even fewer understand them. You sound like a newfag for not knowing that already. You must have just finally gotten sick of 4/co/ and came here. Good on you for finally learning a little. Now lurk moar and learn moar. Then again, this /co/ is shit too, even if not as shit. So learning the habits of people here isn't a perfect solution either. Anyway, to answer the OP question, pic related.
>>25905 I've never used /co/, faggot. I'm interested in why it got so shit. You and the other faggot are the types to have crawled from there.
>>25911 I'm clearly not hiding the fact that I used to use 4/co/ all the time. I'm talking about its history as if I was there. However, I will note that I gave up on 4/co/ several years before 8chan came up as an alternative. Other boards on cuckchannel, I kept reluctantly using until 2014. They were shit, but /co/ was so shit that I couldn't even handle it after like 2012. Unfortunately, various 8chan versions of /co/ have also continued to have the same sorts of problems 2011/2012 era 4/co/ had. Clearly, some of the people who came post-2014 were okay with the state of affairs post-2011.
>>25912 >various 8chan versions of /co/ have also continued to have the same sorts of problems 2011/2012 era 4/co/ had. What do you think those problems are?
>>25912 >>25914 Having the kinds of idiots whose lives are defined by passion for comics and cartoons in the first place. At least some weebs move onto real highbrow culture eventually.
>>25914 SJWs, or at least borderline SJWs. People who get mad when you point out the actual reasons we have problems with modern comics and cartoons. Sometimes those people ask, because they understand there are problems too, but other people are the types of retards that actually like modern SJW shit, mostly the cartoons more than the comics, since nobody gives a flying fuck about comics anymore. They'll say they aren't SJW, and then say ridiculous shit like Stephen Universe isn't SJW, or try to pretend we can't see the terrible artistic trends seen in modern animation, as if they can talk their way out of things we can all see right in front of our eyes.
>>25918 >>25914 It can be put down to mods. Mods on 8chans were influenced by RW ideas, which led to the fiascos that were 8pol's shooters. 4/co/'s mods are known commies, some have even abused their mod rights to force people to do art commissions for them, threatening to otherwise ban the artist.
>>25919 4pol's mod, btw, is extremely RW. And it shows by how much niggerposting is tolerated, meanwhile the same is often an instant ban on other cuckchannel boards. That every other /co/ but 4/co/ hasn't become an SJW shithole is attributable to the modship of 4/co/ first and foremost.
>>25905 This was an interesting reading, but I have a question, why tumblr invaded /co/ in the first place?
>>25919 >which led to the fiascos that were 8pol's shooters What?
>>25927 idk but commies target cuckchannel all the time. leftypol.org regular schemes to takeover 4pol constantly. >>25928 several of them but the new zealand mosque shooter posted his manifesto on 8pol. do you not know why 8chan was shut down in the first place?
>>25930 >new zealand mosque shooter posted his manifesto on 8pol He posted his manifesto in several places including facebook.
>>25931 Sure but everybody blamed 8chan and that was the direct cause of the deplatforming.
>>25920 I know I'm asking dumb questions but by RW do you mean Red Wood? Couldn't find a lot of info about him online, from what I've seen he used to be a mod who also was an attention whore tripfag, didn't know he affected so much /co/'s culture outside from shitchan.
>>25918 >People who get mad when you point out the actual reasons we have problems with modern comics and cartoons Blaming SJWs and talking about how shit everything is does get repetitive, especially when there aren't enough posters talking about anything else. 4/co/ may be shit and its generals a cancer, but people still flock to it regardless of the state of comics and cartoons. >>25935 I think he means Right Wing. I don't think anybody who remembers Redwood would be shy about referring to him.
>>25881 (OP) Ask the mod here, he's literally one of the half/co/ jannies that keeps the board unusable.

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