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Whatcha Readin? Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 20:46:32 No. 190
With the world going to shit, what are you guys reading during quarantine?
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>>190 jap shit mostly, also if I get my shit sorted I'll be reading 3001 space odyssey some more
>>259 Anything in particular?
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>>260 Well I'm a big fan of this gook shit called Peerless Dad about a wandering martial artist that settles down so he can ensure his kids have a good upbringing. I think I shilled this in another thread specifically about manga on the webring or something, Probably the best moonrune shit I'm reading presently. Aside from shit everyone knows about I'm also pretty fond of "The Way of the House Husband" and "Saihate no Paladin" Hosuehusband is a former yakuza legend turned house husband and Paladin is about a dude that died and reincarnated anf instead of the usual isekai shit it's heavy on the family feels.
Sounds pretty good.
I read the Brian Reed run on Carol Danvers. It was interesting and better than the current stuff.
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I've been playing bannerlord and took some vacation time off this week. The first dopamine hits of having a new game are wearing off though after 45 hours. Hoping to play some yugioh with my brother this week with the old OG decks where the highest atk a normal monster had was 1500. I don't know what else I can be doing right now.
>>299 Carol will always be better as Mrs. Marvel.
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>>300 My bad, I clicked Overboard and didn't realize this was /co/. I obviously can't read
>>302 No, problem. Its nice to see people explore, stick around maybe read something from the storytimes.
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>>302 you could always read some vidia related comics lad
>>420 There's a thread for it too, but sadly I have no megaman comics to share.
>>262 Oh Yeah, I'm currently reading Endtown every so often as well. It's a post apocalypse comic where in the world had a viral outbreak. Almost everyone asleep who became infected turned into some sort of furry/scalie/sentient fish person and everyone awake during their innitial exposure to the virus turns into some sort of cronenberg monster. All the "topsiders" are humans in hermetically sealed suits that they have to live in for most of their lives to avoid virus exposure. The first arc is kinda bland but the later stuff with wally is pretty wild and entertaining.
>>1316 /co/ used to have daily endtown threads, I think the creator at one point stopped by too.
>>1320 how do you think I got into it?
>>1324 You should storytime it some day.
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>>1316 Romantically Apocalyptic is great, combining humour with an unremittingly bleak setting and a great visual aesthetic if you like that genre.
I recently got Showcase Presents: The Great Disaster: Featuring The Atomic Knights. It's pretty cool. I didn't realize how much other stuff took place in the Kamandi timeline. It has a bunch of different series, including "The Day After Doomsday," a series of backup stories (usually 2-4 pages) about the world immediately after nuclear devastation, and "The Atomic Knights," where in a world beginning to rebuild, some dudes find medieval suits of armor that happen to be immune to the future's ray guns, and use these suits to bring law and order and fight corrupt neo-feudal lords. I haven't finished these yet, but apparently after there's a series about Hercules waking up in this future and I assume he fights crime. Then I think they throw in a few Kamandi stories, but obviously that series is long enough that it would need its own Showcase edition to cover it properly.
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>>1338 I remember when I read that shit on DA when it was first coming out,I think I stopped reading it when some fox or deer showed up and started to have vegetation or some shit. Is it still going?
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PFM has been out of hiatus but its been meandering for a while now
>>1347 Im surprised no one made a thread for it yet. How is it so far?
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>>1348 Theres been some supernatural shit going on, but so far there havent been any indication of SHTF any time soon. Lately its mostly Pasq spiralling down into depression and Katie keeping her afloat.
>>1350 Odd I thought it would go nuclear earlier.
>>1325 jesus I guess I could, been a while sicne I did a story time. Last story time I remember doing was bikini cowboy or Cheer. >>1338 Haven't read read that in a while but it's good. blastwave is better though >>1347 I still haven't finishdc it hurts
>>1418 >jesus I guess I could Give it a shot. >I still haven't finishdc it hurts So far it really doesn't need you to have read It Hurts but I could be wrong as it goes on.
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>>190 >what are you guys reading during quarantine?
>>1863 Is Iron Sights any good?
