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Flashpoint Beyond or Thomas Stop Trying To Fuck Your Dead Son Anonymous 01/16/2022 (Sun) 00:49:40 No. 22204
> Flashpoint Beyond, we learn that the Flashpoint reality survived - and Thomas Wayne/Batman is even more shocked than we are. In the seven-issue series, he will return to the streets of his Gotham City to figure out the multiversal mystery of how his universe didn't die - and if there's some way to resurrect his dear, departed son Bruce. >The series kicks off April 5 with a special double-sized Flashpoint Beyond #0, followed by six issues released every other week culminating June 21 with Flashpoint Beyond #6. This better retcon Future State because if it doesnt it'll be nothing more than wasted filler.
Wasn't the whole point of Convergence that Pre-Flashpoint Brainiac went back in time and bottled cities from every important alternate timeline or universe in the history of the Multiverse and Hypertime before they got destroyed, then restored them to full universes in the present of the regular universe? In fact, the Flashpoint timeline was one of the specific ones mentioned. So to anyone reading, the answer to this mystery was already told years. ago. I suppose the bit could still be the character's solving the mystery, but somehow I bet what will instead happen is they give a completely different explanation than the one that was already given in Convergence. Of course, technically the universes created in Convergence are from splintered off timelines from Brainiac grabbing the cities and bringing them elsewhere, so you could say the original also survived for a reason separate from Brainiac, but then it should be missing the city that Brainiac bottled, which it almost surely won't be. No, what will probably happen is no reference to Convergence at all. Technically some autist, such as myself, could still justify this by saying it's a completely separate timeline that just happens to be exactly like the Flashpoint timeline, but that's stupid, even if technically possible.
>>22206 Probably, the whole "resurrect" aspect causes me to remember the whole Damian situation, where he died leading to clones and trip to apokolips.
Gonna vent about this because I fucking hate hearing it and I want answers. I'm not up and in the latest shit with flash or even comic books, I mostly just watch cartoons to cynically analyze their flaws while still enjoying them. But I was pretty sure that Flash's main antagonist was Dr. Zoom, who was sort of like flash but had his own downsides to using his power. I was also fairly certain Dr. Zoom was the dude in the mustard outfit which he built to thumb his nose at Flash. But every time I hear about the yellow man, Dr. Zoom, people say, "Reverse Flash." Now I read just half of Flashpoint because I wanted some context at least, but I dropped off because that shit was pretty awful to read, since it was just the "Spiderman Deal with the Devil" but with time fuckery. There is a throwaway line where Flash talks about the flash from this universe, perhaps being a "Reverse flash" since he notes the costume colors are reversed to what he was used to. Now this throwaway line has developed into the mainstream as the correct terminology for Dr. Zoom, and I fucking hate hearing it, because reverse flash wasn't his fucking name, it's always been Dr. Zoom, and I would attribute it to people saying the wrong thing to fuck with him, but I'm pretty sure comic book fans are just lacking pieces of their brain such that they legitimately think that this villain's name is reverse flash. tl;dr His name is not reverse flash, it's dr. zoom, right? am I fucking crazy?
>>25875 I never read a single flash comic so I have no idea.
>>25875 The original Reverse Flash was Eobard Thawne, AKA Professor Zoom. He was the nemesis of the second Flash, Barry Allen. Barry Killed him after he killed Barry's first wife (turned out she just had her mind warped into a new body in the 30th Century the moment before she died, but Barry didn't know that until later) and was about to kill his new fiance on their wedding day. He would continue to appear occasionally anyway because he's a time traveller from the 25th Century and sometimes he, from before he died, travelled to some point after he died, and fought the Flash there. Also, there was one notable time when Abra Kadabra, a villain from the 64th Century, thus much more powerful than Professor Zoom (who at that point got his super speed with tech from his 25th Century future, though later he would instead make a connection with "The Negative Speed Force"), disguised himself as him just to fuck with Barry, but it accidentally just got Barry acquitted of the murder of Thawne because now everyone thought he was alive again even though he wasn't. Later, Barry died and his sidekick, Wally West, got promoted from Kid Flash to regular Flash, and eventually another guy, Hunter Zolomon, fashioned himself into the new Reverse Flash, with a similar costume and such, and was also called Zoom, but not Professor Zoom. Eobard Thawne got the nickname The Professor because he was a brilliant criminal genius or something. He was deliberately fashioning himself into Wally's nemesis and a replacement for the old Reverse Flash, but I guess he wasn't pompous enough to go around calling himself Professor. The first Flash, Jay Garrick, also fought a villain called The Rival, and later he was retroactively considered a Reverse Flash, but he isn't really as similar as Thawne and Zolomon. Nearly 25 years after his death, Barry came back to life. Shortly after, so did Eobard Thawne, but Barry probably didn't expect this, since Thawne was dead for like 30 years by this point. However, he didn't discount it could be him or some other Reverse Flash, like perhaps Zoom. >tl;dr: There are multiple Reverse Flashes. Each one has a real name and an alias. You could consider each to have multiple aliases. Eobard Thawne is also known as Professor Zoom, also known as a Reverse Flash, also known as The Reverse Flash. Not to be confused with Hunter Zolomon, AKA Zoom, also a Reverse Flash, also referred to as The Reverse Flash when he was the most relevant one.
>>25907 That looks like he was retroactively just called reverse flash but it doesn't make sense because flash is just a reference to his super speed, he looks like a flash flying by, but reverse flash would imply he is not fast. And now I will introduce you to a much better use of the name in a villain that I made up called "Torque." His entire purpose would be that he can't move fast, he just slows things down and attacks with a bunch of power, hence the name. That would be an actual "reverse flash" and not "I also go fast but I'm evil" Dr. Zoom and Zoom have always been much better names because it implies a similar and yet sinister version of the capacity for the same abilities.
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>>25908 Professor Zoom and Zoom are also called The Reverse Flash because they're Flashes with reverse color schemes and also reverse senses of morality. The term Reverse Flash is originally used on the cover of Professor Zoom's first appearance, and yes, originally it is a descriptive term rather than a name, but then as you point out, that is how many names work. While he did call himself Professor Zoom, he also deliberately dyed his costume the reverse colors to match his reverse morality. (Later stories would say it was to match Kid Flash, because Thawne was originally a fan of Flash, but several instances of both time travel and partial amnesia make this a bit confusing). I just read Thawne's first appearance, The Flash #139, and there he dubs himself Professor Zoom, but the narrator, himself, and Barry all refer to him as a or the REVERSE-FLASH as well (always bolded in the comic, hence my caps here. But since comics font is traditionally all caps, bolding seems to indicate something close to caps sometimes). They're using it as a descriptive term, but since it's bolded, and used on the cover, in the title of the story, it's meant to be a term we remember. That descriptor just became an alternate alias for Thawne very quickly. Also, it should be noted that Barry and the narrator also call him Zoom, as short for Professor Zoom. And as I mentioned, his original nickname before he got speed was The Professor. He just added Zoom to fit the speed motif, not thinking of the actual name Reverse Flash. If he had, he probably would have liked it better. It fits his personality and motivation of simply spiting Barry better.

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