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Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 13:49:58 No. 23107
‘Teen Titans Go!’ Renewed For Season 8 By Cartoon Network; ‘Mayhem In The Multiverse’ TV Movie Gets Trailer & Premiere Date https://archive.md/7Cq5W
It really has become CN's spongebob.
>>23108 Without any of the actual enjoyable factor or real audience.
>Multiverse This trend can Teen Titans Go fuck itself.
>>23112 >real audience. Children love this shit, anon. It's like fortnite.
>>23114 I don't believe that for a second. Do you know many children, anon?
>>23115 Only my younger cousins, but I've seen plenty of them white knight for the show. It's not hard to spot if you know howa children type on the internet.
>>23115 >I don't believe that for a second Then it wouldn't be getting an 8th season.
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>>23108 >>23115 Its 10 hours a week of TTGO, its only being beaten by Craig of the Creek.
>>23133 If it's the only thing playing all the time then of course it's going to be the only thing kids will have on even as a distraction after school. I still highly doubt most kids actually find it funny.
>>23107 i was told this shit wont end cause one of the WB execs kid is in charge of it, is that true?
>>23133 Looking at this image makes me sick.
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>>23133 This is the man responsible. His name is Vishnu Athreya, head of programming at CN. This isn't the first time he's done this; when he was in charge of CN India and Asia's scheduling, he would spam the absolute shit out of Oggy and the Cockroaches. He's simply doing the same with TTG now.
When your throw gold and shit at a wall, which will stick?
>>23185 What's the wall made of and how hard are you throwing that gold?
>>23180 >spam the absolute shit out of Oggy and the Cockroaches Huh, now I get why its so popular now.
On one hand, it's shit that needs to be given the Old Yeller treatment a year ago. On the other hand, looking at >>23133, it's not like CN would air anything worthwhile in its place.
>>23107 >‘Teen Titans Go!’ Renewed For Season 8 <There's been 7 seasons of Calarts Titans Go!

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