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Learning with Pibby Thread. Anonymous 11/02/2021 (Tue) 00:43:55 No. 19450
A cartoon crosser show got previewed on adult swim's youtube channel and is potentially on the path to being greenlit due to having gained large traction on youtube and social media. In general it's some creepypasta Esque show where cartoons get corrupted by some invasive strange black mass that turns them into pixellated monstrous parodies of them. It's pretty much a Zalgo stand-in for the show. Normalfags are eating it up despite the whole "cute thing suffers horribly" being done to death with shit like happy tree friends.
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>>19450 1.1 million views at time of this post. It's not just CN cartoons either, backgrounds of some shows are from Spongebob and other Nickshows. Hanna-Barbera cartoons like Flintstones and Scooby-Doo are also interesting. There's been good parodies.
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>>19453 >There's been good parodies. How does that justify it? I'm not holding my breath for this despite there being little to say but the premise is straight out of a 2010s creepypasta at best.
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>>19450 >remember your childhood characters? >They are all now black glitchy monsters
>>19450 >Gratuitous use of the word "badass" I didn't know Randy Pitchford made cartoons.
What a forced meme, the whole thing reeks of a troon power fantasy. The big scary villain/mysterious evil force is just a metaphor for "toxic internet culture" corrupting everything they love, completely missing the irony, considering all the soulless gay shit they leak into everything, and bringing back old cartoons just to shit all over them.
>>19460 >What a forced meme Well, multi-national corporation are using maymays to sell their products and hype the normalfags.
>>19450 >the whole "cute thing suffers horribly" being done to death Name 10 examples other than HTF.
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This reminds me of every indie game that pulls that stupid cliche of cute thing does violence. And I'm not liking it
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>>19463 Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Most creepypasta theories and media-based ones, Made in the abyss, Bloody bunny, Higurashi, Mahou Shoujo Site, Five Nights a Freddy's, Corpse party, evil clowns in general, and Doki Doki Literature club. Just things that I can remember from the top of my head. Also what >>19465 over here said.
>>19468 >Doki Doki Literature Club Thanks for reminding that fucking game exists. It poisoned the well of indie game with self aware horror shit.
>>19468 >Made in the abyss Heh, it's stated from the first chapter that the abyss is hell on earth and that anyone wandering there will suffer more or less. in other examples the suffering comes as a surprise. >Five Nights a Freddy's Only furfags would find anything on the games "cute". >evil clowns in general Fear of clowns is a legitimate phobia, I don't think it should be put with "break the cutie" tropes.
>>19471 >Fear of clowns is a legitimate phobia, I don't think it should be put with "break the cutie" tropes. In the meta sense clowns were a lot more innocent in deceptions in primarily American media but due to how common it is to be afraid of clowns it's more common to see ironic clowns than legit clowns. In some countries, fear of clowns isn't a legitimate fear at all since hardly any of clownophobia occur. >Heh, it's stated from the first chapter that the abyss is hell on earth and that anyone wandering there will suffer more or less. in other examples the suffering comes as a surprise. You still have kids suffering like hell and the protags when into the abyss expecting unexpecting horrors beyond what they know or so I've heard. >Only furfags would find anything on the games "cute". FNAF has a notable child demographic especially in its heyday where they sell merch intended for children.
>>19468 >made in abyss People vastly overrate the suffering in that manga. Fucked shit occasionally happens but it's par the course for adventure fiction that actually has survival elements. It's just standard fantasy adventure fiction with mildly unique worldbuilding and setting that just happens to star children because the authors into lolis and shota.
>>19469 All because the devs hated VNs.
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Imagine a cartoon where a children's animation studio gets corrupted from within and one animator must unearth the source while suffering through its degradation. I call it "Unsuitable for Children" since it's too mature to be put on Adult Swim; it's an animated drama about the animation industry, and there's not much of those that I remember seeing. Got any thoughts?
>>19478 Sounds like a shit indie movie about the real animation industry.
>>19475 Other than Riko climbing those stairs and everything with Best Dad, there really isn't that much fucked up shit in MiA. *Tsukushi's obvious piss fetish is probably more disconcerting than half the shit in the manga**
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>>19479 Somehow, I'd only make it worse if I connected it to Pizzagate.
>>19468 Earthbound's influence is also worth mentioning.
>>19468 >babbies first understanding of juxtaposition
>>19478 Bendy and the Ink Machine?
