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More comics like this Anonymous 02/26/2022 (Sat) 17:12:31 No. 23484
Ive been reading recently Patriotika and Valkyrie Saviours by Ron Z. And they were helluva fun. So I've been wondering if there are still good comics out there? with beautiful characters, good designs, great art and that they don't try to push SJW bullshit? Or at least fun stuff like before.
>>23484 You mean softcore cheesecake? That's super easy to find.
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>>23485 Yeah but most of it ain't good. >>23484 I liked Cavewoman, but the art isn't particularly good in most stuff not drawn by Budd Root. Most of the comic's don't have good scans either and I don't know how easy they are to actually by.
>>23490 You don't say?
>>23492 You gotta be more specific. Are you saying "you don't say" to the claim that most cheesecake comics aren't good or are you replying to me talking about Cavewoman?
>>23490 Thanks, it looks good. Sorry for not being more specific, but something more like HERO like/action stuff. It doesn't really need to be cheesecake but I guess it works.
>>23515 The former. They're pretty obviously not meant to be anything but boner bait.
>>23520 Yeah, Ive jerk off to a few of them.
>>23520 Eh. You are correct, but I thought the Budd root cavewoman comics had an actually interesting story, to the point if it theoretically wasn't boner bait I'd still read it. The problem with them is that their generally not even good boner bait. Most of the art for them isn't good and all the good western comics artist who good at boner baiting just stopped drawing comics since there's more money to be made elsewhere(or they become comic cover artists, while much shitter artist draw the interior), which is what happened with the likes of Budd Root and Joseph Micheal Lisner. You might find a decent lewd artist who draws a webcomic here and their, but even then there usually not that grand.
A french group by the name of Soleil has a few fantasy comics with a fair amount of titties in them. Not necessarily cheesecake but fanservice as a whole. Can't really attest to their writing quality, I liked a couple of chapters of Dwarves but not much else.
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>>23484 Try Uber
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>>23484 How about Gold Digger?
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>>23605 Not OP, but Gold digger is very reddity in my view. It's a guilty pleasure of mine because underneath all the Bazinga tier pop culture references there's quite alot to like as it does have alot of cool shit. I tried reading from the beginning but it didn't grab me. I read issue 101 since that's when the author who created attempted to do self contained stories and it's when the more likeable elements show.
>>23606 I just like the guy's porn
>>23591 >Guy who wrote this was also one of the best writers for PC Gaymer and left just when it became absolute shit Looks fucking awesome anon, thanks for the rec
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>>23721 >>Guy who wrote this was also one of the best writers for PC Gaymer and left just when it became absolute shit >Looks fucking awesome anon, thanks for the rec Anon, Kieron gillion is also a massive faggot. There's no game journo alive that isn't one. Uber, I think, is the last thing he wrote that I heard good things about from people that weren't fags or alphabet members. I know there's a panel from either the Wicked + the Divine or Phonogram where he kvetchs about muh soggy knee of some sort.
>>23721 http://gillen.cream.org/thecradle.pdf Take a read here of one of his articles
>>23754 wait you can upload pdfs here
>>23729 >Anon, Kieron gillion is also a massive faggot. I know, but they were faggots with some nice ideas. Current faggots populating these corporations are yes men with no new ideas or allowed to take risks.
>>23550 Interesting >>23551 I've been interested on it for a while, my first contaxt with the franchise was the awful anime adaptation, it was so boring I couldn't even enjoy the boobs and butts, maybe it is time to give it a read to the comic. >>23605 I tried it once a long time ago, it had furries on it, sorry not my stuff. >>23591 Now we are talking, Ive liked a few Kieron Gillen comics on Marvel, looks good so far. I don't care if he is a faggot in real life I just care if writters can give something entertaining. Also, aside from the Boys Im reading Bomb Queen(before the Trump cringe) first issue was fun and I downloaded Jennifer Blood( by Garth Ennis) looks good but I could read everything with Ennis name on it. Thank you all for the answers.
>>23830 >Im reading Bomb Queen Why would you hurt yourself like that?
>>24454 Anon clearly wants to explode.
>>24460 Blew his brains out after realizing it was officially published and not some shitty fanfiction.

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