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Learning with Pibby Thread. Anonymous 11/02/2021 (Tue) 00:43:55 No. 19450
A cartoon crosser show got previewed on adult swim's youtube channel and is potentially on the path to being greenlit due to having gained large traction on youtube and social media. In general it's some creepypasta Esque show where cartoons get corrupted by some invasive strange black mass that turns them into pixellated monstrous parodies of them. It's pretty much a Zalgo stand-in for the show. Normalfags are eating it up despite the whole "cute thing suffers horribly" being done to death with shit like happy tree friends.
>>24764 As the old saying goes, "Everything is about sex except sex, sex is about power."
>>24766 Yes. The bitch drew Edd & Eddy yaoi rule 34 in the past.
There is some billboard ads of pibby in some usa states seems that they're serious with the series >>24769 And ratatouille porn too
>>19651 Well, they tried to be men and the beating they got made them realize they didn't want to be a man anymore and are happy just being housewives.
>>24769 that's just gay porn, not particularly remarkable
>>24842 Gay western shota porn. Not even attractive shota porn. Very rarely in western cartoons do characters look good in on model porn.
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Anyway, Pibby might be happening.
>>19468 >Bloody bunny That miniseries is actually cool, anon.
>>24845 God I hope not. Its going to create a bunch of insufferable faggots defending it.
>>24845 If it didn't looked like the usual carlarts shit and actually tried to look like a children's show I might even not mind it, but it screams laziness all over it.
>>24886 >it screams laziness all over it. It's like one of those edgy crossover fanfics that kids and autists make, but completely soulless, especially since the rights holders aren't likely to let anything too off brand happen to them. I bet this whole idea was crapped out in a boardroom meeting, rather than someone's lovingly crafted 1.5 million word masterpiece. If it wasn't for the overlap between the Steven Universe fandom and the SCP/FNAF theory kiddie audience, this would be dead in the water.
>>24886 Well it is just a creepypasta fanfiction brought to life so I can't say it's unique or groundbreaking.
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>>24845 30 gorillion hours in mspaint.
>>24898 For you, remember that this will be most normies first time encountering such "dark concepts". I don't think it will succeed spectacularly, but it will make a splash and then quickly fade after novelty wears off.
>>24928 >this will be most normies first time encountering such "dark concepts" I thought normalfags loved "dark" shit?
>>24929 Yeah stuff like FNAF, Bendy, or that Poppy's Playtime scam are really popular.
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>>24929 >>24930 None of those are TV. This will be the first foray into "innocent thing is secretly dark and corrupted" to my mind in TV medium with a meta element I can think of. The only non-video game thing I can think to pull those tropes is the Banana Splits Movie, but that didn't have marketing behind it.
>>24929 >>24930 >>24931 The most recent "innocent thing is corrupt" that I could recall was Happy, and that's more of a TV-MA dark compared to Pibby. Would limiting the intended audience to adults maybe fix or worsen the premise of Pibby?
>>24937 I mean it's clearly aimed at adults. Especially with using a lot of older Hanna Barbera cartoons.
>>24938 Omni-pandering is a thing that exist.
>>24939 Not if I don't understand what you're saying.
>>24940 Omni-pandering is a term I've seen here and there since 2016, typically with anime. it means it's attempting to pander to multiple demographics. It can be trying to pander to older demographics who are into Hanna Barbara cartoons, as well as younger people who gush over meta shows and creepypasta.
>>24941 Never heard that term before. But yeah like of course they're trying to pander to multiple demographics at once.
>>24942 Just disagreeing with the idea of it was obviously aimed at adults.
>>24943 *That it was
>>24943 It'd be more accurate to say it's primarily aimed at adults. Even the modern cartoons used in the trailer are years old at this point. CN doesn't really have a new modern show for young audiences.
>>19450 I hate crossovers. They seem cheap pandering and this is no exeption. They authors might as well be monkeys with their creativity. I made this shit up in 9th grade.
>>24945 >It'd be more accurate to say it's primarily aimed at adults. It would be more accurate to say it's aimed at the FNaF crowd or similar, which have wide-ranging demographics. I think the usage of older cartoons is to attempt to start a trickle-down effect and self-indulgent on the creators part. Like how Madness Combat got popular with teenagers after Friday Night Funkin. Apologies if this summons the herdniggers
Another day, another announcment of a shit ass cartoon in which the only good aspect of it will be the porn it inevitably leads too. Honestly I think we might be better off if "adult" in the west cartoons just reverted back to absolutely insane fever dreams where things got fucked and sucked off all the time for no reason
>>24720 >That only happens once False >when it isn't being used to discuss an issue it attracts no attention whatsoever So it's inconsistent with its messaging.
>>24722 >the show's own creator confirmed it already. Just source this and shut the fucker up already.
>>25088 https://archive.ph/83lFm >“In large part it’s based on my experience as a bisexual woman,” Sugar said. “It’s very important to me that we speak to kids about consent." https://archive.ph/vfXYh >What can fusion teach people about relationships? <I think part of the goal of having these fusions being characters is that you care about them as people, and part of the way that I want to convey these parts of consent is that this relationship, this living relationship, if you don’t have that, it will damage this person. Like we have been saying, fusing is a euphemism for sex.
This would have been a good idea if they went the Marvels Zombies route. Making all the characters zombies and have very detailed gore. Making the main cast already established characters would have been better as well.
>>25557 They've already been doing something similar with early Adult Swim shows like Harvey Birdman and Space Ghost.
>>25559 didn't Mike Lazzo retire in 2019? Like they cannot even wait to turn what was once fountainhead of novelty (not even consistently good content) into a creatively bankrupt re-hash mill like the other studios. Everyone hates taking risks so badly. At least being able to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks is how [AS] got to be where they are. It's more risky to change direction like this and nuke your only core competency, imo.

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