>>19486 That's mostly about some spooky cartoon that came to life. There's more focus on the production process, including the overseas animators suffering while making cels or some crunching for a deadline. There could be an additional storyline where there's some foreign ties (maybe in Korea, or some other East Asian country) to the evil source.
>Watching the trailer >Reading the description Isn't this just edgy Kingdom Hearts/Super Smash Bros. Brawl, except for WB properties? <When a supernatural storm transports 14-year-old Sora to a distant land, he sets out to track down his missing friends. Teaming up with Court Wizard Donald and Captain Goofy, join Sora as he embarks on a valiant quest to find his friends and defeat the evil "Heartless". https://web.archive.org/web/20041018004144/http://www.kingdom-hearts.com/uk/index.html <In this world, trophies fight. The know nothing but fighting. Fighting is the sole reason for their existence. Being turned back into a trophy, being unable to fight, is much like death. Those are the rules of this world. But...When someone...or something...breaks those rules, the world will pay a terrible price... https://archive.vn/I7Bit <The Adventure mode also emphasizes character development. You’ll see many famous characters persevering under the weight of their personal histories, shouldering their unique burdens... It’s really something you won’t see anywhere else. https://archive.vn/Niflf <"The Subspace Emissary" storyline introduces a force of formless enemies called the Subspace Army. They are ruled by their commander, the Ancient Minister. <Their objective is to cut apart the world and carry it into Subspace. They use what are called Subspace bombs to do so. <When a Subspace bomb explodes, a section of the world gets excised and swallowed by Subspace. <This is a new, never-before-seen form of aggression...but now is no time to stop and stare. Everyone, everywhere, is beginning to move against it. https://archive.vn/Zn41S
>>19451 >Beta-Kid can be any ethnicity. They'll leave him white in order to advance the (((narrative))) Holy shit, do the Calarts teachers even TRY to teach, anymore?
>>19451 >Though no nonsense >it's why everyone loves bad guys >it doesn't has the "can be any race" shit It's gonna be a villain the first and last episode, just being a dick for any suggestion the MC says and doubt them when they are sure of things, most likely strong woman of color since they didn't say any race
>>19487 so something similar to Disney's sweatbox documentary
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This shit popped up out of nowhere and I already hate it. Everything about it just looks really, really fucking lazy. >generic main character design >pastel colors >uniform line weight >cheap looking animation >concept is just an edgy crossover >remember [show]? >black static = scary
>>19506 Do you realise all you just mentioned was on purpose to make fun of cable and CN in specitic dying?
>>19506 Well a good chunk of this feels like jacking the Scoob and Shag webcomic but with more ow the edge than usual.
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>>19450 I like the idea in theory, but it seems like it's going to be real shit in practice. The story doesn't have anywhere to go if this isn't a movie. It would just be episode after episode of "oh man it's Pibby and [insert CN character]" and then things happen. A movie can execute with this level of narrative efficiently, but, I can't see a tv series doing it well at all. You could fix the art, and character designs, but none of that will give the story enough room to breathe anything interesting. Very gimmicky and one-shot territory.
>>19508 Being on purpose doesn't make it less retarded I doubt they're that self-aware. Go back to >>>/cuckchan/, faggot. >>19531 I can see that happening quite easily. I don't even see the point of why it took them this long to jump off this trend of "grimdark" shows with saccharine start ups.
>>19531 >>19450 You know, thinking about it further, why does this show even need the OC characters to work? I hate to make this analogy, but I suppose it's fine if it's on /co/. Let's say CN wanted this to be "the Avengers of Cartoon Network", then why do we even need OCs? What do they bring to the table? Unless it's a copyright issue, and it costs too much to loan the other IPs long enough to work? Like, why can't I have a Powerpuff girl, Samurai Jack and Kids Next Door working together against the "unknowable evil"? Why do I need Pippy, shitty Superhero and not-Disney Villain instead.
>>19539 That does raise a couple of questions. My best guess is that maybe they're lacking a character that can fit the role of pibby. A very saccharine Dora the explorer parody, and probably they don't want to associate another one of their IPs in a way that would change its general image in a different direction too much.
>>19539 Likely because some idiot in a position of power wanted to do a story about her OC and just use the pre-established characters to prop up said OC and say how awesome she is.
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>>19580 >Likely because some idiot in a position of power wanted to do a story about her OC beliefs she formed in college while pretending to be a lesbian FTFY
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>>19450 >mfw Fred Flintstone being consumed by the shit This is Thundercats Roar all over again. "Hey, guise! It's not enough that we half-assed created something... we need to DESTROY something else. Let's see... what do we have in the Hanna Barbara catalog that was problematic?" "...Everything?" "YAY!"