>>1920 It depends on one's point of view. Zack said from the beginning before the art was even begun that the aesthetic he was going for was "the comic you find discarded in the bathroom of a Mexican bar." It succeeds wonderfully at that. The second book is much more interesting (in my opinion) than the first. The writing is decent (although there are gaps that I believe should have been filled), the art is... appropriate, and the pinups are nice. I support Zack because I was there from the beginning and he's done more to trigger SJWs than anyone else or any group. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, and his vids make me laugh. Gun to my head, I'd say that his other franchise, Jawbreakers, is the superior of the two in art and writing. Already supported volume 3 of that.
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I read Power Girl: Power Trip the other day. I want to try Scooby-Doo Team Up next since I got all 8 volumes for free on comixology.
>>1863 I want that in my vidya games again
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Badly translated to spanish, but you can still read it.
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>>190 I have been going through my backlog. It was mainly Eurocomics and Manga. Only American books I've been making my way through are the Justice League International by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis, and Kevin Maguire. As far as manga goes, I've been catching up on Dungeon Meshi and Potato Elf. One new thing I picked up is My Home Hero. It's about a murder mystery nerd who aspires to be a writer, but he ends up murdering a Yakuza member. From then on he is trying to cover his tracks using his knowledge and creativity, as police is investigating and Yakuza is sniffing around. I have read a handful Eurobooks. Captainz was goofy, weird, and kind of good comedy comic about superheroes. Venezia is better, but uneven. It started out with a good and promising first story, but the second story was just alright. Either way, it is a cute romantic comedy comic about two secret agents in 16th century Venice. It parodies superheroes, spy fiction, and period dramas a bit. I have been struggling through Les Indes Fourbes, but my French and Spanish are not good enough to enjoy it, although art in it is amazing. >>1920 I think it is very meh. Nothing offensively bad, but very forgettable. >>1338 I am surprised it's still going. I used to read it close to decade ago and liked it, but slowly dropped off once updates became more sporadic. Another thing to add to my backlog.
>>2015 So something like Army of Two?
Is it okay to ask for requests here? I just want some wholesome comics. It feels like all anyone ever talks about anymore is edgy shit. I just want to read some comics that leave me with a good feeling when I'm done instead of wanting to slit my wrists.
>>2669 I recently got this giant volume of Bone, and I'm pretty disappointed that I didn't read it when I was 10. Good stuff.
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>>2345 No, I mean women looking like women and men looking like men with no pandering to the mentally ill.
>>2673 These designs looks quite boring.
>>2675 Better than modern sjw shit.
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I got 2 volumes of New Teen Titans for $4 each. I'll start reading them sometime this week.
>>3034 You're lucky. This series is one of the all time classics. Would love to have it in my collection.
>>2695 Elephant shit is better than SJW media. That's not saying much.
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Started reading a bunch of comedy books and looking for more, does Jap land have good funny books?
I've been reading the soleil Dwarves/Orcs/Goblins/Elves series. While I'm mostly in it for the fantasy titties a couple of stories I really enjoyed. The one about the thief city where the shadow ruler of the city recounts his life story to a potential successor and the story line of the dwarf thief/assassin executing a heist on a global bank.
>>3079 It depends. Jap comedy tends to be a bit of a hit and miss for foreigners. Saiki K, Gintama, Aiki S, Azumanga Daioh, and Poptepipic are the only dedicated comedy manga that mad me laugh reliably. Outside of it, Dungeon Meshi has some very good comedy, but that's just an extra. The manga itself is focused on cooking and fantasy adventures.
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>>190 >the hub is nearly a decade old >it's been dead for nearly 6 years Where does the time go? All I've read lately is Super Mario Adventures.
>>3744 Was there anything good on the Hub besides The Aquabats, Dan Vs. and MLP?
>>3759 Transformers Prime?
>>3759 >>3773 The GI Joe show was pretty good too. They also had some great reruns of old shows.
>>262 its a sad day that i prefer those stories over what marvel and dc publish
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I've been rereading a lot of old Disney and Star Wars comics to remember that they were good once. Besides that, some European stuff like Spirou & Fantasio.
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Nocturnals and Mysterius The Unfathomable. I spent years looking for titles to these two, and finally found them randomly.They are pretty good. Nocturnals is a great fit for Halloween story time.
