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Anonymous 11/17/2021 (Wed) 11:20:52 No. 20201
Are NFTs a legitmate way for webcomic artists to make money?
No. They're a money laundering scheme made by connected wealthy predators to profit off cashed up idiots. Credit mechanisms in the crypto space mean that you don't even need money on hand to do it >make some nfts >set up a site, register it places like OpenSea, etc., advertise before launch >buy your own nfts with alts, bid up the "value" to establish fake demand >raise hype >do this with friends, too, mutually >unload on someone and cash out, repeat >meanwhile criminals do this too It's literally the commercial art world except on steroids Meanwhile all the art is either crap or computer generated crap and questions about exclusive ownership and possession are not satisfactorily answered.
>>20201 Define "legitimate", it's not illegal, though I do think the market is in a bubble it's hard to tell when and if the bubble will end with "babby's first art speculation". >>20204 You don't need to buy or sell and NFT to money launder with crypto. All you need is to make transaction through Monero and that's literally it, taxes evaded. Not saying some rich cunt out there isn't doing it, but it just seems to be "art speculation for internet nerds" as far as I can tell.
>pic Honestly this guy's stuff is pretty good when it's not political commentary.
>>20201 When it started? Well, yeah for a quick buck, but not for long term. >>20204 Same thing is happening with videogames and pokemon cards. Makes me wonder what is going to be the next big scam.
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>>20231 >The next big scam
>>20231 Next big scam is NFT music, get in and get out early.
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>>20201 >mfw I STILL don't understand bitcoin or how it can possibly stop the jew bankers when they, themselves, can acquire some >mfw this NFT shit came in and took the rare Pepe memes to a ludicrous IRL extreme I'm not a boomer, but I've never felt more boomer in all my life. Just that feeling of "Being With It" oozing away like there's a hole in my brain. >>20246 >Next big scam is NFT music, get in and get out early. I think Wu-Tang and that dick who was charging $500 per pill got there ahead of you.
>>20298 i have been hearing that Soros is amasing fat loads of bitcoins for "reasons"
>>20298 You do realize the original rare Pepe memes were also NFTs right? That was literally the joke? That people were selling rare pepe NFTs?
>>20298 The idea of bitcoin/etc is that the Jew Bankers can't print it on demand (unlike the fiat currency). They are stuck with the same rules as everyone else (which naturally they detest) and this is true for limited coins (bitcoin) or open/infinitely generating coins (doge). Even buying into bit coin, the jews have no special ability to sink or manipulate the coin (and if they do, its in everyones interest to dump the coin and start a new one). It makes Crypto uniquely resistant to jewish games. That said if its a good deal for other people its still not a bad deal for jews, just not likely to get the attention of the jews In charge.
>>20347 > It makes Crypto uniquely resistant to jewish games <Convincing people to download a 300 GB file that claims they own a certain amount of the code in said file <Where the file cannot physically exist <And serves no purpose > resistant to jewish games
>>20348 >jewish games How many jews are getting rich off of crypto compared to the others?
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>>20299 >i have been hearing that Soros is amasing fat loads of bitcoins for "reasons" What a huge surprise. >>20313 >You do realize the original rare Pepe memes were also NFTs right? That was literally the joke? Yes. And now it's NOT a joke. That was my point. I feel like I'm taking taking crazy pills. Or maybe sane pills. >>20347 >It makes Crypto uniquely resistant to jewish games. That said if its a good deal for other people its still not a bad deal for jews, just not likely to get the attention of the jews In charge. Until the jews do the same thing they do with shares in companies: offer more money until the holders give in. Eventually, they'll own most or all of it, and we're back to the same crapola.
>>20351 >Jews buy all the coins While there is some danger of a pump and dump (once) its not different then what they do in other currencies. So lets take the example to completion >Jews buy all the coins >everyone gets paid out at increasing rates as demand is up Then everyone fucks off to a different crypto. Really I think aside from the technical side the idea that you could have several dollars in the same market is fairly innovative and not something you see a lot of (and these large countries (Canada/Russia/USA/Brasil/EU) Being able to say hey, Shitty poorly developed region, we're minting a coin worth 9/10ths or 3/4ths or whatever of the main coin for that region to use (for discouraging outside spending and encouraging outside investment). Its interesting either way and definitely something that I think is worth a read/ little research for every Anon.
>>20298 ok, here's the key points - NFTs serve a few purposes in lieu of having a meaningful use - they're functionally equivalent to crypto in many ways except aren't subject to currency status and escape some regulations, as outrage at crypto grows daily and regulators are closing in fast - they provide a way for people who made ridiculous money in crypto to flaunt it by being a new kind of luxury asset - they're great for moving money around without scrutiny due to being unshackled from currency status and having a volatile value - they're great for crypto opportunists/predators looking to start new collections to cash out on low information buyers (newcomers + lucky millionaires) and speculators (wary people with disposable income that they want to invest in a high/extreme risk asset) as collections are easy to make and sell and they can leverage existing crypto platforms to hype NFTs They are a relatively new idea and people are exploring what can be done, its a new field so is booming that way. That said, if you're not driving this thing or a criminal, the only way you can participate is as a speculator and that's about as risky as anything else in the space.
>>20201 I saw some of the artists sperging out because anyone could screencap their shitty art, save it and share it around the web for free. >>20213 I miss when his characters had big noses.
Yes, but there enough caveats that'd give pause to anybody not already familiar with the technical aspects of non-fungible tokens and crypto in general, as opposed to just "muh climate!". At best, it's something to keep an eye on.
>>20500 >I miss when his characters had big noses. Stonetoss being red panels is just rumours.
>>20557 I always thought he was Shmorky in mourning.
>>20204 >all the art is either crap or computer generated crap Not true. There is good stuff on token.gallery Pic related.
>>20626 >Not posting the monkey muslim carrying a bazooka edit.
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I have a passings knowledge on crypto, I'll try to explain as simply as possible NFT are decentralized certificates. If you know anything about certificates, then you know they only hold value according to whom is issuing them. First generation NFT only hold value the same way first edition trading cards have value, they do nothing beyond being a collective. If adoption happens, it will be used to issue ID images, passports, diplomas and the like. Decentralization and the Blockchain will make them incredibly difficult to falsify (IF implemented correctly)
>>20201 You're better off if you post a "Your Character Here" template and charge to anyone who wants his waifu in it you're a fetish artist.
>>20201 Where's the amongus?
>>20201 As long as the buyers know that they are gambling on the future popularity of the artist (at best), sure. NFTs are not an investment. Either buy to gamble or buy to support the artist.

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