/christmas/ - christmas/navidad

Inter-board christmas event / evento de navidad entre-ablones

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/ac/ embassy (intercambio cultural) Anonymous 12/17/2022 (Sat) 17:46:17 No. 2628
Hello guys, we are from https://8chan.moe/ac/ and we were here last year and I came here to say hello and wish you a merry christmas (even though the world is on fire outside) we are already setting up a movie night, I hope you guys could hang out for a while.
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>>2628 sup gringos
jelou ebriuon
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>>2661 Sup. I've seen homosuck pics posted a few times by mexicans in short succession both here and on your boards. Do you guys like it or something?
>>2837 Back when Hispachan was online some guy made an Homestuck "odisea", which is a kind of thread where the OP reads or watches an entire cartoon or comic and posts his thought as he moves forward. The interesting part of the thread is not only read the opinion of someone totally unfamiliar with the subject but also to see how his mental health degradates over time. That was back in late 2021 I guess? here's the archive of said threads: https://hispafiles.ru/search?q=homestuck&boards=ac&op=true Before that Homestuck were a meme on Hispachan because they were their bronies, it became a meme to bully them for some reason I don't remember, but modern Homestuck interest came from the guy who read the entire thing and documented it.
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>>2661 >>2837 >>2847 >mental health degradates over time Just like the author's and the comic.
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>>2837 yeah
¡Feliz navidad a todos!

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