>>19580 Honestly if someone's OC is actually that Pibby character they should be fucking embarrassed. I'm going to go with my gut and say it's just some lazy slapdash character to get the point across. >>19588 It is pretty bizarre that they couldn't just use some dead IP or forgotten side characters of the Hanna-Barbara catalogue for the protagonists. Like, take one of the sidekicks from Space Ghost and a villain from literally any of their shows and you're almost there. Pibby herself actually makes sense to be an OC because they don't really have an educational toddler's cartoon in their lineup (to my knowledge). But let's be real here, I don't think this is a heavy handed "OLD BAD WANT NEW" message like we're used to seeing. It's probably just capitalizing on trends such as FNAF, Bendy and the internet uproar over the Epic Mickey concept art.
>>19599 Let's be real here, you're very naive if you keep giving these people the benefit of the doubt.
There's both this and that crossover game coming up. Tap the FNAF audience and the Smash audience both at once while riding current trends, from a biz standpoint this is genius.
>>19617 So what would you propose it be then?
>>19455 >How does that justify it? I might actually agree with that anon, but he posted dumb content that probably came from normalfags (albeit slightly high quality for the shit that comes from them). So-called "memes" (read: content mislabeled as "memes") are not ever a justification for something existing, despite what normalfags believe.
>>19468 A lot of the Japanese shit you mentioned does not apply at all, and are not made in the same context as some of the other things you mentioned, including the OP if you made it. Please do not talk about things you clearly know nothing about. >>19477 Do you have a citation or are you just making a joke? Either way, the VN is extremely overrated, I'm sure we can all agree. Like many famous things, it just happened to get popular with normalfags, despite not really doing anything too special.
>>19617 What do you mean? How is he doing that?
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>>19599 >But let's be real here, I don't think this is a heavy handed "OLD BAD WANT NEW" message like we're used to seeing. It's probably just capitalizing on trends such as FNAF, Bendy and the internet uproar over the Epic Mickey concept art. Like >>19617 says, it's safer, at this point, to assume deliberate sabotage rather than them just being stupid. The Flintstones is considered "misogynistic" (translation: "sexist") even though it was pretty clear that Wilma and Betty were running things. Fred would lose his shit, start making demands, and Wilma would sit there with THAT look on her face, pause a second, and start in with the "Frrrred..." and that would be it. She's drop a short speech on him how he was being a fag and Fred would usually slow down and realize he was sperging out, again. Whereas it was all Betty could do to keep Barney from good-naturedly following Fred off a bridge. Anyone who thinks the boys were in control in Bedrock is sorely mistaken, but even the smallest crack about women (especially when it's deserved) sends the feminists off the deep end. Also, Wilma and Betty were successes at nearly everything they tried. Wilma had opportunities to be an actress, a hostess on a cooking show, and some other stuff that escapes my mind at the moment. She CHOSE to be a homemaker. Fucking hell, with the leg-beards and their "Feminism is about CHOICE" and then attacking any woman who doesn't CHOOSE to work (((9 to 5)))
>>19505 >the sweatbox Are there any recent documentaries that showcase the shitty side of the animation industry? The closest that I could find (that's aged too well) is Life After Pi: https://iteroni.com/watch?v=9lcB9u-9mVE
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>>19450 So /co/ here's my new pitch for a new adult swim series: >Out of nowhere, a mysterious green ooze starts coming into popular Cartoon Network shows >As it spreads, it starts consuming the characters, transforming them into extremely sexy versions of their previous selves >With the threat of the FCC family-friendly regulations, Cartoon Network's fate hangs in the balance >So, it's up to PBS Kids character Pibby and her trusty sidekick (and also socially awkward and autistic sidekick) Beta-Boy to defeat the evil purple goo once and for all! >also Zone is involved too or something
>>19691 That's pretty much the same but with sex appeal and fanservice. I know it's a joke post but it's not really all that interesting really.
>>19692 I know, I just thought it would be fun to dick around.
>>19691 >>19692 A better idea would be to just have all these world's clash into each other and have several different "teams" trying to solve everything and fix the universe. Kind of a spin on the idea they had during all those promos from the 2000's.
>>19695 yeah but mine's sexier
>>19695 That could work really well in a Total Drama Island-styled cross-over show.
>>19695 Dexter's Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, and Billy & Mandy all pulled it very well. Dexter's dad was even implied to be best friends with Barney Rubble.