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I am reading Bakuman and it got me fired up for drawing and making comics again. It is pretty amazing that authors managed to make an exciting and interesting manga about making manga. On top of it, it also offers an opportunity to looks behind scenes of manga creation and Japan's industry. Besides that, I've been catching up on random stuff. Invincible was most recent, and it was surprisingly decent. People were bitching about fat Eve, but luckily that only lasted couple chapters. It does get stupid towards last 3/4ths, but that's every Kirkman comics that does not end within 20 issues.
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>>190 Voihon, after it's 2nd reboot
>>7908 Looks cute, what's it about?
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/m/anga. Can you think of any good western comics featuring mecha?
>>7948 Do Transformers count? Because there are a lot of good Transformers comics. I personally don't care about anything starting with all the reboots of the 2000s, but the original Marvel comics from the '80s and early '90s are really good. Especially the UK exclusive issues, which were intended to just be filler, but were so good that the guy writing them got promoted to the main series, and basically became the biggest writer in the franchise to this day, still working on it now. Also, in case "mecha" only means giant robots that are piloted, rather than sentient giant robots, midway through the series, a bunch of main Transformers get turned into things called "Headmasters," "Targetmasters," and "Powermasters," which basically involves them getting pilots which, for one reason or other, makes them more powerful. So I think you could definitely call them mecha by then.
>>7948 Mech Cadet Yu is solid based on what I read of it. In the story, robots are semi-sentient and they come from somewhere off Earth, but no one knows where. Every year a group of robots appears on Earth and they select their pilots. Usually pick falls to one of trained military cadets, but this time one of new robots selects Yu, a boy who helps his mother with janitorial work at the military facility. Naturally, most of the military is upset. Yu has to prove himself and survive in an organization where almost everyone is hostile towards him.
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>>7948 Le drenier atlas, if you know french you can check it out it's on Libgen, there's not currently a translation, I'm working on it but my french is way too basic, so I'm going slow.
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>>7962 >Le drenier atlas >there's not currently a translation Actually, there is an official translation of ten issues so far. Last of the Atlases is the title.
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I Manged to finally find and read "Pierwsza Brygada," a Polish adventure comic following Pilsudski's adventures prior to becoming a statesman. Multiple characters from Polish literature and history make appearance or are referenced. It is somewhat similar to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but more pulpy, lighthearted, and without Moore's edginess. It has some scifi-ish tech, like air tanks, cars with tons of gadgets, and super soldiers. Authors advertised it as steampunk, but it is mostly dieselpunk, or at least its early stages. "Pierwsza Brygada" story is standalone, but "Pierwsza Brygada," loosely continues Polish webcomic "Nowe Przygody Stasia i Nel." It itself was a continuation of Polish adventure book from early 20th century titled "In Desert and Wilderness" in English. Webcomic had a lot of effort put into it. Page was stylized to look like early 20th century newspaper, and comic was accompanied by articles written in period appropriate style. The site is defunct now, and sadly there were no news of "Pierwsza Brygada"'s continuation for ten years now. Still, a good read if you know Polish or other Slav languages well enough. I've been thinking of scanlating it, but the book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger and requires a lot of cultural and historical knowledge to get the most out of it.
>>8442 Did you ever get to scanning it?
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>>10068 Jason Stokoe started a new comicbook, Orphan and the Five Beasts. First issue is pretty good, but short at only 22 pages of story. It's about an orphan taken in and trained in martial arts by a hermit. She is on a quest to fulfill her master's dying wish, of defeating his five former students who betrayed him. The setting is inspired by ancient Tibet. I hope it won't end up stuck in limbo like Orc Stain did.
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>>190 Just catching up with manga and slowly making my way through reading list. I caught up with My Hero Academia, and aside from a bit meandering Endeavor family drama arc, things have been pretty good for a comic in its genre. Last few arcs shook things up quite a bit, and powerup cliches are handled surprisingly well. At the same time I have read Freaks' Squeele. It's another superhero school story, but unlike Manga and most big two offerings, students in this one are college aged. Protagonists are among the worse Comic itself is much goofier and at the same more cynical than manga and American equivalents too, despite being inspired by both. Looks like it was quite popular in France, as there are many spinoffs, some even going into fantasy and others into erotic comic territory. Only mainline four stories have been translate to English and it they are a decent read.
