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Peter Robbins, original Charlie Brown voice actor, dead at 65 Anonymous 01/26/2022 (Wed) 18:42:53 No. 22565
>Peter Robbins, who voiced "Charlie Brown" from 1963 to 1969, died from suicide according to Robbins' relatives. >Robbins battled lifelong mental illness, struggled with addiction and had several run-ins with the law as an adult. >Robbins, a California native, began voicing Charlie Brown at just 9 years old. https://archive.ph/9kwPf
>Charlie Brown committed suicide Makes sense, actually.
>>22566 Pretty much tbh.
>“I would recommend to anybody that has bipolar disorder to take it seriously because your life can turn around in the span of a month, like it did to me,” Robbins told the news outlet. Good grief. No wonder he was off the deep end. He was too perfect for voicing Charlie Brown.
>>22566 Lucy saw that, he just didn't want to tell him.
>>22607 RIP to one of the very first tomboy connoisseurs. Even though he never realized it himself.
>>22565 Good grief
>>22565 I actually wanted him to react to the VHS parody dubs.
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>>31797 Best girl.
>>31798 >>31797 Pay your respects first niggers
>>31820 Unrealistic, she should be obese by BMI and a FTM
>>31836 Keep your fat fetish away from me.
>>31842 so no objection to the trooning?
>>31849 Obvious objection to the trooning!
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>>31820 My head-canon says Peppermint Patty looks like Faye Reagan when she grows up, but I'm not gonna lie, pic 1 is pretty hot.
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>>31849 >so no objection to the trooning? It goes without saying that there are massive objections to the trooning.
>>31867 I don't know why, but 3D women look more attractive when they're covering their nipples and pussy.
>>31873 Because a woman without shame is little better than a pig.
>>31820 Its sad how the 100% of this fetish are chan users mental gymnastics and no proof of real women having this personality casually. Even worse, there is women mimicking this personality solely for the money, knowing that there is a lot of desperation for found a "real" tomboy.
>>31878 There are real tomboys. They're children. Once they realize how easily they can get sex, and how they can use sex to get other things they want, any personality girls had in their youths falls away and is replaced with the generic feminine NPC template.
>>31884 The contradiction its how women so competitive and active would feel interest in a guy with no personality.
>>31890 I don't know, ask the Japanese. Half their media deals with interesting and lively women falling head over heels for for sentient blocks of wood carved to vaguely resemble an East Asian man.

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