>>19695 That's just super robot wars. We should have more of those kinds of crossovers.
>>19531 yep, I can't think of anything to do with this. A physical conflict is not a strong premise.
I was looking at personal projects and animations by the guy who created this and I'm just plain baffled by how amateurish everything looks, i've seen better artistic output from users of this site's /loomis/ than from a so-called industry pro. I legitimately believe that this person can't even draw.
>>19727 Yeah but you don't need to since skill and taste stopped being requirements a long time ago. A majority of people can't tell the difference or don't care. They'll simply consume.
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>>19695 >A better idea would be to just have all these world's clash into each other and have several different "teams" trying to solve everything and fix the universe So an animated adaption of Fusion Fall but without the OCs. Okay maybe just one to introduce things
>>19765 >Fusion Fall Can we have janky satyr Courage as an antagonist?
>>19765 I forgot how much of a semen demon Numbah 3 was in this.
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>>19765 >Fusionfall I'm sorry, but "fusion" is officially on my list of words that cause me to vomit.
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>>19465 >>19468 How old are you guys? Seriously fuck I'm old
>>19845 I'm 24 years old, anon.
>>19845 Is this show even worth watching? I remember being curious about it but I was severely underage and didn't want to get in trouble with my parents.
>>19845 Yeah I've watched Happy Tree Friends. That's irrelevant to the topic.
>>19855 >Not irrelevant to the topic. >>19450 Check the last sentence from the OP.
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>>19854 >Is this show even worth watching? No, it's an absolute waste of time. If you want to see "edgy" cartoons, just read Squeak the Mouse.
>>19631 >i-it doesn't apply apply yourself >>19845 >>19468 named things other than Happy Tree Friends because the other anon asked him to name other examples.
>>19859 Yeah. Normalsfag eat this stuff up. Happy Tree Friends didn't invent "cute thing suffers". It didn't even popularized it. That's why I said it's irrelevant to the topic.
>>19879 I never said it invented or popularized it and I just used HTF as a notable example, learn to read.
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>>19879 >Happy Tree Friends didn't invent "cute thing suffers". Nope. The originators were my parents.
>>20025 I'd say Watership Down was the original "cute thing suffers" work, since most people find rabbits cute, and that book is all about rabbits suffering.
There is a very low chance it will be good, but it might be good. Might.
>>20029 There's a big difference between that and doing it in a comedic context.
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>>20029 I agree with you but not because "people find rabbits cute" rather the opening scene looks very very inoffensive and I think there's a decent record of children who were traumatized by this movie because their parents though it was a joyful and innocuous bunny cartoon
>>19868 Go back, you stupid fucking shitposting faggot.
>>20165 >traumatized I keep hearing this. Modern, "civilized" people are fucking soft.
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Today's April Fool's joke from Adult Swim is a pilot for the show: https://iteroni.com/watch?v=aricWlybuHg​
>>19836 If you're alluding to E;R, he took liberties with his video on SU and basically flubbed a bunch of points. Fusion is used as a vehicle to discuss the importance of consent, but also toxic relationships with abusive people and then when not in focus it's just generic combining to powerlevel or to emphasize closeness, and that's really about it. I think that if you're going to discuss things like body autonomy in a kids show, it's not an unreasonable way to go about it. I think being outraged about it is just american style puritanical sex panic, and I don't understand how you can represent a union of body and mind without it being a very intimate concept, anyway. I'm also surprised that people are criticizing it here where they also rage at sony and nintendo for covering cleavage and cutting racy lines when they localize games.
>>24718 Fusion dances are literally sexual in nature to the point of Pearl covering Steven's eyes as she blushes watching Amethyst & Garnet fuse.
>>24719 That only happens once whilst fusion is done easily over a dozen times on the show and when it isn't being used to discuss an issue it attracts no attention whatsoever and it's just something that is done to overcome a physical problem. Are the topaz twins serving aquamarine having incest sex when fused? An orgy as the prisoners are stashed within the fusion? Is steven having sex with amethyst to make smoky quartz? It's an entirely unsexual tone in that scene. What about stevonnie? Is it still sex if they are actually capable of having normal sex? I suggest the covering eyes was a joke; they also make a joke about steven doing a shooting in the first season, where he says "I'll show them all" and then snipes the mayor in the head with a t-shirt gun from a rooftop whilst secret service types fail to intercept the shirt.
>>24720 No it happens multiple times with romantic implications of the movements. Like Pearl being in ecstasy over fusing with Garnet or looking at Greg with knowing eyes to make him jealous when she danced with Pink. Stevonnie & Steg are still both sexual in nature because of the implications of normal gems fusing, yes.