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So I finished off the Turok reboot that Dynamite did a decade ago. The first story arc was cliche as fuck with the whole "Noble savage" narrative, the second story was far better and actually showed the series had some potential, but then the third story arc just dropped straight into "What bullshit am I reading?" territory. To explain something first, Turok is a comic book series that started back in the mid-1950's. The premise for the series is that, in pre-Columbian America, a Mandan Indian named "Turok", along with an apprentice named "Andar", stumble upon an extensive cave network that leads them to a world underground brimming with dinosaurs, cavemen, and other "impossible" discoveries. It's an adventure series that details their exploration of the underground world and eventually their attempts to get back home. All the Turok media since then has played on some variation of this, such as later comics having the "dino world" be a "dimension out of time" or even another planet as was the case with the 2008 vidya reboot. However, in this story, the dinos...just exist without rhyme of reason and brought across the oceans to America by everyone else. The opening for the story is that Turok is an outcast living within the vicinity of another tribe who killed his parents some sixteen years prior because they believed them to be "Witch-doctors" or something along those lines. While Turok is being chased by Andar and his gang who've been bullying him since forever, the tribe is attacked by dinosaurs unleashed by 13th century English crusaders who crossed the Atlantic for the purposes of finding gold. Turok and Andar manage to escape capture, eventually free the rest of their tribe, and retreat into the hills while holding the English general's daughter captive. In response, the English general unleashes a T-Rex for the purposes of hunting down the Indians, not caring about the fate of his daughter due to the fact that she's already been "tainted" for being captured. Turok eventually manages to redivert the T-Rex back to the Crusaders, resulting in them retreating into the hills and hiding in the caves with the Indians. The general attempts to feed the hungry T-Rex by offering up a young boy, but "Here Turok comes to save the day" by knocking the boy out of the generals hands, skewering the general with a sword, and tossing him into the mouth of the T-Rex. After everything is said and done, Turok leaves to return to the land of his family hoping to find peace. Like I said, the first story arc is cliche as fuck about the "evil explorers looking for gold", but it also does it's fair share of making Andar and his tribe out to be realy dicks to Turok for zero reason. Even after he saves their lives. The art is decent, and the action is good. Though, I wish to God that these companies would begin hiring artists who actually draw female-looking characters instead of women who look like buffed-chest men with nigger lips. The second story arc begins with Turok wondering the world and running into a girl named Altani. She's the daughter of Genghis Khan, and he eventually learns that the Khan is at war with his (Turok's) people. Naturally, the desire to seek peace is proposed, until it's revealed that the Chief of Turok's people is a murderous bastard who killed Turok's extended family to gain unopposed power and is holding the village's populace hostage if Turok doesn't help him. As for the Khan's motivation, it's of course conquering land, but he has the extra motivation the village chief slaughtering the Khan's son the year prior. I'm not exactly going to spoil this because it's actually the best story arc of the 12 issues, but you'll catch my drift if I saw that the story is sex-swapped Pocahontas with dinos and the Mongols replacing the English. The art for this arc is vastly improved, but this because the artists is Japanese (Despite being Canadian born). After that point, you can drop the series as the last arc is trash and shouldn't exist. To give you an idea, Turok returns to the stranded English now co-existing with the Andar's tribe, but English want to return home. So, they cross the ocean with Turok and Andar, and Turok becomes Robin Hood. This isn't a joke, and I'm not making that shit up. He literally becomes Robin Hood, with King John, and the Men In Tights. Everything. Even the dino's take a back seat to the point that they could be yanked out of the story and you wouldn't notice. In fact, up to the point, the characters carefully referred to the dinos as "dragons" or "birds", but they drop all pretense halfway through the third arc and just start calling them "dinosaurs". The entire comic is based in 1210 A.D. by the way. Ironically, this also has the best art, too, so hats off to Felipe Cunha and Ruairi Coleman. Overall, I liked it(?), but even that comes with some hesitation. The first arc just starts everything off on the wrong foot, and third arc is just trash and false advertising. I very much liked the second arc, so I'd say only read the first eight issues.
I got these three JLI trades from a used book, so I've been reading them. I've already finished Born Again and Around the World and enjoyed them a lot. I'm now about halfway through Corporate Maneuvers and still enjoying it. I wish DC had kept up with these trades since the only other way to get JLI is omnis, and I don't care for them. I'll probably just read the rest online once I finish Corporate Maneuvers.
Been reading Little Spirou RIP Tome

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