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Peni parker Anonymous 12/31/2021 (Fri) 21:13:44 No. 21647
Peni Parker Anything
She looks like a boy.
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>>21647 The comic version is better. Even if she's just an Evangelion homage.
>>21650 That makes it even better.
>>21651 What the fuck is Motoko doing in the second pic?
>>21651 >>21673 Why is Batou in the second image? >>21650 No she doesn't.
>>21651 >>21673 >>21677 The problem with comic Peni, her run is 80% references and little to no substance. Its why the film makers decided to reso her story like they did with Miles.
>>21687 Nigger movie Peni is just "kawaii uguu~~" anime girl stereotypes with a dumber mech she doesn't even control.
>>21691 And that's far more marketable.
>>21706 Yet they've only really made figures for Miles.
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>>21709 Not the anon you are replying to. I have no skin in the game since I stopped watching capeshit movies after endgame, but I saw your comment and had to tell you you're wrong.
>>21710 The first one is a figurine. As in a static small statue.
>>21712 Fair, but she still got merchandise.
>>21717 Yes but some merch isn't the same as the level of production Miles & Gwen got.
>>21718 Correct, but did anybody argue she was? >>21706 Just said the spiderverse version was more marketable than her comic counterpart. Which may be true since her movie counterpart has merch unlike her comic version (although being in a movie by itself probably plays a significant part). I didn't watch Into the Spiderverse, but from my secondhand knowledge she's basically not a main protagonist, so she was never going to get as much merch. The other spirderverse characters in similar position like noir spiderman and spider-ham have been around for much longer and have a bunch of toyshit that predates the into the spiderverse to my knowledge(or at least collectors’ items). Did they much more merch than her? Assuming you’re the same anon who believes her comic counterpart is better than good on you. You arguing about marketability just riled up my autism.
>>21721 Generic anime school girl without any serious characterization or use outside of filling of the cast is not marketable compared to a character who's written seriously with real insecurities. Granted she'd probably still do nothing plotwise even if the movie was more in line with the comic version.
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>>21722 >Generic anime school girl without any serious characterization or use outside of filling of the cast is not marketable compared to a character who's written seriously with real insecurities. You're conflating marketablaity with your dislike for the movie version of the character. A more marketable character is not necessariliy a better done character or a deeper character. Generic anime school girl is plenty marketable when put in a capeshit scenario to produce novelty. It's basic as fuck, but the concept alone was novel enough to generate buzz. Regardless of whether or not she's a good character, "anime school-girl spider-man that's even done in a anime-esque style in a western styled animated movie" is much more marketable than an adaption of her comic conterpart.
>>21723 >>21722 >>21723 >You're conflating marketablaity with your dislike for the movie version of the character More accurately you are conflating marketabality with depth. Which is what I should have said.
>>21723 >Generic anime school girl is plenty marketable when put in a capeshit scenario to produce novelty. This and is the reason why they tried that Marvel goes anime in the late 2000s. Give a talking dumpling, a mecha, a and nifty looking spider katakana and she'll be quite a popular character.
>>21677 Yes she does. A boy wearing a skirt
>>21723 What really bothers me about Spiderverse is that it sticks, who I felt was the most interesting character(Noir) in the background while the three least interesting spidermen(Gwen, Miles and Peter) took the reigns. Which I get and all but at the same time I wish they could have just taken a risk of shelving the "standard" spidermen for the more out there ones.
>>21745 >A boy wearing a skirt Tell me more!
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HI 👋
>>21773 Remember the whole thing is (very loosely) based on one of Slott's shittiest plots ever. That's why it has the "characters" Slott simps for front in center. Original comic was a straight up murderfest where Slott found cool and interesting Spider-Man variants and killed them horribly to show how cool and edgy his vampires from Earth 0 were. >Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends >Hostess Spider-Man >Spider-Dad from MC2 >MVC Spider-Man >Toku Spider-Man (the one with a random mech) and more mere all killed by Slott for his shitty plot. It was only able to introduce Peni Parker because it was a random one shot done by a freelancer as a "tie in". The movie is actually a greatly improved version by virtue of having nowhere to go but up.
>>21884 >hostess spiderman my webslinger is tingling.
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>>21894 As in Hostess brand junk food, not a Spider-Man that is also a hostess. Slott is so talentless and mean spirited lolhesdead was the best he could come up with for such an interesting Spider-man.
>>21896 Oh. I'm disappointed but that's also a cool idea for a spiderman.
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>>21902 this one of those AI generated art things
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Hey may I ask, which version of peni do you guys like the most? For me I like both the comic and into the spider-verse, I like the cuteness of the peni in the spider-verse, and the sp//dr I like the comic a little bit more.
>>22159 > Hey may I ask, which version of peni do you guys like the most? As a matter of character design, I like spiderverse peni. I haven't seen comic peni outside of >>21651 . The spiderverse's version has a better-looking outfit, a rounder face with simpler features, and is happy and smiling. It's an improvement overall. The robots both have ups and downs. Spiderverse's robot has a nice color scheme. It looks like a robot that would be piloted by a schoolgirl. The tiny unprotected joints doesn't make sense, but adding armor would take away from the streamlined design. The comics robot looks like a background character. Its only distinguishing features are the big shoulder pads and the segmented abdomen. It looks more like a real robot for serious storytelling, but it doesn't stand out. To repeat what I just said, the different character designs fit different styles of storytelling. One's serious, one's fun.
I prefer Spider-Woman over Penis Parker. More mature and voluptuous than that flattened penny. Sadly, she's too sexy to be in Sony's Spider-Verse.
>>22185 She's a whore that had so little relevancy & popularity they had to make her a mom with a literal who c-lister.
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>>21647 Hello 7chan
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>>22186 I think part of making her a mom was her son is actually a rather prominent character in Spider-Girl (the real one). There Gerry Drew is her son who is dying of the same vague condition that she had and to save him, she puts him through the same process that gave her her powers. The result is a boy who has spider powers but is still dying, so he chooses to live out the rest of his days emulating his hero, the legendary Spider-Man. What makes him charming is that, unlike May, he was never trained as a hero and makes mistakes that interfere with the other heroes (I think he's actually even younger than Peter was at the start of his career, and he acts accordingly) and May really doesn't like him at first because of the stolen legacy. Despite being a side character he grows from a screw up to a genuine hero. Of course, that raises the question of why the first several issues after his birth in mainline continuity refused to give his name and had her refer to him as "my baby", like the name was supposed to be a twist. Also none of his well written MC2 appearances makes the whole pregnant superhero thing in the mainline canon any less retarded.
>>22201 Plus the way no one ages in real time means he'll be a baby or a toddler for decades.
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>>22201 Left is better drawn than the right (freakishly long torso, tiny head).
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You think she will appear in the new movie or will it be a whole new spider-cast save for peter, miles and gwen?
>>28939 Only Miles, Gwen, & Miguel are coming back from the first movie. The leaked merchandise shows Ben Reilly & Cyborg Spider-woman.
>>28940 Miguel wasnt in the first one, hence why seeing him beat the crap out of miles is great.
>>28964 Technically he was. He was in the mid/post credits.
>>28965 Oh come on that doesnt count and you know it. What surprised me is that they got spider man noire in there really.
>>28966 It technically does!
>>28969 Chill the shock out, anon.

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