>>24618 I was wondering what happened to this show. >>24720 >Is it still sex Yes. How? Japan did the same thing back in the Aught's, and it was shit when they did it, too. The series is called Genesis of Aquarion. To put it simply, the show is shit, but, to give the short of it, it is that it's about an academy of mecha pilots who are trying to save the Earth from angels. And, how they do this is by combining three ancient ships to create one giant mecha. And, I shit you not, the combining of the ships is an euphemism for sex. How? Well, let's see, pilots can only have the ships combine if they're sexually compatible, there was a couple episodes explicitly devoted towards the characters being literally sexually frustrated or nymphomaniacs, there was one episode of the characters crossdressing just because the school principle is a kinky bastard, and one of angels wants to turn the series' protagonist into his boytoy because he's still jealous over how (In the protagonist's previous life) he prefers munching on vaginas over sucking cock. If you want a full review, go here: https://archive.ph/dQKXk#selection-1799.0-1814.0 And, after you watch other combining mecha series like Gundam, Getter Robo, and Gurren Lagann; you get a pretty clear picture that Aquarion is using the robot combinations to talk about sex. So, to bring this back to Steven Universe, yes, given the context in the show, fusion is a euphemism for sex. That's also beside the fact that the show's own creator confirmed it already.
>>20294 Rabbits scream like children when they're injured. It's fairly disturbing to most people. I remember hearing this one story even back in the depression days in the dust bowl where this guy who he and his brother were kids at the time and were helping round up rabbits to cull. He said that they always split when the killing got started because they couldn't stand the sound and you could hear in this 80 year old guys voice that he was still traumatized by it all these years later. You can't get much harder than dust bowl era in modern times at least.
>>24722 It's not sex; stephen fuses with his father in the movie. I think this is a case of people, probably predominantly americans, seeing innuendo in everything. With that said, yes, it is sometimes a vehicle to raise issues that also apply to sex in some episodes (consent being a strong theme over one season) but it's clear that it is just not sex. It's mostly a utilitarian tool to increase capability, and it's almost always devoid of connotations in most episodes. If you don't believe me, you'll just have to trudge through the six seasons and a movie yourself. If it really is about sex as you suggest, then most of the 'sex' in SU is passionless and used to form some avatar or golem to beat an enemy. And then Stephen fucks his father too apparently. Anyway, I cannot see how the Sunstone, Rainbow Quartz, Obsidian, Alexandrite, big Ruby, big Topaz, big Pearl, and other fusions have sexual aspects to them at all. The scenes they're in are never sexual in nature. I'd say fusion depicts various forms of relationship as intimacy between different arrangements of people, as a family, as friends or acquaintances, enemies, as coworkers, as a romantic couple, etc, and it's a vehicle to explore these arrangements, and that's about as consistent as it gets. Reading deeper raises too many exceptions that I can think of with the benefit of having just watched the entire thing.
>>24740 >seeing innuendo It's very very blatant, anon. You're the one refusing to see it.
>>24740 >It's not sex Yes, it is.
>>20294 >people are fucking soft. Have you watched Watership Down? It has carnivores eating rabbits, hills covered in blood and one scene where rabbits get buried alive and they die from suffocation and much more morbid stuff. Of course I'm an adult now and it doesn't really affect me, but if I was like 5 or 6 years old It would give me nightmares.
>>24758 Old school British animation was no joke.
>>24740 It's clearly a stand in for sex.
>>24740 Kid it's sex, its always been about sex.
>>24741 >>24742 >>24763 >>24764 so the stance is that rebecca sugar is pushing paternal incest onto children?
>>24764 As the old saying goes, "Everything is about sex except sex, sex is about power."
>>24766 Yes. The bitch drew Edd & Eddy yaoi rule 34 in the past.
There is some billboard ads of pibby in some usa states seems that they're serious with the series >>24769 And ratatouille porn too
>>19651 Well, they tried to be men and the beating they got made them realize they didn't want to be a man anymore and are happy just being housewives.
>>24769 that's just gay porn, not particularly remarkable
>>24842 Gay western shota porn. Not even attractive shota porn. Very rarely in western cartoons do characters look good in on model porn.
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Anyway, Pibby might be happening.
>>19468 >Bloody bunny That miniseries is actually cool, anon.
>>24845 God I hope not. Its going to create a bunch of insufferable faggots defending it.
