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>>25534 Did Turning Red bomb so bad that it turned Disney off of 3D?
I'm sure they'll half ass it quite hard and then go "LOOK 2D ANIMATIONS NO LONGER SELL I GUESS IT'S NOW THE CURRENT YEAR". >>25535 Something something 9/11.
>>25536 They already did that little over a decade ago with Winnie the Pooh.
>>25534 >Back to 2D I am very skeptical. Current Disney CEO is more of a cost cutter than a risk taker, so most of these projects will probably get shitcanned before getting too far. The article mentions animation spanning 2D, 3D, and hybrids. I suspect that we will see quite a few hybrid projects, to chase that Spiderverse, Arcane, and Bad Guys gravy train. The handful of 2D projects to get anywhere will probably be throwbacks. I do not see Disney trying to take risks or branch out from their "all animation is for children" mindset. The Sketchbook series could be interesting. Trailer focuses a bit too much on personal stories and cliches like uplifting inspiring music. There could still be something interesting buried there, especially in episodes with old timers. Something closer to ManBen would be much better.
>>25535 Every single Disney/Pixar movie since the pandemic started has bombed, but Turning Red was particularly bad, I mean it had 175 million dollars budget and it only earned 17 million.
>>25556 Every Pixar/Disney movie since the pandemic started has had a hybrid release with streaming and thus can't be quantified to have bombed purely from box office numbers.
>>25560 Sure, but do you really believe people are watching their movies when piracy has been the normal netiquette during decades by now? It's harder to estimate revenue compared to other mediums and some statistical estimator might be misleading; nevertheless, the secretive way both Netflix and Disney treat their data makes me asume they are hiding that their movies are underperforming.
>>25534 It's just something to help fix their public image after they killed it by openly opposing an anti-grooming bill and a Disney executive for general entertainment openly said she has a transgender and pansexual child. Whatever it is they're gonna make is just gonna be either cheaply made to please the masses or just the most safe family friendly bullshit ever with them spending tons of money on paid reviews to make it look like they made a massive hit.
>>25556 Turning Red has a very limited theatrical run in the U.S. https://archive.ph/FVXNS Probably just enough so it can qualify for Oscars. In practice the movie went straight to Disney+. That's why numbers are so low. Disney would be already chopping heads at Pixar if a proper theatrical release made that much. I reckon it was still a disappointment. Luca and Soul got the same kind of release, and these films made about $50 million and $121 million respectively. Turning Red only made $16.7 million. >>25565 >fix their public image I do not think most people give enough of a fuck about whether animation they are looking at is 3D or 2D.
>>25562 I on the otherhand assume that both of us and suits are equally clueless over whether or not something made money, and are still grasping at straws on how to define how succesful a movie is in a post-netflix world.
>>25570 Devil's advocate here, I don't think there is anybody alive at Disney, old enough to have met the original VA of Peter Pan, to have any sort of malice towards him.
Jews did it.
>>25534 I am calling it now. Disney will outsource movies to South Korea, Mexico and France to avoid activist employees. Hollywood at whole might forced to do the same.
>>25556 With those god awful character designs made by comitee by Commiefornian mixed race abominations, it doesn't surprise me.
>>25630 Anon they already do that.
>>25538 > "all animation is for children" mindset. Not necessarily a bad mindset if the alternative is going full on Sausage Party yeah that's 3D but you know what I mean where you have to try so hard to signal as "adult" that you end up becoming more childish than something like The Emoji Movie.
>>25691 >Not necessarily a bad mindset Its the reason why Sausage Party exists. They cant move on from childish crude humor and incapable of thinking about animation as a serious platform for story telling.
>>25537 I think he was referring some cartoonfan sperging about the movie being a worse catastrophe than 9/11.

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