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Aqua Teen Hunger Force Thread. Anonymous 11/14/2021 (Sun) 06:39:30 No. 20127
In celebration of this show, it's getting a new season for 2022. https://archive.fo/H54dQ I'm not expecting much since Frylock's voice actor got fucked over by CN by underpaying him meaning chances are he's out of the show or got replaced either by another actor that probably wouldn't fit as well.
Although it looks promising but with Birdgirl turning out the way that it did, I worry something similar might happen here.
first two shorts are out, they're doing shorts daily until the movie lands. They're amusing and feel pretty similar to the original, but I wonder how much of my happiness is just seeing more of a familiar thing that hasn't been bastardized. anyway, I'm glad athf is back. Fuck you, lazzo.
>>25211 Im surprised they got Frylock's VA to come back.
>>25212 I assume they finally gave him his backpay.
>>25213 It'd be funny if the Discovery merger would proactively rip it away.
>>25252 Considering the new guy isn't afraid to chop up the company, its not out of the realm of possibility especially if he targets Adult Swim.
Another new short for aqua teens is out today with the broodwich returning this time.
>>25212 I'm honestly surprised they ended up reusing Handbanana since the entire joke was just kind of "rape" I wonder if we'll see some giant retarded social media spergout from it
>>25343 >I wonder if we'll see some giant retarded social media spergout from it That only happens when it's a man raping a woman. Every other combination is acceptable.
>>25763 Looks like they're going for the nostalgia punch and bringing back everyone. I wonder if they're going to recast Doctor Weird?

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