>>24845 If it didn't looked like the usual carlarts shit and actually tried to look like a children's show I might even not mind it, but it screams laziness all over it.
>>24886 >it screams laziness all over it. It's like one of those edgy crossover fanfics that kids and autists make, but completely soulless, especially since the rights holders aren't likely to let anything too off brand happen to them. I bet this whole idea was crapped out in a boardroom meeting, rather than someone's lovingly crafted 1.5 million word masterpiece. If it wasn't for the overlap between the Steven Universe fandom and the SCP/FNAF theory kiddie audience, this would be dead in the water.
>>24886 Well it is just a creepypasta fanfiction brought to life so I can't say it's unique or groundbreaking.
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>>24845 30 gorillion hours in mspaint.
>>24898 For you, remember that this will be most normies first time encountering such "dark concepts". I don't think it will succeed spectacularly, but it will make a splash and then quickly fade after novelty wears off.
>>24928 >this will be most normies first time encountering such "dark concepts" I thought normalfags loved "dark" shit?
>>24929 Yeah stuff like FNAF, Bendy, or that Poppy's Playtime scam are really popular.
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>>24929 >>24930 None of those are TV. This will be the first foray into "innocent thing is secretly dark and corrupted" to my mind in TV medium with a meta element I can think of. The only non-video game thing I can think to pull those tropes is the Banana Splits Movie, but that didn't have marketing behind it.
>>24929 >>24930 >>24931 The most recent "innocent thing is corrupt" that I could recall was Happy, and that's more of a TV-MA dark compared to Pibby. Would limiting the intended audience to adults maybe fix or worsen the premise of Pibby?
>>24937 I mean it's clearly aimed at adults. Especially with using a lot of older Hanna Barbera cartoons.
>>24938 Omni-pandering is a thing that exist.
>>24939 Not if I don't understand what you're saying.
>>24940 Omni-pandering is a term I've seen here and there since 2016, typically with anime. it means it's attempting to pander to multiple demographics. It can be trying to pander to older demographics who are into Hanna Barbara cartoons, as well as younger people who gush over meta shows and creepypasta.
>>24941 Never heard that term before. But yeah like of course they're trying to pander to multiple demographics at once.
>>24942 Just disagreeing with the idea of it was obviously aimed at adults.
>>24943 *That it was
>>24943 It'd be more accurate to say it's primarily aimed at adults. Even the modern cartoons used in the trailer are years old at this point. CN doesn't really have a new modern show for young audiences.
>>19450 I hate crossovers. They seem cheap pandering and this is no exeption. They authors might as well be monkeys with their creativity. I made this shit up in 9th grade.
>>24945 >It'd be more accurate to say it's primarily aimed at adults. It would be more accurate to say it's aimed at the FNaF crowd or similar, which have wide-ranging demographics. I think the usage of older cartoons is to attempt to start a trickle-down effect and self-indulgent on the creators part. Like how Madness Combat got popular with teenagers after Friday Night Funkin. Apologies if this summons the herdniggers
Another day, another announcment of a shit ass cartoon in which the only good aspect of it will be the porn it inevitably leads too. Honestly I think we might be better off if "adult" in the west cartoons just reverted back to absolutely insane fever dreams where things got fucked and sucked off all the time for no reason
>>24720 >That only happens once False >when it isn't being used to discuss an issue it attracts no attention whatsoever So it's inconsistent with its messaging.
>>24722 >the show's own creator confirmed it already. Just source this and shut the fucker up already.
>>25088 https://archive.ph/83lFm >“In large part it’s based on my experience as a bisexual woman,” Sugar said. “It’s very important to me that we speak to kids about consent." https://archive.ph/vfXYh >What can fusion teach people about relationships? <I think part of the goal of having these fusions being characters is that you care about them as people, and part of the way that I want to convey these parts of consent is that this relationship, this living relationship, if you don’t have that, it will damage this person. Like we have been saying, fusing is a euphemism for sex.
This would have been a good idea if they went the Marvels Zombies route. Making all the characters zombies and have very detailed gore. Making the main cast already established characters would have been better as well.
>>25557 They've already been doing something similar with early Adult Swim shows like Harvey Birdman and Space Ghost.
>>25559 didn't Mike Lazzo retire in 2019? Like they cannot even wait to turn what was once fountainhead of novelty (not even consistently good content) into a creatively bankrupt re-hash mill like the other studios. Everyone hates taking risks so badly. At least being able to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks is how [AS] got to be where they are. It's more risky to change direction like this and nuke your only core competency, imo.

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